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WPIX Ratings Getting Worse:Soundoff


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Considering that these are the same people who own WGN and KTLA (both with very strong news departments), how can WPIX be so awful in comparison?


Just a guess but some of the anchors act like giggly high school girls? My hope is that by the time Suki comes back form maternity leave that they will move Frances to like reporter or something and put someone else in her place. I can stomach Suki, but Frances is about as annoying as valley high school girl.
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  • Agree, time to get rid of Suki and that child like attitude, Frances is no better. Bring in a couple of Sharpe looking attractive Men and Women with real News talent.

  • Change the whole format News people, set, and all.

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With kaity and Jim they were solid.

Jodi did ok , the ten would hit a 1.0 in the demo. The ten with Jodi was an alternative to what was already on. I think that was part of the draw.

Tamsen the numbers have just dropped out.

I honestly believe she is part of the problem. Remember she wasn't pulling them in at 4am that's why she became Lionel's sidekick

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I would put the 6:30 news back and return Kaity to the weeknight reports. After that, I'd basically revert to the pre-2010 status quo, including the re-establishment of the sports. dept (after 2-3 years?, the GO graphics are still the base for the weather graphics, so they should just give up and use it again).

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We all know they need to revamp their news operation. Do you think the priority is the evening (10PM) newscast or the morning newscast?


Personally, I think the evening newscast is the one that should be taken care of first. We need two anchors, Kaity and Jim would be great, but it might be just wihsful thinking. We need a sports anchor/reporter, (in a city where there are around 10 major sports team), a new weather person (Mr G. should get the boot) I used to like him, but his stupid jokes with Jodi, and now Tamsen, are getting my nerves. And the other channel's weather reports are years ahead of Mr G's reports. They need better graphics.

They need to get rid of Lionel too. Keep him at 4 AM if they want, I am asleep at that time, so I don't really care.


But the 10 PM news should be more serious, while still pleasant to watch. But I don't need to see Mr G. asking Tamsen what she did over the weekend, every Monday night.


The morning news can be more fun, but it shouldn't be a party either. Suki and Frances should be split up. Maybe Frances should do the 5 PM News instead of the morning news, She was not as annoying when she used to be on 7 News (WHDH) in Boston. Kirstin Cole is actually pretty good. She is pretty, she speaks well, she seems bright. I could see her being a good anchor for years to come.


I hope they do big changes before the end of August, and start a new season with a whole new product.

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We all know they need to revamp their news operation. Do you think the priority is the evening (10PM) newscast or the morning newscast?


Personally, I think the evening newscast is the one that should be taken care of first. We need two anchors, Kaity and Jim would be great, but it might be just wihsful thinking. We need a sports anchor/reporter, (in a city where there are around 10 major sports team), a new weather person (Mr G. should get the boot) I used to like him, but his stupid jokes with Jodi, and now Tamsen, are getting my nerves. And the other channel's weather reports are years ahead of Mr G's reports. They need better graphics.

They need to get rid of Lionel too. Keep him at 4 AM if they want, I am asleep at that time, so I don't really care.


But the 10 PM news should be more serious, while still pleasant to watch. But I don't need to see Mr G. asking Tamsen what she did over the weekend, every Monday night.


The morning news can be more fun, but it shouldn't be a party either. Suki and Frances should be split up. Maybe Frances should do the 5 PM News instead of the morning news, She was not as annoying when she used to be on 7 News (WHDH) in Boston. Kirstin Cole is actually pretty good. She is pretty, she speaks well, she seems bright. I could see her being a good anchor for years to come.


I hope they do big changes before the end of August, and start a new season with a whole new product.


I would agree that the 10pm needs to be the priority. Yes, the morning news probably makes more money, but the late news should define the brand. Plus, the late show should be easier to fix. The morning show would require a lot more tinkering, but that's okay because there's always plenty of chances to play around with the format. The model that should be being targeted it much clearer for the 10pm show.

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Some changes in the mornings:


Two anchor format with Craig and Lisa anchoring this morning at the news desk. With Lionel no longer "hosting", just providing legal knowledge and commentary also at the news desk.


Another change is weather and traffic is also reduced to every 11 minutes and are provided together back to back.

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  • 2 months later...

As much I hate to say this, but the damage is done. Even if Kaity and Jim does come back it will not be the same newscast you grew up with. Bottom line, you can't turn back time, you have to improve on it.


WPIX should stop experimenting already. The answer is right in front of them, go back to the old format. Just bring back Jim and Kaity. The newscast with them two anchoring wasn't broken and didn't need to be messed with. Do a HUGE media campaign with Jim/Kaity saying their back (tv commercials, subway ads, etc.) . Another from the station with a sincere apology to viewers saying they messed up and will be working hard to earn back their trust and viewership. Then they need to flex their hard news muscles and with the talent on their team, it's not that hard to achieve.

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