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Lonnie gets burned by Kristine Johnson


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Hmm, I guess she was too tired? Don't know how the word Queer would come up, she had a long day though.. It was a busy day for everyone last Friday so can you really blame her?

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It's just a slip of the tongue in one of those stressed moments when your brain is being overworked... she meant to say "Lonnie Quinn here.." but combined "Quinn" and "here" which, unfortunately, makes "Queer." ... it's happened to all of us...our brain is on overdrive and working faster than our mouths can move.

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Which means absolutely zippo. (namely in the cases of a certain ex-NJ governor and current Idaho senator)


Thanks Chris for addressing that issue. Your point is the same as mine.



Yes, it is a slip up, but, it is a hilarious one.

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