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Posts posted by mountainave


    She's listed as an EP, but I don't think that she has any decision-making capabilities anymore. I would say that while the panel search was done in haste, Nicolle has really been a great addition. She has really stepped up her game in the last few months.


    I agree that she has become a good fit. The only thing that disappoints me is that despite her having been a republican strategist, she never seems to really argue on behalf of a conservative point of view. She tends to say something like "Well republicans feel xyz..." but doesn't take ownership of it like Elisabeth Hasselbeck did. Maybe that is explained by the fact that she comes from being an analyst on MSNBC, or maybe execs at The View told her to take that route because they thought Elisabeth was too radical. Unfortunately, it results in more agreeing and head-nodding around the table rather than the passionate, informative, two-sided debate that took place between Elisabeth and the more liberal hosts on political issues, and Elisabeth/Sherri and Joy/Whoopi on religious issues.

    I get the feeling The View as a show will be not far behind the way it's going.


    It's a shame. The changes to the show that took place over the summer -- including the selection of new panelists -- seemed impulsive and hasty. I am hopeful that the show will improve if they cast the right cohosts (O'Donnell's bitterness and Rosie Perez's inability to articulate herself haven't helped) and return to the format of controversial social and political hot topics.

    Part of the problem lies with the fact that Rosie wants to do the show her way. She wants to be the moderator and have the show revolve around Rosie. She really is not interested in talking politics or reality/pop culture topics. If she were in charge, The View would be arts & crafts, discussions on social issues and some current events and celebrity interviews. The show has become unbearable as you have Whoopi constantly being negative- almost like she is doing it on purpose to piss Rosie O. off. NIcolle seems intimidated by Rosie, she has gotten better about voicing her point of view but Rosie often cuts her off. I really think that they should do better once O'Donnell is off the show.


    Good points.


    I would like to see a panel consisting of Whoopi, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd, and Nicole Wallace, with an occasional guest host.

  4. The changes to The View this season have made the show unwatchable. The topics are softer (so soft that they're just plain bland) and there is very little debate. Part of what made the show fun and engaging was the back-and-forth banter about political and social issues, which grew heated on occasion, broken up by comic relief from the brilliant Joy Behar and Sherri Shepherd. None of that is present anymore. Not to mention, Rosie O'Donnell is just an unpleasant ass.


    Have there been any further reports suggesting why Geddie, Sherri Shepherd, and Jenny McCarthy were tossed to the curb? Jenny was decent, but Sherri was really excellent on the show. I can't understand why they would let her go, unless it was something simple like a contract renegotiation dispute.

  5. Her name is Cecilia Vega. The story packages are taped, but the shots in the studio are live. I don't know what you mean by the camera shots being too clean or quick to be live. There's more than one camera in the studio, and the technical director in the control room can switch between them.

  6. I've noticed for a while now that the show has, with the exception of maybe one story per night, eliminated live stand-ups at the beginning of stories and instead rolls right to the package, ending with a brief reporter standup and generally no follow-up from whoever is anchoring. I hadn't put two-and-two together before, but now I realize that this must be in line with the show's reported efforts to be faster-paced and fit in more stories. I'm sure cutting out opening stand-ups and banter/follow-up questions saves a good bit of time.


    I don't particularly mind the change, but it does make the show feel like less of a live broadcast.


    Rob Marciano did weather tonight from Los Angeles in front of a green screen, and for the life of me, I cannot remember the last time I saw a network weatherperson use a chroma key.


    Yeah, that was odd. I know Ginger has been sick. I can't help but wonder if Rob was on vacation or on assignment in LA, and they had him run over to KABC to fill in because Ginger was too sick to go on air.


    On another note, I too wonder "what would have been" had Elizabeth been at the helm of the show. I think she is an excellent anchor, whether it's GMA or WNT or 20/20, but I imagine anchoring WNT full time might have put even greater stress on her health situation at the time. Who knows.


    Why does Tom Llamas insist on SHOUTING his way thru the newscast? It's especially obvious right after a reporter has delivered their own piece live on set, he then comes ROARING back and raises the decibel level to an uncomfortable place...


    His story reading is good, but his segues and banter/question-asking with correspondents could use some improvement. He's only done it twice, now. Give him time. Cecilia wasn't particularly natural her first few times either.

  9. Well, just when I was about to say it seems the chair is Cecilia's to lose, in comes Tom who does a pretty good job. Perhaps anchoring WNT weekend was the gig he was referring to when he mentioned a few months ago that he was leaving WNBC to take a "coveted job in network news." If that's the case, it would make sense that they allowed him to become acclimated to ABC and to viewers for a couple months before sticking him in the chair. Who knows.


    Let's see who anchors next weekend...


    Not to burst any bubbles, but WABC actually put that video together last year for the 1st anniversary.


    Wasn't sure if it was in the weeks following or on the one-year anniversary. Thanks for clarifying.


    Either way, I don't think when they compiled it takes away from how well-done it is.


    They won't have access to offices while the renovations happen because the offices and the enitre space is being gutted and redone. It's a long overdue and much need renovation for a newsroom that's had the same basic look and layout since, at least, the early 1990s.


    According to another post by Cho, the offices are being eliminated completely.



  12. Over the past several weeks a number of anchors and reporters have indicated on social media that the newsroom is about to undergo a six-month renovation. Several posted pictures of them cleaning out their offices. Some suggested that they're "losing" their offices. Not clear if they mean they won't be able to access their offices while the renovation is underway, or if WABC is getting rid of anchor offices and moving them all to cubicles with the reporters.


    Here's a picture Liz Cho posted of the temporary digs: https://www.facebook.com/billritter.wabc/posts/10152884433019047

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