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Why Can't FOX National News Be More Like KXRM (Colorado Springs), or better yet CBS?


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I have watched the documentary OUTFOXED, and the FOX National News cares more about subjectiveness, opinionating and negativity, not to mention conservative bias. They don't give a S@!#T about objectivity, looking at all three perspectives, and they don't even do any journalism at all.


KXRM in Colorado Springs - affiliate of the FOX Network - has reporters who not just shoot their own video and write their own scripts, they master video-editing software called FinalCut Pro. Reporters can upload video from camcorder to computer, crop visuals for time, record and add their own voiceover, and package the finished product and transfer fro computer to videotape for airtime. It would save FOX News Channel money each year rather than piss it any to pay photographers, video editors and voice-over technichians to baby correspondents like Jim Angle or Bret Baier (Washington) or Claudia Cowan (Los Angeles).


CBS News - reputable for Hard News since Walter Cronkite. I learned that hard news does not have to be the day's event from across the country and around the world. It can also be four categories: Legal and Law, Business and Economy, Science, and Education. Less of opinion and politics, more of the CBS News techniques, even after Cronkite.


Why not FOX reporters (New York and Washington) adopt that formula and techniques KXRM uses when stories are not live, and focus more on the CBS formula (Hard News) rather than opinion.

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MSNBC is undoubtedly liberal, during opinion hours. Rolling news wise, they're somewhat center-ish, perhaps with a slight liberal bias, but not as bad as FNC. However, MSNBC doesn't claim to be Fair and Balanced, which is obviously a lie in FNC's case. Sure, bias isn't good, but it's better that they don't claim to be straight, un-slanted news.

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Whoops. Looks like MSNBC was actually the one PROVIDING THE INFORMATION for their little "story". Looks like you need to read your articles after you Google them.




You know if you're gonna post articles from a bullshit source like that -- at least make sure said bullshit source actually proves your "point".




“It happened naturally,” Phil Griffin, a senior vice president of NBC News who is the executive in charge of MSNBC, said Friday, referring specifically to the channel’s passion and point of view from 7 to 10 p.m. “There isn’t a dogma we’re putting through. There is a ‘Go for it.’”


Seeing as the election board is leaking, let's try to steer back on topic...


KXRM in Colorado Springs - affiliate of the FOX Network - has reporters who not just shoot their own video and write their own scripts, they master video-editing software called FinalCut Pro. Reporters can upload video from camcorder to computer, crop visuals for time, record and add their own voiceover, and package the finished product and transfer fro computer to videotape for airtime. It would save FOX News Channel money each year rather than piss it any to pay photographers, video editors and voice-over technichians to baby correspondents like Jim Angle or Bret Baier (Washington) or Claudia Cowan (Los Angeles).


See, this sounds great on paper, but it puts alot of photogs, editors, audio specialists, and other techs out of a job. I suppose this would also take away from time that could be used to get more in-depth with the story.

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Notice that the NYT article talks about MSNBC's talk shows (MSNBC does have a progressive primetime OPINION block -- which is marketed as such)....not "news" coverage which I believe is what newswatch was getting at.


And Chris Matthews is not a liberal/progressive. He shills for McCain all the time...


I have yet to see real proof that MSNBC's "news" coverage is biased. I know conservative talk radio and psuedo-liberals bring up MSNBC's "bias" all the time but I have yet to see any proof.


Then let's leave the talk and opinion shows off of a news channel.

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As for news coverage...


NBC Universal executives are also known to be concerned about the perception that MSNBC's partisan tilt in prime time is bleeding into the rest of the programming day. On a recent Friday afternoon, a graphic labeled "Breaking News" asked: "How many houses does Palin add to the Republican ticket?" Griffin called the graphic "an embarrassment." According to three staff members, Jeff Zucker, chief executive of NBC Universal, and Steve Capus, president of NBC News, considered flying to the Republican convention in Minnesota last week to address the lingering tensions.


You know it's a problem when the executives see that something is not right.



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I have watched the documentary OUTFOXED, and the FOX National News cares more about subjectiveness, opinionating and negativity, not to mention conservative bias. They don't give a S@!#T about objectivity, looking at all three perspectives, and they don't even do any journalism at all.

The only reason why Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC is so unashamedly "biased" in every aspect is because viewers feed on it. Viewers like you feed on the fact that Fox and or MSNBC and CNN have some sort of obligation to report the news fairly and accurately. They don't. Why? Tell 'em Wolf:


BLITZER: This is a business, obviously.


Of course, and second it's on cable. They don't have the obligation to the viewers at large to report the FACTS, no thanks to media consolidation is because they're on cable and it is not regulated by the Federal Communications Commission, and even if they are, their main obligation is to use the airtime to sell advertising.


That my friend is the big picture.

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KXRM in Colorado Springs - affiliate of the FOX Network - has reporters who not just shoot their own video and write their own scripts, they master video-editing software called FinalCut Pro. Reporters can upload video from camcorder to computer, crop visuals for time, record and add their own voiceover, and package the finished product and transfer fro computer to videotape for airtime. It would save FOX News Channel money each year rather than piss it any to pay photographers, video editors and voice-over technichians to baby correspondents like Jim Angle or Bret Baier (Washington) or Claudia Cowan (Los Angeles).


To get this thread somewhat back on topic... Someone only has to look at KRON to realize that video journalists (VJs) a bad idea. Sure, it "saves money" in the beginning, but I don't think KRON is really saving that much money anymore.


Your name wouldn't happen to be Michael Rosenblum, would it?

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KXRM in Colorado Springs - affiliate of the FOX Network - has reporters who not just shoot their own video and write their own scripts, they master video-editing software called FinalCut Pro. Reporters can upload video from camcorder to computer, crop visuals for time, record and add their own voiceover, and package the finished product and transfer fro computer to videotape for airtime. It would save FOX News Channel money each year rather than piss it any to pay photographers, video editors and voice-over technichians to baby correspondents like Jim Angle or Bret Baier (Washington) or Claudia Cowan (Los Angeles).


Yes, the national channels should do it like Market 93. :rofl!:


I can't figure out where to start about this, so I'll make a long story short: It wouldn't work out.


Also, someone call the plumber because the politics forum seems to be leaking.

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Okay, Matthews IS a liberal/progressive, and is clearly in the tank for Obama. FNC's news coverage is just like MSNBC's news coverage (in the daytime), it is pretty much in the center. However, one is just as bad as the other when it comes to their evening opinion shows, so lets just spare the arguing. Anybody that thinks different is then clearly biased themselves.

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Okay, Matthews IS a liberal/progressive, and is clearly in the tank for Obama. FNC's news coverage is just like MSNBC's news coverage (in the daytime), it is pretty much in the center. However, one is just as bad as the other when it comes to their evening opinion shows, so lets just spare the arguing. Anybody that thinks different is then clearly biased themselves.

This is the best summary I have ever read on this site. FOX News will clearly have more conservative view points in the evening. So, Chris, it is probably in your best interest to change the channel. MSNBC is more well liking to your political standpoint.


The last phrase clearly represents a few members on this board.

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