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Everything posted by Amra

  1. I don't think it's particularly egregious. When Janet Shamlian introduced her piece with "as we made our way around the middle of the country reporting this week..." doesn't sound like a lack of news coverage or that it isn't on the daily record because the doctor said it was only wednesday. It's a look back on the week and it is part of the daily record. This is being overblown.
  2. Reading on the comments online, the viewers liked the new format.
  3. I enjoyed the broadcast. Hopefully CBS won't let their intrusive thoughts win lol. But yes, a very solid broadcast. I love the similarity to a local newscast, but national. And smart.
  4. I am looking forward to see what CBS came up for this new era of the Evening News. I hope they don''t f it up. But it is CBS.
  5. They aren't bad. They need to use the "correct" track. And com'on now KABC, give the 11PM to Jovana. It's time.
  6. KPIX is going to get KCAL'd. About 8 weeks construction for the new set per KPIX GM on a linked in post.
  7. I don't know where to post this, but Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews, CBS News President, is stepping down from her post. https://www.mediamoves.com/2024/07/ingrid-ciprian-matthews-announces-shell-step-down-as-cbs-news-president.html
  8. Bell Media announced a major round of cuts in Canadian newsrooms, including the cancellation of all 12PM Newscasts with the exception of Toronto. With the exception of Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa. More details here: https://www.thestar.com/business/ctv-cancelling-most-noon-and-weekend-newscasts-as-bell-cuts-4-800-jobs-heres-what/article_abe5d964-c6ab-11ee-800a-0b227e178666.html; https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/not-a-viable-business-anymore-bell-media-selling-21-b-c-radio-stations-amid-layoffs; https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/bell-media-ends-some-ctv-newscasts-sells-radio-stations-in-media-shakeup-amid-layoffs-1.6760935
  9. Jose Cancela, the former President and GM of WKAQ-TV Telemundo PR has been promoted to President, Telemundo Stations Group for a second time. His first tenure was from 1992-1998. Succeeding him is Migdalia Figueroa, who was President and GM of WTMO Telemundo 31 Orlando, WRCD Telemundo 49 Tampa and WWDT Telemundo Fort Myers, effective immediately. https://www.mediamoves.com/2024/01/jose-cancela-elevated-to-telemundo-stations-president-migdalia-figueroa-to-lead-wkaq.html
  10. Wow this is very bizarre. Makes me sick. And they claim to be unbiased but who really can trust that?
  11. Who has higher ratings at 11PM? Telemundo or the english newscasts?
  12. Canadian blog fagstein is reporting that globemedia will launch, today, November 13th an early edition of CTV National News to be anchored by Sandie Ronaldo. The newscast will be followed by the local, hour-long 6PM newscast. Here is the post: https://blog.fagstein.com/2023/11/02/ctv-national-news-at-530/
  13. The station that uses Dimensional the best is CBS 5. I don't understand why the other O&O's don't use the full package like CBS 5 does.
  14. Harry Porterfield passed away.
  15. Or maybe two? Have they had Sade and Joe anchor recently? I don't think Bill will give up the 6PM chair just yet, as Bill and Liz recently celebrated 20 years as the 6PM team. Unless Bill gives up the 6PM, and only will focus on the 5 & 11PM news?
  16. Well that underscores Jennifer Pierce, doesn't it?
  17. How are their numbers doing?
  18. Sounds like he was sacked from CBS. The two managers experiment didn't quite work for CBS News. Let's see what's in store for them.
  19. Yes, it's the investigative theme. When I hear it, I picture WBBM though. I wouldn't mind if they keep it. It goes well with their hard news/investigative style for the past few years.
  20. Maybe the banner supplier was short? I remember that when the studio debuted, it was mentioned that the front part wasn't a screen. Also, big yikes. Well launched at 4pm, a disaster afterwards.
  21. If it had been Derek Dalton on the wheel, I would agree that they would play it safe. But Jennifer Lyons is now the GM of the station, she's bold. We saw her work at WGN and when NewsNation launched. And interestingly enough, I haven't seen any leaked graphics of CBS 2 at all online, when most of the graphics were leaked or showcased before the rebranding on other stations.
  22. I'm looking forward on seeing what WBBM has in store for their rebranding. I did think, a few days ago, what if WBBM rebrands the newscasts as WBBM News, streaming on CBS News Chicago, like BZ and CCO are doing? It would give a fresh opportunity to reintroduce the brand to the viewers while moving forward.
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