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Everything posted by MorningNews

  1. Wow. RIP to Allison. Had she been sick at all recently and I missed it?
  2. Looks like they added a glass extension to the new desk. I preferred the way it looked initially.
  3. No offense to you but I really wish people would come off of this “smart” stuff especially when using it to ridicule the other shows. The first hour of each network morning show is full of news and investigative reporting, yes it descends into crap at 8 a.m. but CBS second hour isn’t exactly what it’s first hour is either. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig.
  4. I guess the difference is in the branding of the shows - Fox & Friends doesn’t advertise themselves as being in Rockefeller Center although their building technically is. GMA has been the morning show of Times Square for 20+ years, it’s a core piece of their identity.
  5. Their morning program featuring Charles Kuralt and Diane Sawyer in the 80s topped Today for second place for a brief period. Their program in 1998 topped GMA for a second place finish one week during GMA’s failed McRee/Newman experiment. I don’t think CTM ever notched a full week out of 3rd place but did have a few days at #2 and even #1 after the Super Bowl iirc.
  6. Wow - did CTM ever use a soft set area with couches and chairs like they did this morning? I can see the show gravitating more and more towards The Early Show than CTM and let’s be honest that format just works for American morning television.
  7. It wasn’t too bad but I’m struggling to understand the differentiating point is for moving to TS, changing the name, adding Nate, etc. Doesn’t seem like anything today made the show necessarily stronger or more attractive than what we just watched Friday. Viewership is likely to reflect that.
  8. The new desk looks similar to what was used on the Australian Today Show. I’m a fan of the look, the desk is much better than the gigantic round one.
  9. Haha Joe and Sandra are usually off every other weekend too.
  10. Well both Sandra and Joe were off this weekend, they’ve both been filling in all week.
  11. Didn’t get to watch this morning but was there any tribute to Willard or maybe that will that be saved for this upcoming week? Loved Willard and his Smuckers birthday segment.
  12. Interesting to see Ken Rosato filling in on the weekend morning news with Toni Yates today. Does this happen often?
  13. 100% agree. I’m not sure why anyone is upset by this, it ties in really nicely with WABC’s horrible presentation.
  14. Technically isn’t the upstairs area they’ve been using also Studio 1A?
  15. Daily Beast reporting that Robin and George are at odds over comments Robin made on a staff call after the reports / lawsuits surfaced. ABC says the two have discussed the comments and are fine. Safe to say tensions are high. https://www.thedailybeast.com/bombshell-lawsuit-has-gma-co-hosts-george-stephanopoulos-and-robin-roberts-at-each-others-throats?ref=scroll
  16. I don’t see this iteration being any more successful and CBS will once again “innovatively” reformat their morning offering several years down the line. This is the same format they tried for a decade before The Early Show. Seems like a missed opportunity to take advantage of the Times Square location especially since it’s been neglected by GMA in recent years.
  17. Also interesting when you realize she’s technically been host longer than Savannah has been at Today. Certainly doesn’t feel that way.
  18. Did we ever learn the circumstances around his WABC departure? It seemed like an awkward break up with him never returning to air after a longer parental leave.
  19. The lawsuits don’t seem to implicate any on-air talent of wrongdoing.
  20. I personally hate Fox’s reporting on other media outlets. They take a very obvious subjective stance against other personalities that they deem “liberal media.”
  21. With much better terms apparently.
  22. Is the Saturday broadcast not based out of DC anymore?
  23. How can they think that looks presentable at all? Jfc
  24. ABC has updated their “More Americans Watch ABC News” promo with the new logo. The overall promo has been “cartoonized” to match the new logo, that’s the best way I can describe it.
  25. While it’s likely she could definitely leave, the situation in that story reads like classic contract negations. Rachel has total leverage.
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