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Everything posted by sanewsguy

  1. What The View needs is a conservative talking head who is attractive (yes, this is TV after all) like Hasselbeck to help reign in the ratings and make the show interesting. The View now is just awful especially with Jenny McCarthy (and no I don't watch The View by choice). If The Chew is so important to ABC's Daytime lineup, then how come ABC can't provide an early feed for the Central time affiliates who want to run noon newscasts? Which forces them to delay it by a day and the viewers having to watch an outdated show. Either The Chew needs to provide two feeds, not be day and date, cancelled and replaced with something scripted, or the time returned to affiliates. I think by not providing an early feed, that's how much value ABC puts into The Chew.
  2. Here's an idea: Either dump "The Chew", or provide another same-day feed of it so KSAT doesn't have to tape delay it by one day (the reccomeneded slot is Noon CT but KSAT airs the high-rated News at Noon at that time; this wasn't a problem when All My Children was still around since ABC provided multiple same day feeds of it). I could see the Chew getting the shaft and 9AM being given to the network. Better idea than dumping "The View" since people (not me) still watch that. And if they add a third hour, here's hoping it won't be anything like "GMA Live". That webcast is a disaster and painful to watch. Fox's "After the Show Show" is much better to sit through because the hosts are laid back and themselves and not running off five or six cups of coffee like the people on GMA Live.
  3. Brian Collister joins KXAN from KTRK. Wants to be closer to his family. HUGE get for KXAN, since Brian is one of the best investigative reporters in the country. I believe he replaces Shannon Wolfson as full-time lead investigative reporter, after she was bumped up to main anchor. KXAN was already a good station, but now that they have Collister, they'll be my go-to station in Austin. Take that, "Austin's News Leader" (KVUE, who likes to remind you of this every chance they get) Sources: http://www.mediabistro.com/tvspy/brian-collister-joins-austins-kxan_b118570 ; http://blog.mysanantonio.com/jakle06/2014/04/woai-ex-collister-nabs-new-tv-news-job/
  4. This question is for whoever lives in Charlotte: Do they still even do the three anchor format? Because from all the clips I see on YouTube it's just Morgan and Kirk, even though all three get equal billing, are featured equally in promos, etc.
  5. Average viewer does not choose newscasts based on the opening voiceover...
  6. According to TVSPY, Nick and Danielle Kosir are leaving KMVT and going to the East Coast. TVSpy says they're going to Charlotte. $1 bets that they are going to WJZY to be a part of the morning team. From TVSpy:
  7. it's not even finished yet lol. Don't know who has the worse in-house digital strategy, Sinclair or Nexstar...
  8. A few themes I've always been wondering about: KMOL 1979 KTVY 1980 KSAT 1987 KMOL 1993 WJBK 1984 Us Viewing You (WJBK 1985/6-88) KMOL 1979 and KTVY 1980 sound like they came from the same composer. For some strange reason, I'm wanting to think these were commissioned by "Klein &"...
  9. I don't understand why they feel they need to have two different content platform groups. Shouldn't Inergize be enough for them? Doubt it. You would've thought that after they got Inergize they would've done that, but no, they just took the existing design and adapted it to the Inergize CMS. Which means someone within Nexstar really loves that layout...
  10. Want to see an even closer knockoff of the 1995 Hearst look? http://hub.tv-ark.org.uk/dsplus/m.php?p=granada_tonight_1999.mp4
  11. It won't last. And I won't be watching because I do not subscribe to Time Warner nor do I plan on doing so. That's as much as I'll say. Time Warner also couldn't financially sustain News9 on their own once they ended their agreement with Belo. News 14 seems to have since recovered. Maybe TWC knows the deal with Comcast is going to fall through... (kidding of course)
  12. Mentioned a while back that WBNG got new graphics (and it looks like WPTA also got them and in fact they were created there). Mentioning it here too and if you take a look at them, looks like a huge ripoff of the Hearst look and Look F.
  13. Why do you need a separate set for the social media segment? There's nothing wrong with reading them from the regular set. As my man FTV Live put it: Sara Haines annoys the hell out of me...
  14. Well you're on the opposite end then because I don't like their current layout at all. It looks dated and cluttered to me. This new Gannett layout will be a massive improvement.
  15. wow, they butchered the open so badly
  16. Don't forget WMAR 1993. Very 90's but I love that theme, one of my faves for sure.
  17. Nexstar isn't going to let go of KTAL. KMSS or KSHV could go to American Spirit (probably KSHV, Nexstar likely wants KMSS). But it could go either way and I could see KMSS going to American Spirit. ArkLaTex News Now anyone?
  18. Yes, I wish they would just hurry up on ComCorp already. I think it will go through, but not as-is. They've gotta go back and revise it instead of just sitting around hoping it will get approved exactly as it is. The second shell company is not going to work in Evansville and they need to just let American Spirit pick it up. For the rest of the stations I don't see anything wrong with it, since they're just continuing the status quo. I'm still wondering why Citadel hasn't gone through. No conflicts. I understand they want to get Grant as well and there's a confilict in the Quad Cities, but that shouldn't stop them from ruling on Citadel now. Things are not looking good for the broadcasting industry right now and Wheeler's anti-business strategy...
  19. Hate to be blunt but you clearly do not know the San Antonio market. Because of the large Hispanic population, Univision 41 is always within the top 4 (sometimes #1 or #2 sign-on to sign-off [all day ratings]). Sometimes WOAI's in there, other times it's KABB. But the other is usually out of the top 4. If Sinclair had to divest here, it would probably be KMYS. And that can easily be sold to Gannett, Post-Newsweek or even Corridor (owners of KCWX, whose COL is within the Austin market but is rated by Nielsen as part of the San Antonio market).
  20. Former KSAT ND Jim Boyle, who ran the newsroom for 29 years, passed away yesterday following a 5-month battle with cancer that forced him to resign. He was 66. All my condolences go out to his family. RIP Jim, you'll truly be missed, especially by your extended family over at KSAT. http://www.ksat.com/station/ksat12-remembers-longtime-news-director/-/478050/24751212/-/dw90on/-/index.html
  21. HummingbirdNash is referring to Hummingbird Productions. I think we have another theme find (or at least something that may lead to it).
  22. Julie Tremmel, the WJAR reporter who became infamous after doing a news story about what you should do during a bear attack and doing a standup on both her hands, is filing a grievance against the station over what she believes is a wrongful termination. There is a petition to bring her back to the station. Their goal is a 1000 signatures; they currently have 146. http://www.mediabistro.com/tvspy/julie-tremmel-files-grievance-against-wjar_b115938 WTAJ used the "WTAJ Drone" to showcase the aftermath from a traffic accident. The video wasn't that good. You can hardly make out anything. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151937873257742&stream_ref=10 Vicente Arenas is joining CBS News from KHOU. Well deserved promotion. http://www.mediabistro.com/tvspy/vicente-arenas-joins-cbs-news-from-khou_b115970 Eric Meyrowitz, the guy who helped ruin WPIX, is joining Hearst Television as VP of Sales. http://www.mediabistro.com/tvspy/former-wpix-gm-joins-hearst-television_b115996
  23. The exact reason I dislike this package. They are not designing a website, they are designing a look for broadcast. I think they forgot that when they were designing this.
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