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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I can see why the Disney brand has to stay clean, I just can't see why 20th Century Fox is any different than DreamWorks and whatever other brand names they have ownership of. If I were Disney, I would want to keep my product separate from the more visible Fox network. Especially since I own ABC. Like I said, you don't go to the movie theater to watch a movie just because it was mady by Sony. You make that decision on a movie by movie basis based on what the movie is about, the reviews and who the stars are. I don't see it working in the long run.
  2. Why? I can see the value of using that brand for a TV network, but do you really care what company makes a movie you're watching? Especially some movies where they flash logos for four or five different production companies at the beginning. DreamWorks, Fox, Sony, Columbia ... None of them really mean anything, in my opinion. Maybe the Fox branding is valuable for the cable channels they inherited, but I don't think it matters what they call the movie studio.
  3. It'll be interesting to see how long Disney keeps using the Fox brand.
  4. I can't say this with 100% certainty, but the music bed during the sports highlights on WBNS tonight sure sounded a lot like C-Clarity to me.
  5. Studios with tall ceilings going out of style? I don't like that cramped look.
  6. Eyewitness News is so 1970s. What about "USA Go" or "USA News"
  7. Milo Yiannopoulos is kind of a token queer on the right. He used to be with Breitbart until he made made some off-color comments about sex under-age. Then everybody cut him loose. With Shepard Smith being your avatar, there's got to be a joke in there somewhere. From what I've seen of their product, it's not really far right. Of course, I can't get the TV station there on anymore because they have such a crappy signal. Milo was kind of like the Richard Simmons of Breitbart. Just enough of a flamer to be entertaining but not so much to turn people off. Kind of like Elton John in a way, without the talent.
  8. Makes sense. Also, if you have a CBS affiliate and they want to have the CW in the same city, it also makes sense to give it to them.
  9. Rob Braun shilling for a local bank. maybe he can do what his dad did and take over the commercials for the Craftmatic Adjustable Bed. https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2019/10/22/what-rob-braun-doing-heritage-bank-tv-personality-opens-up-new-role-outside-tv-news/2452071001/
  10. All I know is that they are on an LPTV station in Columbus that I can't pick up even with an outdoor antenna and even though a tiny 120 watt VHF station comes in crystal clear. When it was coming in about a month ago, its sound level was barely audible.
  11. Saga took Q-FM-96 (WLVQ) from Wilks. I think Blue Chip/Urban One sold 98.9 to Salem, which also has two translators. EMF is also on a translator. Remember, the sale price for WBNS Radio was $35 million, which is probably based on some kind of income multiple. That's the kind of price stations in places like Chicago and New York are going for these days. It'll be interesting to see if anybody is willing to pay that kind of money. Tegna may be stuck with those stations.
  12. The only reason I mentioned Saga is because I doubt any of the national players would want a standalone and Saga is already in the market. Plus, they have a couple of News/Talk stations further out in the Midwest. But you are correct about Good Karma. I don't know anything about how they operate, but if they can keep that operation the way it is, I'm all for it. Just please not iHeart. They'll just hub everything from Cincinnati and we'll have to listen to Reds and Bengals crap all the time. --I'm being facetious, but you should listen to the weekend news from the Cincinnati hub. It's got nothing of interest! Just crime stories from around the state. Might as well put Fox News back on.
  13. All I have to say is that if WBNS Radio ever gets sold, I hope it goes to Saga and not iHeart. Saga is a good operator. iHeart, on the other hand ... I read articles on this and it doesn't sound like there will be a problem. Apollo is just an umbrella that manages many investment funds. The article said that the loan money is coming from another fund separate from the money coming for Cox. I don't think Apollo is going to have any ownership or involved in operating in GateNet, so it shouldn't be a problem. But you never know.
  14. They could be trying to move it. Doesn't the FCC allow you to move within 30 miles or something like that?
  15. I don't agree. I don't think the FCC can control business negotiations between two parties. That's just the way business sometimes works.
  16. Look at the LPTV's in most markets: Home Shopping, preacher creatures and a whole host of diginets. They don't really originate anything, they only pass programs through. The LPTV does "control" programming by deciding who they're going to lease channel space to. Who says you can't think of CW Columbus in the same light as Grit, HSC, Court TV, GetTV, COZI, etc? In fact, if things are as controlled as you say, this would be a far better way to do it. Put some guy like Mumblow in business, lease channel space from him for 50 years.
  17. Just thinking about this some more ... I think that HAS to be what's going on. I bet this whole thing is structured as a JSA/SSA of a station that does nothing other than lease its signal out. It would then meet all legal requirements because the station does nothing. Sinclair or an affiliated company then turns around and leases the signal for CW Columbus just like the Home Shopping Club would. Mumblow might indeed be trying to squeeze out more money out of AT&T.
  18. Just speculating here, but since the current model is to think in terms of "program streams" instead of traditional "stations," I wonder if Manhan/Deerfield just owns spectrum and the "program streams" are owned by Sinclair. Sinclair then "leases" channel space from Mumblow, just like they do with LPTV's. Home Shopping Club ... CW ... at the end of the day, what's the difference? I wonder if that's what's going on here.
  19. Cunningham is owned by a trust that benefits the Smith family. I would bet almost anything the same thing is going on with the Mumblow stations. Or like that station Tegna just bought. I would be very surprised if everything wasn't locked down tightly where Mumblow is the legal owner, but Sinclair is somehow the ultimate beneficiary. Whatever the reason is for this situation, there is a reason. Why just last week, the Fox 28 (Cunningham) 10 pm news was running live on WWHO (Manhan) because of Thursday night NFL on Fox. And the ABC 6 (Sinclair) news repeats at midnight. They operate in sync without skipping a beat. In fact, the WWHO tower is moving from Williamsport to the WSYX/WTTE tower after the repack.
  20. You guys are living in some kind of alternate reality the way you are talking. Sinclair controls Mumblow, Deerfield and all the other sidecar entities they use. Maybe not directly, but believe me they hold all the cards.
  21. I just watched my 4th or 5th snipet of The Daily Blast. I can't watch more than 5 minutes at a time, but I tried to give them a chance to see if I can warm up to them. I can't. They are simply awful. There is no chemistry and there is nothing worse than forced bubbliness. Tonight they were talking about how Ann Curry has the goods on Matt Lauer and is threatening to go public. I'm thinking to myself, "I wonder if anybody has the goods on any of you guys?" A very uninteresting show.
  22. They should hire the whitest, stiffest, most boring white guy they can find. I bet you could get a lot of fish out of the water, unintentional comedy out of it.
  23. Pretty stupid. Even though I agree with him, I wouldn't be dumb enough to take it off the air. I might have snarky editorials during breaks, though.
  24. The last mayor here was our first black mayor so my first instinct is to say "there goes the neighborhood." (Joke.) But our mayor was a good guy and completely down the middle. If this guy approaches his job like a moderate, he will be very popular.
  25. I wonder if WBNS and WTHR get to keep the same kind of autonomy. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I would tweak WBNS if it were me, but obviously they don't need a ground up rebuild.
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