Was not expecting the Times New Roman-esque font on the talent names and the titles at the beginning. Looks out of place for the rest of the look. But still quite the find!
Heres Maurice DuBois in Sacto:
A month afterwards (10/9/1995) WTKR reverted to its “News Channel 3” branding and completely shed its tabloid look, including a new set and an outdoor weather spot.
WROC directors track, 1989:
You may observe a certain network logo was erased from the station ID due to an affiliation shuffle in effect two months later.
Possibly the oldest footage of an Ed Hopkins-voiced FULL open on a station (the January one got cut off):
(Go to 1:00:19)
By this point WNGE had phased out the GE ID in prep for their call letter and ownership change a month later.
Not classic video related, but I believe i might actually be related to Tim Lake. He grew up in Ellisburg, a rural town up north in NY by Watertown, which is where the majority of my family came from. Don’t know for sure.
I do know for sure that I can add this to the Houston bandwagon: