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There's an Avenue North in Brooklyn???


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Maybe she wasn't paying attention to the on screen map and it was written wrong as North on the prompter. These days, I find anchors rely on the prompter too heavily. I would prefer an anchor look at the script in front on them once in a while so that they'll be alert and ready if there is something wrong with the prompter. I would say Chuck does look over his script, because he rarely makes an error, even when the prompter goes, thus which makes him a strong anchor.

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I live in Manhattan and don't know squat about Brooklyn street names. So apparently there is not an Avenue North in Brooklyn, but what was she referring to? I'm not sure how she referred to it in the story, but not knowing about Brooklyn, she could have called it by any name and I would not have known the difference.

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Perhaps it was actually written as "Avenue N" in the prompter, and she just mistook the 'N' for north?


Yeah perhaps she misread and understood what the prompter said. Probably was not paying attention. And she very likely doesn't know anything about Brooklyn lol. There is is nothing wrong with that haha. Just because she's a NY native and is a veteran news anchor with 30+ years in the business doesn't mean she has to know NY from top to bottom. That's why we have GPSes.

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I can't believe there's a whole thread dedicated to an anchor slip up of very little importance...this sort of stuff happens all the time...



It was a crime story, either a rape or an attempted rape (don't remember exactly) and they were showing two locations of where similar attacks happened. Important enough for you now?

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