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  1. Both; I met her -- and Erica Byfield, who's now at WNBC -- once at the Atlanta Auto Show in 2015 and like I said on Twitter, she was extremely gorgeous in person. As for her investigations? They were the only ones I've been watching on WSB, though she had been asking softball questions which seemed to turn off some viewers, which is why 11Alive w/Lindstrom (and Brendan Keefe) has been doing them a whole lot better than Channel 2 lately. For many of Jodie's (male) fans, this is the second devastating loss to have hit Atlanta this year after the Falcons and the Super Bowl, though we do have plenty of company (i.e., eye candy). WRC should be lucky to have her.
    3 points
  2. KOOL news open from 1971: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=r2IO8QsmdU0;t=24 There's also a news open at 2:57, but not sure what station, could be KNXT?
    3 points
  3. Holy Guac! I bet it's Bill Griffith living in that old truck, KGTV never really could get rid of him. He just hangs out all day with his walker, by the KGTV cafeteria...playing Uno with Marie Coronel. BTW... Generators are the first things salvaged by engineers (stolen) who use them for replacements in their personal RV's and ham shacks. If you ask the engineer "what happened to that generator from the old live truck?' You get this canned response.. "Oh that old crappy generator was a piece of dooky....so I threw it away".
    2 points
  4. WABI has a news sharing arrangement with WMTW in Portland; it will be interesting to see if that arrangement survives the Gray takeover. WGME is partnered with WVII. I have to wonder if WVII is now in play. Will Sinclair or Hearst make Rockfleet an offer they can't refuse?
    1 point
  5. Actually just a plain, simple statement of fact. "It's not configured that way"... If anyone cares to dispute that fact then have at it. ...and.... ....and... and.....and...
    1 point
  6. Wow pretty in depth knowledge for losers not in the biz
    1 point
  7. Are we talking the standard amount of trash inside a live truck, or more?? I can't imagine most stations selling a truck without removing the wrap.... but I can imagine a Scripps station doing that for some reason.
    1 point
  8. Renee mentioned on Twitter that she expects to be back at the end of this month. Thing is she said the same thing back in Oct/Nov. Interesting bit that they hired Kalyna to do only traffic and not the live center, so if Renee comes back, they'll have 5 people on the morning news. Too much, considering they're not winning the time slots. As for Marie, hard to say what the deal is with her situation. I do remember reading that the tree hit her basically square in the head (something like you would see in the cartoons, if you can imagine it), which led to her vertebrae being squashed. With those types of injuries, she's going to have permanent damage... sad to say. Will she be able to one day come back and work in the same capacity? who knows, but like you said, both sides are screwed. And clearly they moved on from her since they hired a replacement that basically looks like a younger Marie Coronel... Mimi Elkhalla.
    1 point
  9. I'm dead serious about someone living in that van... Ok maybe it's not John Coleman. But someone is living in there.
    1 point
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