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Everything posted by nynewslover

  1. I don't live in Philly, however I often vacation in South Jersey and when I would watch TV in the hotel I would often turn to CBS3, just because that is usually what was on. From what I saw Orr and Reece were very popular and well known, often on location. (I even met Orr in Wildwood when she did Orr at the Shore, and she seemed nice). As with any case however, I don't get why management comes in and cleans house right away, especially with the more popular people. I looked into this and people are NOT happy at all. I'm not sure if it was there before this but it seems CBS Philly removed the "post to page" section from facebook.
  2. So wait.. Is the 7-9 hour still on the CW or is that over too?
  3. She's anchored quite a few times.. I remember when Ken was out sick she was the main fill in.. There's a lot of anchors on vacation.. I think bill and Liz are the only regular evening people this week
  4. Pretty sure most places take calls during servere weather or any event. It's a chance they take. It can happen during a live shot too. People are idiots that's the bottom line.
  5. Yeah you're not kidding about the weather.. They did the same thing in the winter. Even if it was for example like 8 inches they were calling it a monster storm.
  6. I have a question.. Lately many stations esp. 2&7 have been using sports anchors and even meteorologists ((Elise Finch) to anchor.. I understand Rob Powers cause it's not to much diff from sports.. But why not have reporters anchor or give them a chance atleast? I just find it strange. I know it's common but still..
  7. Elise Finch is in for Andrea Grymes this morning
  8. Bill, Liz and Sade are all out tonight. David and Lori did the 4.. Diana and Rob did the 5.. Diana did the 6.. I guess Diana and Lori will do the 11?
  9. I normally agree with that. In fact I usually say the same thing. The only thing I'm saying is if they have Shirleen why have Lori do the evenings? Unless it's a seniority/contract thing.. Lori is doing the 4 and 11 all week
  10. Idk it just seems like something is gonna happen in the next few months. Why have Lori do the evenings when they have Shirleen? Sade is off too.. Joe Torres was in at 5. Maybe Lori will do the 11? I'm just saying why mess with the entire line up when you have the people to fill in.. Edit: Lori is on at 11.. Never remember her doing the 11 before
  11. Lori was on at 4 for Liz.. Surprised not to see her at 6
  12. Yes. But he's on in the morning. With the changes to the noon show we were just wondering if he would be moved off as well. Thats all.
  13. I realized that too. They still mention him during the open. Even Lee Goldberg was on during the noon was day last week, so I'm not sure what is going on.
  14. WPIX has set up a pretty cool page on Facebook. Its called WPIX Archive. Not only news but vintage clips from the entire station. Check it out. (Today is the 67th Birthday of PIX by the way) They even made a special logo for it.
  15. He always writes negative stuff for PIX.. Don't believe everything he says
  16. Seems like everyone is going to PIX.. Or maybe Fox 5 will wanna expand their investegstive reporting a little bit
  17. They used the open they use at the top of the show for the rejoin today.. The open at the top of the show was fine yesterday too.. It was just the rejoin yesterday
  18. If they do being in someone else I wonder if they'd bring in someone completely new or have Amy and Jeff split the days. I personally think they'd bring in someone new WABC is big on having solid teams and not rotating people. I agree with moving Bill. It seems like they are trying to lighten the load on their staff. Example normally Amy would work all weekend if Jeff was off.. and visa versa.. They had Lee in on Saturday am and Amy on Saturday night. Not sure for Sunday but that's just an observation
  19. While they both go against all rules of journalism this is a lot worse in my opinion. This familys life is now at risk.. Wow just wow
  20. 2:30am-1:30pm.. I just saw that comment. Wow. That's an extremely long day.. Once in a while that's ok if needed but every day is way to much. My question is what is Bill's shift? I'm assuming it's something similar. I know hes not on camera as much as the anchors but still..
  21. In all honesty tho does chief meteorologist really mean anything or is it just a title? Yes I understand the evening spot is the more prominent time slot? But other than having "Chief Meteorologist" written next to your name.. What else does it mean?
  22. Today is the 15th anniversary of the PIX Morning News, Suki has a ton of pictures on facbook showing them through the years.. Also if you go to pix11.com and click on the "Morning" section you can see the first few minutes of the first broadcast.. Damn that show has changed a lot.
  23. Shirleen has pictures posted on Facebook of her shadowing NJ Burkett and Tim Flischer, I guess she will probably report for the 4:00, 5:00 and maybe 6:00. My question is does this make her the main fill in on the evening shows? I think that would make sense.
  24. According to 7online Bill is the "senior" meteorologist while Lee is the "chief" meteorologist. I think its safe to say that Sam Champion was the "chief" before Lee. HOWEVER, I did once hear that Bill was the "chief" but I can not confirm that for sure. Just a question though, isn't the weekday evening weather person usually the "chief" meteorologist? I always thought that was the case.
  25. He said they'll announce tomorrow who will be taking there place I say David.. But who knows.. Also I'm gonna say Bill stays on the noon.. Give the viewers some familiarity and keeping them tuned in.. This is big for WABC even if it is just the noon..
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