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Everything posted by dman748

  1. Or at least that was what Tegna said when they confirmed about Apollo showing interest in them. Of course that was last year. I'm still not sure if those plans have changed (at least on Apollo's end) or if it's still the same as what Tegna said in the press release last year. All I know is things at Tegna just keeps getting more and more interesting by the day (COVID stuff notwithstanding)
  2. Either Allen or Ms. Guthrie from Cox I think in spite of Tegna's reservations about private equity firms they may have no choice but to go there if it had to come down to that because this whole COIVD-19 stuff is going to keep companies like Meredith, Scripps and others away from bidding for Tegna's stations and if there were any prospects of those aforementioned companies bidding for Tegna (if there were any) that took a big hit today with Gray dropping out.
  3. So now the race to acquire Tegna is now coming down to 3 (4 if you count Standard General) hedge fund companies and a former stand-up comedian (Byron Allen). https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-17/apollo-allen-maintain-pursuit-of-tegna-after-gray-drops-out
  4. And on top of that I imagine the IT staff that are working on this are probably in telework (work from home) mode at this point. This rollout will get done eventually, it'll just take a while.
  5. That makes sense about the "meh" part of the post. I'm pretty sure behind the scenes 10TV did NOT want the Tegna package at all. For some reason @jbnews it's not letting me quote your post when I go into edit posts (not sure why) but what's seems to be the most probable outcome for Tegna is that they'll likely try to accept whoever can exceed $20 a share (e.g. Gray making a $21 or $22 a share offer or something like that) the other option for Tegna is that say neither 3 budges north of $20 a share because of the market conditions rather than Tegna saying that they're not going to sell they'll look at and see who would be the better fit for them. (And I would prefer to save that part of the discussion for one of the Tegna merger discussion threads most likely the Speculatron thread since this more than likely is in that territory)
  6. Are you referring to the graphics or just the way 10TV is handling things with using the Tegna package for everything but Face The State? If it's the latter then that "may" have confirmed just about everything that's creating the uncertainty at Tegna's HQ at the moment and maybe perhaps WBNS knows something that we don't.
  7. Meanwhile Aerial is still alive at 10TV, it's still in use for their Sunday Morning Political show, Face The State I checked the WQAD website and I saw the Tegna package so it is coming to WQAD (it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see WQAD fully Tegnized before the May sweeps period begins)
  8. I was just looking at the WQAD website I couldn't find the weather graphics that you're talking about, from what I saw they were still using the Tribune package for Weather. I keep forgetting to update the Standard-Tegna situation so here's the follow-up on that. In addition to filling the proxy statement, Standard has nominated 2 other people besides Deb McDermott and Larry Wert (which has been mentioned previously in this thread) they are Colleen Brown and Ellen McClain Haime. So Standard General is continuing to put pressure on Tegna as more companies make offers for the 62 TV stations which puts Tegna in a situation that they can't get out of no matter what.
  9. So now Standard General has made a proxy statement, still looking for 5 seats on Tegna's board and are asking other shareholders of Tegna to elect those 5 people to the board. https://www.broadcastingcable.com/news/standard-general-files-tegna-proxy-statement Things are still evolving and developing, I think there's going to be additional movement to this with other companies joining Gray, Apollo (Cox) and Allen in the bidding war for Tegna in order to prevent Soo Kim from taking over Tegna. Stay tuned folks.
  10. WBNS 5pm Open (using the oohs and ahhs in the cut):
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if more joins in, while I do agree that the stock market may recover once COVID-19 goes away (if it does) however if Tegna really has to make a deal it's just going have to take bids like Apollo's and Allen's, normally a bid like Gray's would've been fine but right now with the stock market is shaping up it's not. One way or another I see a sale of Tegna coming soon regardless of where the Stock Market and COVID-19 stands.
  12. For those that are saying that no M&A's should take place right now. If I were Tegna I would seriously take the Apollo and Cox bids very seriously based on this quote Also I should note that the New York Times made a deal with Oak Hill (which formed Local TV) in 2007 (at a time where the Economic Downturn was just beginning) and I'd be $100 that particular deal was an all-cash deal as well. It's just the way any M&A in general is going to have to take place until the Stock Market stops the sell off and COVID-19 goes away and thus Gray is going to have to adjust it's bid and go with the flow if they want to stay in the race because right now I believe Apollo and Allen have the advantage in the race for Tegna over Gray. The key takeaway here is that just because the stock market is down doesn't mean a deal can't be made it's just that the only gurantee way you're going to win in this bid for Tegna is by going all cash. Cash and Stock won't help in this deal where in the past it has. (especially with the stock part)
  13. It was actually mentioned I believe a couple of pages back in this thread. But at the time, KFSM was still on the Tribune website layout. So KFSM becomes one of only 2 Tribune/Nexstar rejects to have been completely Tegnized. Technically WNEP is the other one (even though they don't use C Clarity yet) Outside of those 2, they've all switched to the Tegna layouts but are still running either the Tribune package (WTIC, WPMT, WQAD) or the Nexstar package (WOI/KCWI, WATN/WLMT, WZDX)
  14. Meanwhile KFSM has now adopted the Tegna website layout. Not sure how that got lost in the mist of this whole Gray/Tegna/Apollo talk but here it is.
  15. Isn't that ironic that Gray and Tegna enter into an OTT partnership and then just over a week later Gray wants to buy Tegna for $8.5 billion? I'm starting to wonder if it was just coincedental or is it something else.
  16. Don't you mean the tornadoes? Last time I checked we're not in Hurricane season yet.
  17. The day the RSN business model collapses is going to have people like myself laughing at Sinclair not for their politics but because of the things I've said more than once and what @channel2 said last night on here about the lack of TV stations Sinclair can bundle the RSNs with (e.g. Sinclair doesn't have any TV stations in places like LA, Chicago, Atlanta and Miami that Sinclair can bundle the RSNs with) sure Sinclair can bundle Fox Sports Oklahoma with KOKH/KOCB but you're not going to bundle Fox Sports Wisconsin with WVTV. There are lots of factors that are playing a role in the demise of the RSNs I just think Cord Cutting is not the only issue here.
  18. As I've been saying for the last month on other platforms outside of here, Sinclair can survive this storm if they want to and have a plan in place for a rebrand on the RSNs and things like that if they can cut out their incompetancy that they currently have (which they can do IF they choose to do so)
  19. If Sinclair was smart to have done this they would've been able to protect more than just the RSNs they would've protected other non-sports assets (such as local TV stations as well) But of course, we're dealing with an incompetant CEO in Chris Ripley who seems to have no idea what the heck he's doing here.
  20. I feel like Rupert walking away from the RSN business had some to do with this. I think though it's on Sinclair's stubborness, Chris Ripley's arrogance and most of all Sinclair wanting to overcharge for these RSNs (prime example Sinclair is asking distributors $6.50 for Marquee. No that's not a typo that's what Sinclair is asking these distributors in the Chicagoland region to carry Marquee) and at the end of the day I can't blame Comcast for wanting to say no to that and I don't think that lowering the costs of carrying these RSNs is going to help things either for Sinclair because remember, companies like Sinclair are in the business of making money not lose money. Now that I think about it Sinclair is lucky this year is an election year because unless they get their act together they're in deep and I mean DEEP trouble for 2021 and beyond and there could very well be consequences for more than just the RSNs. P.S. I'm surprised no one has even asked this question but how much is Sinclair asking these distributors to pay for these FSNs compared to when Fox owned the RSNs?
  21. The RSNs going to PPV only is a bad idea. That would people like me out of reach from watching live sporting events (and it doesn't help that leagues like MLB have these blackout policies that would prevent us baseball fans from watching games on channels like MLB Network) If anything I cant see Sinclair making the RSNs a direct-to-consumer option (which sounds more feasible than making the RSNs PPV-only)
  22. I've noticed that the FOX (insert team name) has started to be scrubbed off slowly during the Oklahoma City Thunder game tonight on Fox Sports Oklahoma, I fully expect to see refrences to Fox Sports get removed more and more. If I were a betting man I imagine that Sinclair will drop the Fox Sports name in time for the NBA/NHL Playoffs and if not then they likely will by the MLB All-Star Break
  23. WMAR now has the new graphics
  24. I wonder what the hold up is? Is it because WTHR and WBNS decided to join WNEP in the fight to protect their imagery and things that made them so successful for so long or is it something else?
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