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Everything posted by sanewsguy

  1. They still put out a great product though, not as sensational as I have seen from other markets such as KTTV or WOFL, for instance. They're the worst in Austin when it comes to state political coverage however, which I find unacceptable for a station in the state capital. As for everything getting "Foxified", well that's what happens when you're taken over directly by the network. Not the same leeway they would've had under New World.
  2. The music doesn't sound right with Bill Ratner's voice. He is not a very authoritative voiceover like the music evokes and they should've switched to someone else or not used a VO at all. The logo looks odd with the CBS eye next to it. There was nothing wrong with it before. Why does the graphic say "Breaking" not "Breaking News"? Just something I'm nitpicky about... You already know I hate the Gannett graphics with a passion so I don't need to repeat that. I hope KENS tries to resist getting this for as long as possible. I admittedly haven't watched a newscast on that station in over seven years because the product they put out is horrendously bad. But I will start watching them regularly JUST to see if they're running promos for the new Gannett graphics since no other person in this market will likely post anything about it.
  3. I quite honestly hope they just get a new logo instead. I've never warmed up to the current logo. Looks like it took 30 minutes to make max. The two logos before it were better, especially the thin curved 5 they used from the 70's to 1994 and is still etched in on a wall in their lobby.
  4. Amen. Best thing I've read about these graphics so far. I agree with you wholeheartedly. And yes I have an HD set but prefer to watch the standard def feed actually. Force of habit mainly, but the HD quality is so bright it literally blinds me...
  5. I like it. It's definitely an improvement over and cleaner than the current logo.
  6. Designing for broadcast is not the same as designing for the web... They're not supposed to. Just like most newspaper designs wouldn't work on TV
  7. I don't like how their ticker is three lines. Line 3 is redundant since it repeats the same information from line 1. All of the stations here have one line tickers for severe weather; and one of them has a one-liner with a map of the viewing area. I just think that ticker WBAL uses is way too busy. They also tell us that there is a winter weather warning twice. Talk about redundacy in more ways than one.
  8. I agree. I have a feeling it won't fit KENS 5 either. It also won't go with their set at all. This is Home isn't a bad package. My favorite cut is the one WUSA uses to open their newscasts. I was hoping they would use that cut. I also like the image campaign so hopefully they will get that.
  9. The cut they're using sucks. Can't wait for the other stations to get this.... To the uploader of that video: Uhh, hate to break it to you but you recorded that off their webstream. Sorry, something I'm nitpicky about and why I usually don't watch that particular user's videos...
  10. Those graphics clash with the set. Not good at all... Also, are they using This is Home as the theme music or still with Tower V2? Everybody is mentioning graphics but not once have I seen anything about music... Why would KGW get the graphics? They are a Sander station. Besides, their current in-house graphics are so much better than this Gannett corporate crap...
  11. Hopefully WOAI (Sinclair) will drop Live Well. They used to have Mexicanal on 4.2, which was pretty interesting to watch. Much better than LWN. I would like to see a station here pick up Antenna TV.
  12. So they're not going to do anything about WEVV? That's the biggest one holding them up.
  13. Haha that's actually pretty funny. Spurs are huge here and how dare you talk bad about them Heat fan While we're on the subject: KSAT and WPLG are making a friendly wager again. If the Spurs win the Finals, WPLG's morning anchors have to wear Spurs jerseys on the air and donate $500 to a San Antonio charity. If the Heat win (which they won't), then KSAT's morning anchors have to wear Heat jerseys on the air and donate $500 to a South Florida charity.
  14. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know who ABC's off camera in-house meteorologists are? Ginger Zee right now mentioned two people named Max and Samantha upstairs in the weather office.
  15. I hope this is true. John Muller is better suited for a broadcast like this than what he's doing now.
  16. Unfortunately, yes. I have younger siblings that are six, seven so I can tell you that from experience. I didn't know when it became aceeptable to say "sucks", "screw", "moron" in a children's show.... (I'm looking at you "Irregular Show") end rant
  17. Like her filling in for three months wasn't a tryout for Diana's position... I hope they do promote Marci Gonzalez though. I like her. Has a great personality and fits the program well. Now they just need to find a way to get rid of John Muller, he's not that good. As bland and boring as they come. He would be better as a reporter.
  18. He had his obligatory copy of USA Today at the ready...
  19. Pfft, that happens all the time now because companies want to hire the cheapest people they can find. If you can look around on there, you'll find there's instances of 130 market jumps for instance.
  20. WOW. What a find. This is so cool. Never knew the old KMOL theme was done by a locally-based firm. Thanks for finding this out Raymie. Also, the first ad from 1979 said they had been in business for "a dozen years" so that means they were established in 1967. Let's see if Raymie can find out more about this "Hayes Broadcast Corporation" and when/why they went out of business.
  21. WOAI has now found their new female co-anchor, and it's Evy Ramos, formerly of KGPE in Fresno Here's the source, accompanied with stupid comments typical of the E-N
  22. I figured he was going to take over. Considering he had been chief at KENS over 20 years, it was only natural to promote him. I like him, he's a great meteorologist. Unfortunately, he had an incident in 2001 where he plagiarized material for his Express-News column which cost him his job at KENS. Fortunately WOAI has given him a second chance but a select few viewers have not. Any time there's an article on My SA about him most of the commenters will bring up his plagiarism incident from 2001 and say he's not qualified to be chief and shame on WOAI for promoting him. Sorry but he deserves a second chance and all he did was plagiarize. Give him a pass. He's gotten over it a long time ago. If he was a journalist then yes, I would think about it differently. But he's not, he's a meteorologist, so the standards are a little different. No, I'm defending him plagiarizing but the incident happened nearly 15 years ago. Just forget about it..... Other briefs coming out of San Antonio (I can't remember so much media news coming out of this market before): the original poster didn't mention this, but Mike Hernandez from KABB will be filling in on the morning shift until they hire someone else. Will be curious to see who they hire. Lately, Blaise Labbe has been bringing in a lot of outsiders in to the Sinclair shop here, as you'll see in a moment. Also, I hope Hernandez won't be working seven day weeks since he is currently KABB's weekend meteorologist and does Daytime at Nine during the week. He generally gets two days off during the week. KABB has Robert Luna as a weekend fill-in but I don't see him getting a full-time position because he is a high school teacher during the week. Honestly, I just see Siobhain Anders adding KABB's 9PM news to her plate since it's much cheaper than hiring someone else just to do one thirty-minute newscast two days a week. KABB and WOAI have a direct fiber link that was installed not long after Sinclair took over, so Anders could do the 9PM weather live from WOAI for KABB. Once they move in, that will be a moot point. According to the Express-News, Blaise Labbe is this/close to announcing a replacement for Elsa Ramon. Some believe that Delaine Mathieu will permanently add the 6 and 10 to her schedule, while others think they will hire an outsider. Time Warner Cable News San Antonio has announced it will launch June 2. Currently on cable channel 14, which is where TWC News will be, is a loop of Capital Tonight and Sports Night both from TWC News Austin. Michael Pearson, who is the news director for TWC News Austin, will also work in the same capacity for TWC News San Antonio. Newscasts will be anchored out of Austin but will have local reporters. Eventually the San Antonio channel will produce its own content. My take away: Time Warner seems like they don't have a lot of confidence in the channel if they are outsourcing production to Austin, which is a smaller DMA. They don't even have their own ND. The guy from Austin is going to run the channel. Who's supposed to make daily coverage decisions, especially if one guy has to run two newsrooms? Having said that, I hope this channel succeeds, even if Comcast's proposed merger goes through. It will give San Antonio a fourth English news operation again, since WOAI/KABB are basically one newsroom now (still using two separate buildings AFAIK). Will be interested to see who ends up on the channel. However, I won't be watching it, since I do not have Time Warner Cable and have no plans to switch back to that wreck of a company. Source: http://www.mysanantonio.com/default/article/Time-Warner-S-A-news-network-debuting-June-2-5383548.php [*]KSAT has begun running promos for Adam Caskey. I didn't pay attention to it so I don't know how it goes. I just know at the end, there's video of him along the S.A. river smiling with his name, he will be debuting in June and the KSAT logo on the screen. I'll see if I can catch it. [*]Speaking of KSAT, they have released some details for their new lifestyle show they'll be launching this fall. From TVSpy: [*] I'm sure many viewers are relieved to know Michael and Kelly at 9AM won't be going anywhere. KSAT does the best in that timeslot because of them. Although I don't know why they didn't put it at ten and tape delay "The View". Or, better yet, at 11 so I'm not subject to day-old episodes of "The Chew" where "Extra Value Fridays" airs on a Monday... But it doesn't sound like a typical show. I might actually watch this when it starts. I'd like to know if Fiona will be soloing or if she'll have a co-host. I guess we'll have to stay tuned to this one. Also, I don't think they have the studio space to do it from their main building, even if they wanted too. I'm still wondering if the studio from their old building was left intact because nothing has changed there. However they did get a new CG because the L3's animate in/out sometimes. [*] KABB has announced a replacement for Cynthia Lee. And it's not someone internal like I had thought. Guess Blaise wants to make his mark. This is straight from the Express-News: [*]
  23. The newscast started during the previous ownership group. Nexstar (specifically Brian Jones) was the one who made the decision to cancel the newscast. This would be perfect for Gray. Then Nexstar would be free of any ownership in the Billings market. Then they could make a play for Cordillera with virtually no conflicts. Nexstar is my favorite for Cordillera. I can't see them fitting with Gray like someone else suggested due to too many conflicts.
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