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WPLG Demotes Charles Perez


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He is no longer anchoring the 6 and 11PM news on Local 10. Laurie Jennings is going to anchor solo. He has been demoted to weekend anchor/reporter and is none too happy.





WPLG saves money - my ass


they want to give Perez less airtime and notice while the he said-he said go on


such bullshit

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If WPLG gets another male anchor, that is known to be straight. Do think we might see our first sexuality based discrimination lawsuit? All though there are quite a few Gay and Lesbian anchors in that market and in West Palm but I figured it might beg that question.

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If WPLG gets another male anchor, that is known to be straight. Do think we might see our first sexuality based discrimination lawsuit? All though there are quite a few Gay and Lesbian anchors in that market and in West Palm but I figured it might beg that question.


PLG has just handled the entire situation very assholicly.

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If WPLG gets another male anchor, that is known to be straight. Do think we might see our first sexuality based discrimination lawsuit? All though there are quite a few Gay and Lesbian anchors in that market and in West Palm but I figured it might beg that question.


If so, this is going to prove really messy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's lots of anchors who this happens to, he is hardly alone. We have it all the time in Chicago a decent anchor gets bumped for the "flavour of the month."


Also remember anchors and other celebs often have "morals clauses" in their anchors that allow the station to reassign or fire them if they are too public with things.


For instance these clauses would temper a person's ability to exercise his first amendment rights in certain case. For instance, if a reporter openly campaigns for one candidate running for office, that would be a conflict of interest. Or if a reporter is seen online in prolife or on line in an pro-choice picket line.


I've seen Perez and while he's not the worst anchor I've seen, he's really only average at best. I would say average leaning toward mediocre

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In regards to Perez staying in NYC, that really wasn't an option... his contract was not re-signed by WABC, and there weren't any other shops that were interested in his being an anchor... (and I can't blame them - Perez really was one of the most boring anchors I've ever seen here in NY.) There was no place for him to go up here... he only wanted an anchor slot.


Personally, I think Perez is gonna have a hard battle to fight. There are definitely morality clauses in his contract, and when his dirty laundry gets aired all over town, that looks terrible for his employer - however, this has NOTHING to do with sexuality. God knows television news is loaded with homosexuals... it's not like he's working in Iowa or something.


THe person he should be suing over this is his ex, the one who broke into his email, and sent it out to everyone.

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Why would morality clauses apply here? The email that was sent out wasn't meant for public consumption......


that's why u have to be very careful about keeping your private life seperate from your public one... Regardless of who leaked the email, morality does come into play. You are who you associate with... disgruntled ex's and all.

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So it's his fault that a disgruntled ex spreads his personal/private emails around without his consent???


I'm not saying it's his fault for his ex's actions... but it's just not good to have your personal life plastered all over the news, no matter what industry you're in... It's rarely flattering stuff, and often detrimental to your life/career.


I really do find it hard to believe that this has anything to do with sexual orientation, considering Pahovey himself is a gay man. I just think this is WPLG tired of a drama queen, who let his lifestyle get the best of him....


The same thing happened to Steve Bartelstein here in NY... and I was a first hand witness to all of that. Trust me, when Perez was at WABC, he was a prima donna, and without reason if you ask me...


I can name MANY successful gay/lesbian talent in many markets who manage to keep their private lives private, and they're no worse for wear due to their orientation... it's those who allow themselves to become part of a subculture that end up getting the boot. Those who keep a low profile are always best off... after all, if you want a "high-profile" - you're best off in Hollywood. News anchors are supposed to tell the news, not be the news.

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So again, it's his fault someone else decided to plaster the details of his private life all over the place....and it's his fault he got demoted soon after?


For the sake of discussion, if an opposite sex lover were to go through your private matters and release them to the public.....should you get demoted and fired for someone else's actions that you had absolutely no control over?


I think the blame the victim mentality you have exhibited here shows that you're dense and woefully uninformed.



This has NOTHING to do with sexuality for God's sake... there have been plenty of times when people have been reprimanded for opposite sex relations as well. When you work in television, you have to always consider the station in everything that you do... it's part of the contract that you sign with them... I know, I've signed one.


You're playing up the sexuality part way too much.. what does that say? I'm not trying to prove any point when it comes to his sexuality, at all.


Private matters are private matters... and if you don't want them to have an adverse effect on your life, you have to keep them private. I understand that Perez wasn't the one that leaked this information out, his "gender identity issues" - however, if he didn't want to take the chance of this having an adverse effect on his life, he should have either not written an email to his psychiatrist, or better protected his email...


His recourse at this point should be to sue his ex-lover for defamation of character, and loss of his job thanks to his breaking into Perez' email. (Larry Mendte got arrested for the same thing, having to do with Alicia Lane at KYW.) WPLG took the measures they had to in order to protect their integrity with the public. I mean, as a viewer, when you watch Charles Perez aren't you always going to think "oh - that's the guy who doesn't know if he should be a woman or not?" And while that might seem a bit crass, it's just the mentality of the average viewer... the majority of the public.


I worked with Sam Champion for many years, and the guy is now on national television... he's never denied his sexuality. Mike Woods, Andrew Kirtzman, Sue Simmons, the list goes on.. We have plenty of gays and lesbians on TV here in NY, and they're all quite successful regardless of their sexuality.. but once your dirty laundry gets aired, you can pretty much count on your career going down the tubes - regardless of whose fault it was or whether or not you're gay/straight/bisexual/asexual, etc. When you're getting paid to be on television, you have an image to uphold... the image has nothing to do with your sexuality, it has to do with your being able to seperate your public life from your private one.


I just think you're putting way too much emphasis on this having something to do with Perez being gay - which it doesn't. We have all known he is gay since his appearance on the Real World 20 years ago. Don't make this into something it's not - and don't call me dense and uninformed. I worked with Perez.

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So again, blame the victim. I'm really surprised you just didn't say "Well maybe he shouldn't have had gender identity issues." When you send an email or other document you should have a reasonable expectation that it is private.....I'm really surprised you weren't blaming Alycia Lane for her email getting hacked.


I don't really give two shits who you've worked with.....you're blaming someone for something almost completely out of their control.


And the "protecting their integrity" thing is total BS and you and I know it. On-air people get arrested all the time and a lot of them don't get demoted much less fired. I don't see how someone having personal gender issues would affect their job performance or the station's credibility.....especially in a progressive area like South Florida.


Oh give me a break. You know that no electronic transmission is private... every email service provider keeps a log of every email that is sent, no matter who... same thing with text messages, etc... The only way to insure there's no one else who can access it? One-on-one conversation.


AS for your two shits - I don't care that Perez is gay, has gender issues, that you're gay, etc... It doesn't matter here or there... You're just trying to make this something that it's not. Perez got fired because he sued his employer. Name a time in recent memory that hasn't happened? WPLG almost has no choice... how can you have a reasonable chance at a defense if you've got someone who is suing you walking around the station, etc...


Demotion happens all the time... for reasons, no reasons, etc... If there was a stipulation in his contract that he had to be on weekdays, he could have walked, and just sat out the remainder and collected... MANY MANY anchors have done this after getting demoted... However, if the station had every right to move him to weekends, so be it. They don't need to justify such a move to anyone...


If you want to try and make this into a sexuality thing, you're picking a bone with the wrong person...

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Even if it's not about sexuality, it's clear that it's not Perez's fault the emails came out. nynewsguy is essentially saying that it's Perez's fault that the email was sent out. It isn't. Email is supposed to be private, and if it was sent out against his will, he can't be blamed for it. He states that Perez needs to separate his private life from his public life...he was going to a shrink, something that is private. He shouldn't be held accountable for his ex's actions.


How is it justifiable for an employer to state that he's "too anchor-like" one day, then after the email surfaces, that he's way too giggly? Give me a break.

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that's why u have to be very careful about keeping your private life seperate from your public one... Regardless of who leaked the email, morality does come into play. You are who you associate with... disgruntled ex's and all.


Most TV "morality clauses" involve the phrase "standards of the community". Not something broader like "morals". I'm pretty sure even something like a gay man having gender identity issues in a community like Miami would not go against the standards of the community. Heck, it's probably fairly common. Maybe I'm painting too broad of a stroke here...

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Exactly...when you send an email, there should be a reasonable expectation that its contents are private.


I think nynewsguy is being dishonest when he says that it's not about his sexuality...I doubt if this were just average Joe Straight Guy hooking up with women it would be big news.



Say what you want, but don't accuse me of being dishonest in what I say... Why would I care if he's gay or not? Most the people who post here are... most people I work with are... It doesn't matter to me in the least.


This all boils down to Perez suing WPLG for the demotion. Put yourself in the employer's seat... What would YOU do if someone who you employed decided to sue you for a decision you made? You would keep him/her on the payroll? Come on. Give it a rest.


As I've said before... don't make sexuality an issue here when it's not. The reason he got fired was for bringing the complaint against the station. His boss is gay for Christ's sake.

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Well I do agree that WPLG went a little to far for demoting him but if he's suing the station for a demotion then he surely shouldn't be working there which is why I think it makes perfect sense that WPLG took him out of the payroll. Overall I never really like the way he delivered the news, even during his days here in NY he had no chemistry with any of his co-anchors. He was too boring for my tastes..

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As I've said before... don't make sexuality an issue here when it's not. The reason he got fired was for bringing the complaint against the station. His boss is gay for Christ's sake.


If that is the case, several here are taking this out of proportion. After reading a few of the other members post in this thread, I am more likely to side with you. Straight, gay, or bi, once your personal life is put out for everyone else, then there is a problem. If Charles Perez did violate his contract, then WPLG has every right to do whatever they want. However if Perez is in no wrong, then WPLG should be held accountable.

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He didn't violate the contract though...he couldn't control that his privacy was violated. He shouldn't be liable for something that was completely private.

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To me, the demotion was as a result of all the dirty laundry that was made public about him. The firing was as a result of him badmouthing the station and filing a complaint against them. The reality is that it might not have been his fault for his ex to leak out all that crap about him but, a station can generally move around an anchors shift without permission and in most cases without reason. The unfortunate part is that had Perez kept his mouth shut, WPLG *might* have bought him out of his contract, then he goes off like a happy camper with a nice chunk of change in his pocket and goes to look for another job, sues his ex for defamation, etc. Then after everything is settled, badmouth the station, but at least he has his money. Now, all that Perez said about the station will unfortunately be used against him by the stations lawyers, should this go to court. Also, we must remember that we don't know what is/was on his contract, so we can only speculate.

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He didn't violate the contract though...he couldn't control that his privacy was violated. He shouldn't be liable for something that was completely private.


Wait though... lets get something straight...


Perez was demoted to weekends... and WPLG has the right to place talent wherever they want, for whatever reason. They don't have to justify an internal move. Think about how many times we've all discussed the musical chairs at WCBS. If there is a stipulation in Perez' contract that said he had to be a weeknight anchor, he could have just sat out the rest of his contract and collected, as Roz Abrams did.


However, Perez decided to assume that he was demoted because of his sexuality, and the fact that his personal business was spread out for the world to read... and I honestly think that it had absolutely nothing to do with that. Perez is a sub-par anchor at best... I personally thought PLG was nuts when they made him a primary anchor to replace a legend like Dwight Lauderdale. Perez' best days are long behind him... and I have nothing against the guy, so don't turn this into me badmouthing him.


PLG was more than likely just not happy with the public's response to Perez on weeknights, and decided to put him back on weekends. It's that simple. Replacing someone legendary is never easy, regardless of who you are. Also, stations are looking to cut back wherever possible, and if they can replace the weekend anchors with Perez, why not do that?


Perez' mistake was his assumption that he got demoted for his personal trials, and he played the gay card. You know what? Playing the gay card works in a lot of cases, but not when it comes to television... considering that 1/2 the people who work in TV are homosexual. It just makes no sense what he did.


As I've said before, Perez should sue his ex for defamation of character and public embarassment. He can sue WPLG for as much as he wants, but mark my words, he won't win.


Vlad, NTX - thank you for understanding where I'm coming from here... and not making this about sexuality like some here have...


CBS8HD - Finally, someone who also has a reasonable understanding of this whole debacle! Thank GOD!

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I really do find it hard to believe that this has anything to do with sexual orientation, considering Pahovey himself is a gay man. I just think this is WPLG tired of a drama queen, who let his lifestyle get the best of him....


Not to speak specifically about this situation, but let's not take it as assumed fact that being a gay man automatically means you will automatically sensitive and kind to other gay men. Gay men can be petty and jealous amongst themselves and quite frequently treat each other like shit.


Not that I am blinded by his stunning Full Windsor knots, but I always thought Perez was a very good anchor. He is handsome, exudes intelligence, is well spoken and YES looks DAMN good in suits. I don't pretend to know what WABC's expectation of him were, but were they thinking he would miraculously improve ratings for the Saturday night news? Others here have inside info, but let's face it: Charles Perez was not the first nor will he be the last talented person to be summarily fired from a station for no good reason.

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You know, we've lost many anchors who were very talented for no good reason at all, regardless of what their sexuality is, I mean, here in New York, we can use this market as a prime example, many people were taken off the air, for no reason whatsoever or little understanding, I think its just the nature of this business, it can be very unpredictable... Charles really did not have the talent, well at least not anymore. I remember those days when he was the weekend anchor at WABC, the weekend newscasts were so long and drawn out to the point where I would just turn it off. I may not know how this news business works since I don't plan on pursuing a career in it, but it is an unwritten rule that Chemistry is a very important thing that anyone must have in order to function in the workplace, no matter what the circumstances may be. And Perez, simply did not have that with any of his co-anchors anymore, so I can understand WPLG's decision as well as WABC's decision prior. At least WPLG was willing to keep him on during the weekends, if it were at the discretion of the stations here in New York (knowing how the competition is very strict in this market), they might have just let him go completely, lol, just like WCBS did with Roz Abrams..


And plus, when reading these articles, Perez, is to blame too for at least a portion of this debacle.. I was appalled to see all of that information about him just out there on the Miami Herald, most people typically keep their personal lives on the low, but this one is just out there, wow. I mean when seeing this, its really impossible for the viewers to look at this the same way anymore... Although his ex is to blame for releasing all of the e-mail information, he should've kept it at that, I honestly don't see why he had to go ahead and say that that "The station lowered his Profile"...

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