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US appeals court overrules FCC ban on JSAs


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The US appeals court in Philadelphia said today that the FCC's ban on television JSAs was not done properly, striking it down and chiding the FCC for not completing either of its last two quadrennial ownership reviews.


Thank goodness we had two Presidents keeping a close eye on the FCC situation.

Poor babies are soooo overworked.

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And this is coming from the Third Circuit, which for many years have been siding against broadcasters in these kinds of legal cases. This is a shock. This is obviously not good news for Wheeler.


Somewhere David & Perry are celebrating this news.

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And this is coming from the Third Circuit, which for many years have been siding against broadcasters in these kinds of legal cases. This is a shock. This is obviously not good news for Wheeler.


Somewhere David & Perry are celebrating this news.

Which means that all of Media General's JSAs will be kept by Nexstar, and may get new ones upon the buyout. And Sinclair might as well get new JSAs and keep the ones they already have as well.
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So what does this do with the Granite/Quincy sale where WISE and KDLH were pretty set to become uncompetitive netlet stations? Does this mean that all plans are now dropped for that to happen and Quincy takes control of them without having to compress their major nets onto WPTA and KBJR? And now Sinclair can kill any plans they had for WHOI and preserve that arrangement with Quincy regarding WEEK in Peoria.


As for Green Bay...ugh. Not a good day if you're at WBAY at all. The only good this does is probably kill off any further SBG acquisitions for now by the hilarious sham that is Howard Stirk Holdings.

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Don't be surprised if Nexstar opts to keep the Fort Wayne, Roanoke, and Green Bay conflicts thanks to this court decision.
Well, the Green Bay conflict won't be kept reguardless of the outcome, especially considering it's an NFL market, though seeing as how Tribune owns both a Fox affiliate and a CBS affiliate (which was a CW station prior to New Years 2015) in the same market (home of the Indy Colts), that's a somewhat reasonable assumption, to to mention that they might as well switch at one of the stations to NBC if they do, (If it's WFRV, then WJMN will have to switch to it as well, but if it's WBAY, then they won't) considering that they have so good relations with them that they use some of their graphics and have invited Lester Holt to one of Nexstar's meetings (and I know that NBC personalities visiting stations is not limited to Nexstar, Rokerthon being the best example of such that I can think of, but not even TEGNA, the largest owner of NBC affiliates by total reach, uses their graphics, but rather, they use their own, which are produced by G3, a.k.a. the "Design Tank"). Whether they keep the other 2 conflicts (Roanoke and Fort Wayne) depends on the court ruling.
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WGBA isn't giving up NBC (at this point it's in a KDNL-like drift where it's included with Scripps renewals with NBC no matter what), and WLUK will never give up Fox unless they lose NFL rights; that simple. Don't expect any kind of network switch in GB at all. And at this point, the fate of WJMN is no longer tied completely to WFRV as they establish slow and steady independence.

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Well, the Green Bay conflict won't be kept reguardless of the outcome, especially considering it's an NFL market, though seeing as how Tribune owns both a Fox affiliate and a CBS affiliate (which was a CW station prior to New Years 2015) in the same market (home of the Indy Colts), that's a somewhat reasonable assumption, to to mention that they might as well switch at one of the stations to NBC if they do, (If it's WFRV, then WJMN will have to switch to it as well, but if it's WBAY, then they won't) considering that they have so good relations with them that they use some of their graphics and have invited Lester Holt to one of Nexstar's meetings (and I know that NBC personalities visiting stations is not limited to Nexstar, Rokerthon being the best example of such that I can think of, but not even TEGNA, the largest owner of NBC affiliates by total reach, uses their graphics, but rather, they use their own, which are produced by G3, a.k.a. the "Design Tank"). Whether they keep the other 2 conflicts (Roanoke and Fort Wayne) depends on the court ruling.



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WGBA isn't giving up NBC (at this point it's in a KDNL-like drift where it's included with Scripps renewals with NBC no matter what), and WLUK will never give up Fox unless they lose NFL rights; that simple. Don't expect any kind of network switch in GB at all. And at this point, the fate of WJMN is no longer tied completely to WFRV as they establish slow and steady independence.
And we shouldn't expect Nexstar to keep both WFRV and WBAY either.
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