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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. The reason I'm skeptical about that two-thirds number is because there are so many other markets that leaves out. Youngstown, Charleston/Huntington, Parkersburg, Wheeling/Steubenville, Ft. Wayne, Dayton, Cincinnati and Lima all take households away. Absolutely a reasonable value, but still out of most other buyers' price range when you look at some of the other acquisitions of late. Cox sold for $3.1 billion for about a dozen stations, give or take. Roughly the same pricing, I guess. Also, everybody assumed that the Dispatch would be sold to Gannett, since they were printing the Cincinnati Enquirer. That probably was the plan, but then Gatehouse came into the picture. Now with Gatehouse potentially merging with Gannett, they all kind of end up in the same place.
  2. Weather in Oklahoma is one thing. Weather in Ohio is completely different. The likelihood you are going to get hurt or killed in a storm in Oklahoma or Iowa is within the realm of reality. In a place like Ohio (except for the Dayton area), you probably have the same odds as getting hit with a bolt of lightning. It's easy to just flip a switch and continue with regular programming on your .2 Channel. The customer is always right.
  3. The Tegna press release says that they now cover 2/3 of all households in the state of Ohio. That sounds like an exaggeration to me, but someone else can run the numbers. Again, $535 million is a hefty price to pay for two TV stations, an LPTV and 1.1 radio stations (WBNS-AM is a non-factor). I don't see who else could have paid such a hefty price other than Tegna. They would be wise to leave existing management in place because that is top of the market and corporations have a history of screwing up their acquisitions. Tegna isn't so bad compared to the alternatives. I don't see how you can be in the business other than to be big since it is so technology-driven these days. Tech is expensive to implement. Two stations bearing that cost instead of being able to spread out the cost over 50 stations is unsustainable. And then you have the critical mass you need to negotiate with networks and to acquire programming. It's easy to see one of the big operators squeezing syndicators to pull Dr. Phil and the networks to pull affiliations away from a smaller company without a lot of leverage.
  4. They owned a huge chunk of stock in National City Bank, which I assume is now a huge chunk of stock in PNC Bank. So technically they still are in the banking business.
  5. https://www.10tv.com/article/wolfe-family-sells-wbns-wthr-tegna-2019-jun $535 million? (Per Business First.) For just those two stations? That's an indicator of how dominant those two stations were in their markets. Think of it this way. Cox had how many stations and they sold for 3 billion? In other words, not too many buyers out there with the Deep Pockets to buy these stations.
  6. No, that is not fact. It is leftist propaganda. There were answers people raised about his birth certificate and there was a lot of secrecy surrounding it. If he had only released his birth certificate in the first place, the birther movement wouldn't have gotten any traction. It's the lawyerly instinct to keep everything secret that usually gets politicans in trouble.
  7. Again, the first photo showing the empty Washington Mall is the photo being circulated. It was NOT representative of the actual attendance at the inauguration. The media was trying to spin it as nobody showed up to watch Trump. You know this is crooked and rotten, you just won't admit it. But it's this kind of sleazy stuff to promote the Democrat/Journ"O"List narrative that has urinated the public off. How many times did we hear the word "dark" after Trump's speech? You think that was only a coincidence? As to the alternative "facts", if there is one set of "facts", then why the need for all the different media outlets? Just have one and be done with it. The point of having different media outlets is having a variety of voices so that people can determine the truth for themselves. And usually, the public figures things out sooner or later. See: http://www.gallup.com/poll/202742/obama-averages-job-approval-president.aspx
  8. I don't care about any of that stuff. What I care about is that the first picture showing a 2/3 empty Washington Mall is what started this controversy, the media gets called on it and on Monday they are still going with that patently false picture.
  9. If a private company was denigrating and misrepresenting a competitor with a photo like that, do you understand that there would be a millions or billions of damages paid? THAT is the photo that started this entire controversy. It is misrepresentation. It is a lie.
  10. Go to the CNN link, it lets you scan the crowd. But who cares? The point is that the first picture was the one circulating in the media as they tried to set the narrative that nobody attended the inauguration. The fact that ABC is still using that picture is a misrepresentation. Scratch that, it's an out-and-out LIE. This is a prime example of why conservatives are having a schadenboner using "FAKE NEWS" right back at you. This is FAKE NEWS.
  11. Because this is the picture that is most representative of the inaugural attendance. That picture was used because it was either 1) politically motivated misrepresentation; 2) a political hack picking out the picture; or 3) somebody too stupid to pick the images that you see on the evening news. Link to CNN: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/01/politics/trump-inauguration-gigapixel/
  12. ABC again ran this picture at the beginning of the nightly news this evening. I immediately changed the channel because this is a complete misrepresentation of how many people attended the inauguration. But they continue to run it to delegitimize Trump. This is why Fox News exists. As long as the MSM continues to allow the narrative to be set by the Democrat party, leftist special interest groups and the Journ"O"list, you will have pushback. Really now. ABC should be ashamed to show this picture. It is absolutely disgraceful.
  13. They have her paired up with the wrong guy. Is it just me, or is Adam Aaro pretty goofy looking? I'm not saying he belongs in a leper colony, just not as the main anchor in a decent-sized market. Besides, it gives me a Mrs. Robinson vibe to see him paired with her.
  14. Cabot is the only one of those four I can tolerate (barely). Andrea Cambern is the Jewish Yolanda Harris. Pleasing to the eyes, but a mediocre anchorette. Mindy Drayer and Dave Kaylor are just plain disgusting.
  15. Two comments: 1. In real life, I joke around about what a great environmentalist I am. I use both sides of copy paper, and I don't throw anything away which still has a use. In other words, I'm cheap. I can't believe there isn't some way to give some face time to all the high priced talent with the high "Q" ratings -- it is environmentally sound. Hell, Yolanda is good looking enough that I would have her popping up on WTHR as well. Mike Davis has a great voice, but he looks like a pigged out Howdy Doody; Chris Bradley is just plain dorky and dull. Bill Kelly or Bob Kendrick, on the other hand, would have been much better "gets" than Yolanda, in my opinion. 2. The kids are going to be sorry they let the family dynasty slip away. It sure beats working a day job. But then again, they own plenty of real estate. Maybe that will keep them busy. BREAKING NEWS (EDIT): And speaking of Buchman, it looks like she has roots in the Columbus area. That makes my idea of her doing cameos on WBNS even better! Check out her FB page ... Grandma and Grandpa appear to be from the Newark area. https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=1315719021784752
  16. All I know is this: If I am the Wolfes and I am paying Angela Buchman $400k a year to do the weather in Indianapolis, I'm going to also figure out how to use her in Columbus on a semi-regular basis. She could do "special reports" on Tornado Safety or other such topics. No offense to anybody who is gay and Chris Bradley is a nice enough guy and all, but I would rather look at her.
  17. Channel 6 has historically been the farm team for Channel 10, and vice versa when someone gets booted from 10. They parked Chris Bradley over at WTHR so he could learn how to use the weather equipment while his non-compete was still around. I think they should do that with Yolanda. In fact, I don't know why stations don't do more of that. Mix-in your most talented and or attractive people with the other stations in your group. Perfect example was this year's World Series. Put WTHR in charge of the Chicago game coverage and WBNS in charge of the Cleveland games. It makes things more interesting for the viewer to see new people and lets you get more use out of your high-priced talent.
  18. How many flagships are they going to have now? WBFF, WSYX/WTTE/WWHO mints money, KOMO, WJLA ... They sent a WSYX crew out to help KOMO on a big news story a while back (I forget if it was fires or mudslides).
  19. I was confused when I saw that Technicolor was part of that. Then I remembered, they bought out most of RCA's TV business so then it made sense.
  20. I still don't understand how Sinclair was able to keep virtual Channel 3 in Las Vegas, but can't keep virtual Channel 4 in Charleston. Or is there some kind of an FCC exception when you're stuck on a low-VHF frequency?
  21. Cut and paste from the Plain Dealer comment section, which pretty much echoes my thoughts: I don't know whether any of these allegations are true or not, but I do know one thing: Ernest Angely provided much amusement back in my college days. His show was classic. Robin Williams mocks Ernest Angely: That's what I was thinking. If they care about the OTA signal, Raycom should make a move for WBNX or 23 in Akron. I doubt the VHF 10 spectrum is worth anything, though.
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