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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/17 in Posts

  1. The reason it's off is because they're trying to peddle the same BS the White House has been spewing about "Fake News" and trying to paint themselves as "The Truth". They've used the same exact talking points over and over again anytime someone accuses Sinclair of coverage that's favorable to the current White House administration. It's no secret that Sinclair is very supportive of who is currently in the White House right now, which is why I find it so hysterical when they get so defensive when people call them out on it.
    3 points
  2. In truth, they are more insidious than an openly biased propaganda machine like Fox and Breitbart are. And crying "bias" at first seems to fit in with the long-standing "hurr durr the lamestream media is bad for you hurr durr blah blah blah" bellyaching common among most on the right. This time, though, it's a direct and blatant shot against all network news operations. Want to air anything critical of any elected Republican? Watch as your network feeds get cut by "accident" and we can get away with it.
    1 point
  3. ...! This is an absolute rarity, I can tell you that much. It's from 1986 and the long-extinct XHCG-TV in Los Mochis, Sinaloa, Mexico. And by long-extinct, .
    1 point
  4. Is she just randomly in the Ellen audience?
    1 point
  5. I'm sure by now you already know, today is Greg Hurst last day at KHOU-TV. Greg posted his thank you note to the viewers on Facebook. YOU’RE NOT JUST FRIENDS, YOU’RE FAMILY! For 18 years we’ve been through a lot together and I want to thank you for being there every step of the way. Now, as I leave, to pursue new challenges and better opportunities, I want you to know, I owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude. Over the years, your thoughtful and kind words have not only been greatly appreciated, and unbelievably gracious but tremendously humbling. This journey started together in 1999. Six months into it, on an early November morning we would discover we were part of a new wave of coverage that would change the way breaking news stories were told in Houston. After getting word that a group of young people had been killed and injured when the A&M bonfire collapsed, we sent a talented team of journalists to campus. From that point on, local news in Houston would be seen anytime of the day or night and would “routinely” be extended beyond the customary 30 minute segment. We spent the next couple of days in College Station talking about what happened. We stood in shock and disbelief, and when the dust finally cleared we all mourned the loss together, just as close families do. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be the first time we shed a tear together. We watched as evil brought down the “twin towers” and America went to war. It was a life changing experience for all of us. I was privileged to ride through the Iraqi desert with the United States Marines as they charged toward Baghdad in the Gulf War. I was able to take so many of you through Saddam Hussein’s Palace, talk with the enemy, share their stories and, by the grace of God, dodged more than a bullet or two. The timeline of tears would flow again on a beautiful, crystal clear February day in 2003. We would lose seven courageous astronauts when the Space Shuttle Columbia exploded into a dust ball of disbelief upon re-entry. Over the years, we spent too many nervous nights, watching Ike or Katrina or any of their evil siblings, splinter trees, shatter windows and blow rain sideways. We awaited the hurricane’s landfall and would bend to its will, while helplessly watching the water rise. When daybreak came, we waded through debris soaked flood water. We’d pull out the carpet, try to salvage the cars, clean up the mess, then carry on, like good Houstonians always do. Over time, I’ve had to navigate more than a few chaotic elections and hopefully provided some historical context or reasoning. I’ve also had the pleasure of being the ringmaster (moderator) for numerous debates. I would try (and at times fail miserably) to solicit straight talk from politicians who too often would try to dodge difficult questions. The search for clarity can make you crazy. I hope, along way, during some unnerving active shooter situation, hostage crisis or police chase, I’ve been able to provide some analysis or perspective, that gave you a better understanding of what was unfolding and perhaps (even when the bullets would fly) some reassurance, “it’ll be ok.” Honestly, in this job, it’s sometimes difficult to find the right words – Tragedy has a way of putting a grip on the tongue, and even leaving speech makers speechless. On those occasions, I apologize for my inadequacies. Hopefully, I pray on the balance of 18 years, that I’ve been able to provide a word or encouragement on nervous nights of uncertainty, a ray of hope when the day seemed darkest, and a voice of reason when it looked like all hell was about to break loose. Through the years we’ve watched good people come and go -- I've worked with more than 22 Anchors on the KHOU news desk – But, sometimes change can be good. In fact, good change can be productive, and life affirming. I’m happy to say, through challenges and difficulties, the one that has never changed is your loyalty to “The Spirit of Texas” and a station that “Stands for Houston.” I could not have been prouder to be a part of it. I've been humbled and honored that you gave me a front row seat on one of life’s great stages and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for so many great memories. God Bless you all, Greg Hurst
    1 point
  6. Former WXYZ anchor Rich Fisher has passed away at age 67 http://www.wxyz.com/news/longtime-wxyz-anchor-and-detroit-newsman-rich-fisher-dies-at-67
    1 point
  7. Here's GM appointment #19. WAVY/WVBT's sales director Carol Ward, has been promoted to VP & GM of the Hampton Roads duopoly.
    1 point
  8. Interesting since the production of their newscasts is going to shift (if it hasn't already) to WSBT in South Bend which doesn't have the Sinclair graphics as of yet.
    1 point
  9. I believe that was a syndicated package that VDO created for KNWA.
    1 point
  10. I believe the fact she wasn't particularly good as a news anchor played a part in the decision. I doubt they will give her another chance, but you never know.
    1 point
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