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Breaking News last won the day on June 21 2022

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  1. Can anyone explain the two largest cities in Texas? Dallas-Ft.Worth #4, but Houston #6. I had to look it up, but Houston's population is bigger than Dallas. Is the Dallas market bigger than Houston because of Dallas & Ft. Worth together?
  2. I'm shocked, because I would assume Jason Colthorp would move back to evenings. Detroit News has more about the story https://www.detroitnews.com/story/entertainment/television/2024/10/24/wdiv-welcomes-new-anchorman-to-town-after-devin-scillian-retirement/75828766007/
  3. How times have changed with WVUE is now in the catbird seat. Those are big changes for FOX 8.
  4. I think he would bring the leadership CBS has wanted since the Walter Cronkite days. CBS and these cuts have been an ongoing thing since the 80s. CBS Evening News isn't NBC or ABC which is short story form newscast because people attention spans are short. The Evening News does a good job, but CBS been third since the late 80s and still struggling in resources and etc. You made some really good valid points and with this pending sale it seems CBS News still doesn't move the needle. It going to be business as usual. Brian would be great, and didn't CBS offered him the Evening News back several years ago?
  5. Can CBS afford him with all the cuts?
  6. Former WGRZ & WXIA ND & Now Tegna’s VP of News, Ellen Crooke is set to leave the company at the start of next year. https://www.ftvlive.com/sqsp-test/2024/9/10/out-at-tegna
  7. John Bachman posted he no longer on Action News Jax.
  8. Here another article about that as well too. https://www.adweek.com/tvspy/wcpo-responds-to-accusations-about-chief-meteorologist/
  9. WATN-TV News Director Denisha Thomas leaves the station, but stay within the TEGNA. She'll be News Director at WXIA in Atlanta. https://tvnewscheck.com/journalism/article/wxia-atlanta-names-denisha-thomas-news-director/
  10. KERA PBS station did a story about the two stations in Dallas/Ft.Worth in 1976.
  11. Yeah a major hack at that. If you ever listen to The Powers that be podcast. He never painted in a good light.
  12. I think so as well. It sounds like WarnerBros Discovery CEO is ok with losing the NBA rights on TNT. I told someone that TNT version is way better than ESPN doing NBA basketball.
  13. WWJ needs something before the other two... However both WCCO & KTVT have good sets. WCCO has always been CBS' better child because they have always stayed on top unlike NYC, LA, Chicago. CBS bought WCCO in 1992 and they have never been a CBS corporate station or tone. Just the same station that always had a solid newscast and despite the competition still kicks them in the ratings. There probably some favor at WCCO.
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