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Posts posted by Jase

  1. 2 hours ago, MorningNews said:

    The last one who should be telling anyone that, really? Megyn, like many other journalist, has her degree in law but has practiced journalism from the start of her career. I'm not absolving her of having said some asinine things, but to act as if she wasn't at one point and time one of the most respected reporters out of the cesspool that is FNC is silly. 


    All of that aside - if the meaning of this entire movement is to bring justice to the victims, how do you justify supporting the other victims while telling Megyn Kelly that she is advocating them for ulterior motives? You don't like her and that's fair but you can't pick and choose which victims you deem as being worthy of grace.


    If she is truly an advocate for women, why in the world would she go back to a place (FNC) where she was a victim of harassment? What message is that sending? To put it plainly, her judgement, like her credibility, is questionable. I'm not picking sides, just pointing out her lack of common sense. There are plenty of other platforms she could have chosen to voice her opinion. Her apparent need to come creeping out of the shadows to grab another 15 minutes in the spotlight is pathetic. 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, MorningNews said:

    Let's not act as if Megyn Kelly was not a fully-respected journalist, one of FNC's best. For whatever reason as soon as she jumped to NBC everyone hated her from both sides. It makes no sense to me.


    Furthermore, I'm not saying that she doesn't have ulterior motives but it's cynical as hell to think she (who has been an alleged victim of sexual harassment from a boss) would be calling for an investigation of NBC. She's not the only one who has advocated and call for this, why is she the only one being deemed disingenuous?

    As far as people dumping on her, she deserves it. There are dozens of examples of her acting like a fool and saying idiotic stuff, that she is the last person to tell anyone else they should be honest and upfront about anything.  

    Given her history, some could easily find her motives questionable. She has very little credibility and being an alleged victim of harassment isn’t enough to overcome that.


    Calling her a ‘respected journalist’ is a joke because she isn’t a journalist (and never has been). 

    • Like 3
  3. 4 hours ago, Jay Russell said:

    Dakari Turner wasn’t that bad plus he was just a reporter the only bad reporter they truly have had I believe her name was Alexa forget last name

    Sorry, but Turner was the weak link in their very small reporter ranks. While he wasn’t as bad as Alexa Helms, he was close. Given they often have just 2 reporters on the night shift (M-F) and 1 on the weekends, they can’t afford to have someone bringing down the ship, particularly when it comes to covering breaking news.

  4. 7 hours ago, Spring Rubber said:

    11:30pm? With essentially no lead-in? Are they basically trying to kill off the show at this point?

    My guess is that MF and Big Bang does better at 10/10:30P, that they decided to moved them back. While the time change is unnerving for LWL, being sandwiched between TMZ and Extra makes sense from a programming perspective(?).

  5. 3 hours ago, Jay Russell said:

    I don’t know if someone has brought this up in recent days, but WBBM’s old streetside studio has been stripped but I don’t understand why they have there video board turned of if they don’t even have a tenant.


    That video screen has been inoperable more than it has been operational (over the years) that there's no point in having it on.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, 24994J said:

    Okay, follow me here, for a sec. By obtaining the CW, there was no more room for WLS newscasts on WCIU. The relationship between WGN and the CW soured because of sports pre-emptions. Consider all those things together, then throw out all logic, because ABC 7 is moving next Tuesday night's Cubs game (one of their last) to WCIU, knocking out whatever they're running that night. ABC 7 claims it's so they can air the Bachelor in Paradise finale, but I call bullshit. This surely has everything to do with their looming blackout on AT&T/DirecTV. This will be WCIU's first baseball broadcast in about 5 years, when WGN moved their overflow broadcasts from The U to My50.






    Seems like a one-off situation with the game airing on WCIU. Given that the new season starts soon on ABC, MNF has already begun, etc... I doubt a blackout would last long (if it happens at all). Way too much at stake. 

  7. 45 minutes ago, Georgie56 said:


    The Amy Freeze-Michelle Leigh-Jill Carlson era.


    You have to provide more details/clarification on this. I'm almost certain Amy Freeze and Michelle Leigh never worked together at WFLD.

  8. Looks like WFLDs web site got a re-do (I believed this happened within the past couple of days). This new look is much better, but hasn't made its way across all the FOX O&Os (New look in Chicago, LA and DC, no change in NYC, Dallas or Orlando). 















  9. 4 hours ago, rkolsen said:

    WSNS has an 11AM newscast right? If that’s the studio would be booked back to back.  Ideally they’d have the Chicago Today set in place prior to the 11 PM but it looks small enough where it could be put in place quickly during the last commercial break of Telemundo. But they’d still would have to deal with the Telemundo team leaving during the show. 


    I don't know when WSNS airs their midday newscast. Nevertheless, their newsroom is very close (almost identical to WMAQs layout), so I'm guessing that's where the talking/noise came from.

  10. 46 minutes ago, 24994J said:

    Segment 4 us a follow-up with Miss Illinois, after the interview with her earlier. Some B.S. in the outdoor plaza about kids being creative through art or something. I'm not sure the male host has ever been around children, likes children, or even was one.


    Not sure where they found that Matt guy, but they definitely can do better. Chemistry is severely lacking between him and Cortney. 


    Plus, I didn’t expect the first show to be perfect, but that last segment was horrible and really sloppy. The show shouldn’t air live until they get it together.

  11. 1 minute ago, rkolsen said:

    That’s in the WSNS/Telemundo Studio.  For some reason the Telemundo studios in Miami and Chicago have floor to ceiling video walls with one or two larger ones that “pop out”.  


    Ok, that makes sense given you can hear people working in the background. 


    A couple of more pics...




  12. On 9/4/2019 at 2:44 PM, TVNewsLover said:

    I mean, it is summer. Aren’t numbers expected to be down? Seems like an unfair comparison.


    That's not entirely true. A lot (ratings-wise) depends on what's happening in the U.S./Around the World.  Plus, bigger stories (Mass Shootings, Hurricane Dorian, etc..) often result in a larger than average viewership.


    For example >>>  From Adweek/TVNewer:


    'World News Tonight with David Muir has now finished as the most-watched evening newscast for 48 out of the past 49 weeks, and this past week (Week of August 26) increased its lead year-to-year total viewer advantage over NBC by +484% (vs. 181,000 for week of Aug. 27). World News also turned in its largest average total audience in four months, and its largest average adults 25-54 audience in 12 weeks.'


    Having a change in anchors during the summer wasn't the smartest move for CEN. And Norah's inability to mask her disdain for Trump isn't helping matters.

    • Like 2
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  13. On 9/2/2019 at 2:55 PM, 24994J said:


    No one really talks about morning ratings, except that WGN is #1 from 4-10 and ABC 7 is #2, which has been the case for a few years now. I wouldn't be surprised, though, if GDC is making progress, with the solid team that's in place. Across the board, this is the best news product that WFLD has put to air in almost 20 years, though they sorely lack a formal investigative unit.


    GDC has, occasionally,  come in 2nd (within the 7-10A time frame). Anita mentioned it (off air/on Facebook) in February. I believe there are rules that prohibit certain discussions about ratings. We, as viewers, never get a deep dive into the #s only the most basic info. (households, 18-49, etc...). That said, mornings is were the money is made which is why WFLD has put their biggest stars (Caplan, Perez, Tellez, etc..) on GDC.


    My guess is that they are satisfied with the #s @ Noon, 5p & 9p. Outside of the occasional team-up with an organization like the BGA, they really don't get into investigations. I think they feel they can best spend their resources on other things. I do wish they go back to doing the Good Day After Show on Facebook.

  14. 3 hours ago, TheRolyPoly said:


    This has to be a joke. If this is meant to dethrone WLS' most-watched 10:00 p.m. news, then good 'effin luck. This program might as well be canceled within two-three weeks after launch if it still doesn't do better than WBBM's 10:00 p.m. news.


    I prefer Alan and Cheryl over Leon and I still even prefer Brad and Irika over Leon, despite the latter's continued struggles in the news ratings.


    I applaud their efforts to do something different and create a local show that’s not sports or politics-related. Since it’s not a news program (per say), I’m sure they aren’t looking to ‘dethrone’ anyone. At best, get about the same (or better) #s than whatever airs currently at 10. Seems like an achievable enough goal. 


    If it doesn’t work, then so be it. Better to have tried something new than nothing at all.

    • Like 4
  15. 13 hours ago, Georgie56 said:


    That's so gutting.




    This quote shocked me as well...

    "There were an awful lot of journalists who knew me who did not come to my defense, did not ask me what happened."

    Competitor or not, you would think someone would have reached out. Hopefully, now that the story is out there, someone will.

  16. On 7/15/2019 at 10:11 PM, tvnewsguy1211 said:

    Well I liked the overall feel of the newscast tonight. I almost felt as if it had a touch of a local newscast delivery with the graphics from the open and a little bit with the OTS graphics too. 


    I liked tonight's newscast better than the debut. She seemed more relaxed (at ease) being out in the field/on the road. Hopefully, she'll able to bring a more relaxed, comfortable and relatable approach when she gets back behind the desk. Plus, I hope they attempt to keep things (overall format, graphics, etc...) the same once they make to move to DC. Best to keep things stable and not over-react early on.


    On 7/16/2019 at 11:29 PM, mountainave said:

    When Charlie, Diane, and David each took over WNT, they all cited Peter Jennings in one way or another. 


    Trying to avoid a tit for tat. I can't recall what Charlie said at the end of his debut broadcast, but Diane gave a shout-out to Charlie ('That's World News & for one last time, Charlie Gibson...') and David gave a shout-out to Diane (something like...'Thanks for all the well wishes tonight, especially one from Diane Sawyer..'). Had Norah gave a tip-of-the-hat to Jeff Glor, that may have resonated more to viewers and CBS News staffers than invoking the spirit of Murrow (who average viewers likely don't know and/or care to know). 

  17. 8 hours ago, mountainave said:

    The nod to Murrow was just as much for the CBS staff as it was for the audience.  


    She can give a 20 second nod to the show's history in the debut episode and still establish the show as her own.  They aren't mutually exclusive.


    It's not necessary to provide a nod, mention, etc... (however brief) of the show's history. What inherent benefit does that provide? Plus, doing so (often trading off the Murrow and Cronkite name) cheapens their work/image imo. I would have rather Norah mentioned what new and exciting things SHE would bring to the newscast.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 minute ago, 24994J said:


    Certainly sounds like it.


    Overall, I like it. The set looks better when gussied up for this, and not just the same lighting and stuff as CTM. I love the graphics updates, but will miss the old theme. Glad they kept the rough signature, at least.


    I would have liked something new music-wise (some cuts/transitions sound off), but I can understand why they didn't go that route (at least not yet). I do wonder if they will try to keep some of the current set elements once they make the move to DC instead of building something completely new. 

  19. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6A5fEtcVKAQ


    A supercut of the 'CBS Evening News w/ Norah O'Donnell' (Newscast Studio)


    I don't like the music, but the set redo is nice. Could do without the nod/mention of Murrow (or Cronkite). Those days are over. It's time to get out from behind their shadow and establish your own thing/standard. 


    This technical glitch is pretty amusing 



  20. 19 hours ago, TheRolyPoly said:

    Not surprised she's going through this but surprised that many more haven't admitted this yet because this job would suck the fun out of everybody when all your covering is hard news and crime.


    My guess is that others have found (safe) ways to cope with the stress, etc.. of the job. While I don't know her situation, it may be best for Raymond to step away for her own well-being. Her blog post is very troubling.

  21. 38 minutes ago, MorningNews said:

    .....honestly it’s pretty negligent for a morning news program to just neglect the traffic updates.


    I agree. Really can't be that hard for someone to throw a simple report together and read it. Hate to see how they handle breaking news, etc...

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