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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/17 in all areas

  1. Has anyone heard when Souza's last day is? 2 minutes later: If I read into the feder report, I would've seen it says end of this month. Whoops
    5 points
  2. I hope he's okay but I am kinda upset they are using this for sweeps. Like "omg I'm going to die so tune in tomorrow and watch." They could've easily ran the story today. I hate that aspect of this.
    2 points
  3. Now that Media General has been consummated and the associated divestitures have taken place, that's probably been what's holding up the deal.
    2 points
  4. Chicago's Very Own, Cleveland's Very Own, LA's Very Own... Sense a theme? http://www.ftvlive.com/sqsp-test/2017/2/5/all-hands-on-deck-meeting-at-tribune-stations
    1 point
  5. WOW how the mighty has fallen over on Euclid Ave...WTF wrong with TV5? 19 starting to look like the gold standard (cough cough) where WEWS-TV 5 held that title for decades.
    1 point
  6. And the "E" stands for?....
    1 point
  7. A high quality upload of KTVK's (in)famous "The Place With More Stuff" promo, 1996:
    1 point
  8. She's actually pretty good...
    1 point
  9. Ameera David is joining WXYZ in Detroit as an Anchor/Reporter. She came over from RT where she anchored and reported. She's a Detroit native so that's why the downward move.
    1 point
  10. I don't get it, They want you to post to social media all the candid "anchor moments"...but you get canned for it? The video was not obscene...it was just kinda snuggly with some middle aged chick sporting the FFL (freshly fu%#ed look) for the viewers. Why did they let her post it in the first place? If someone checks her scripts before she goes on the air, why not screen the social media postings before they air? The big question is ... "After seeing the video,,,would you hit it ?"
    1 point
  11. My replies are within quote.
    1 point
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