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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. How does anybody sit through QVC now that you can just go to the computer and search for things yourself?
  2. They're not going to show you their cards yet. It would be different if one of the big channels had the CBS affiliation, but I wouldn't think twice about taking it for myself in this situation.
  3. Jacksonville, Boston, Indianapolis, Johnson City, Wisconsin, San Francisco They won't think twice about pulling the plug.
  4. Most things on those independent stations is junk these days. I would love to go back to them showing live sports.
  5. Besides, ratings are so pathetic these days. What are we talking about, ratings in the "3's"? If they go Indy and get ratings in the "1's", but get to keep all the profit, I bet they still come out ahead.
  6. The big thing here is pro football. There is a lot of money to be made by owning both the local and national sides of that programming. And with CBS now being able to show more NFC games, they would be crazy to leave that affiliation with somebody else. Those two stations are going to be CBS. Why put money in other people's pockets? Tampa too! They were doing 3-year affiliation agreements, so my read on this is that they expire in early 2024.
  7. If that's true, then you would be correct.
  8. They won't get anywhere as it is my understanding that their deal expired. Unless Diamond Sports has any options to renew the deal in their current contract, they're screwed. Bankruptcy courts will protect your position in current contracts that are in force, but they can't protect you in contracts that have expired.
  9. Phoenix Suns dumping Bally and going back to OTA. https://arizonasports.com/story/3522489/bally-sports-arizona-owner-diamond-sues-suns-mercury/
  10. Sounds like Bally couldn't come to terms with the Phoenix Suns and they are going back to OTA, which I think is going to be great for all sports. Independent TV stations are a wasteland of crappy syndicated programming. Back in the old days sports was one of their prime focuses. It'll be nice to return to that again. https://arizonasports.com/story/3522489/bally-sports-arizona-owner-diamond-sues-suns-mercury/
  11. It's only an anchor on paper. It's a separate entity owned by Sinclair and others. I doubt that Sinclair was either pulling much money out of the RSNs (because they didn't have much money to distribute) or putting much money into them. The banks and people who bought the bonds are the ones eating the debt, or at least that's my educated guess.
  12. I don't understand how that could have affiliations for both CBS and NBC in Gainesville, and that this does not provide enough critical mass to be able to afford a newscast. "Gainesville's CBS4 to cease local broadcasts, staff laid off by Sinclair" https://www.gainesville.com/story/news/2023/05/02/sinclair-shuts-down-local-gainesville-tv-station-lays-off-employees/70174013007/
  13. What's that song? Na, na, na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey ... goodbye! I love the creativity of the competitive marketplace. I love that we are a country where people like Henry Ford and Steve Jobs could create something out of nothing. That's not what these clowns are doing. They're taking somebody else's creation to starve it of money and then leave it broken and in a ditch on the side of the road. Sorry for the mixed metaphors. Not that I like government any better than these clowns, but in this case they are doing the right thing. Bye-bye Sue kim. I hope this folly cost you hundreds of millions of dollars.
  14. I forget what was going on, but I tuned into that newscast to watch a story. It was awful. It was like watching something from a tiny market in the 1970s. The poor girl who was the reporter barely could spit out any words. Oh, and sorry to rain on you guys parade, but nothing is going to happen to Sinclair unless the Smiths want it to happen. This is from one of their SEC filings: "Smith hold shares representing approximately 77.4% of the common stock voting rights of the Company and, therefore, control the outcome of most matters ..."
  15. They will never sell out in Pittsburgh, that was their second market. Baltimore Pittsburgh and Columbus are where this company started and the success they had in those three markets is what built this company.
  16. I was within their signal pattern in Iowa within the last year playing with my laptop tuner. Their news was so awful it was unwatchable. They had some old guy paired with some wet behind the ears news girl. It looked creepy. It was not a good newscast and it's a shame. You would think a CBS / Fox affiliate would have enough critical mass to put together a decent newscast.
  17. WTVN-TV was a huge money-maker even back in the days when it was owned by Taft.
  18. You nailed it. It always has some "freedom fries" fake right wing outrage feel to it. I'm a right winger, but I don't like schlocky TV, nor do I like being jerked around with obvious propaganda and phony outrage.
  19. The other problem with those must runs is that they are not produced in such a way where they flow seamlessly with the rest of the newscast. It's very jarring, like you almost changed channels.
  20. I don't see any political slant on the Channel 6 News. Their problem is more production value than anything else. There's just something about the way they produce those national segments that makes them look like something from a small market TV station. They need to work on the lighting and make up more. They're a big company, they should pay attention to these kinds of details. First time I saw that Sharyl Attkisson show, it looked like the kind of local public affairs show you'd see on TV in the 1980s, visually speaking that is. Just as one example. Mark Hyman's segments and that Jewish guy they had as a commentator also have a cheesy quality to them. I don't find anything wrong with the content though, if presented properly.
  21. Sinclair does a great job here in Columbus and I would also guess in Cincinnati as well.
  22. You guys can laugh at all this, and it's fine, but the second post comes from a guy in Seattle named Andrei Martyanov. He, Larry Johnson, Colonel Douglas McGregor and others have been telling you since last summer that Ukraine is getting its butt kicked. The mockingbird media instead has been spreading propaganda about how Russia is getting creamed. Russia has been winning all along, they're just grinding down as much of the Ukrainian military as possible, but the media keeps repeating deep state lies. See what I mean about the national media just being Pravda for the Deep State? That's why canning Tucker Carlson will be a devastating blow for Faux. They lose what little credibility they had in my circles. Edit: You people laughing, remember this post.
  23. Tucker seems to have a limited shelf life with his employers. His best bet at this point is to go Joe Rogan. And he will be every bit as big. Political aspirations are for losers who don't have any other way of cleaning up. Tucker already has more money than he can count, unless he has the same kind of habits as his good buddy Hunter Biden.
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