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Posts posted by mountainave

  1. While she likely will replace Rob I don't think Laura has been chosen yet.. You would think it would've been mentioned when he left that she would be taking the chair.. Kind of like Rob was announced by Scott.. Plus she's still in the weekend opens.. Idk something just tells me nothing's official

    You're right. That is a little bizarre. By all accounts, if the plan was for her to replace Rob, it would have been announced during or shortly following Rob's departure.


    Maybe they are still negotiating contract details?

  2. Today was a full day of hot topics and the panel was Whoopi, Sara, Joy, Sunny, and Paula. You can just tell that this is a more intellectual panel. The discussion was richer and more thoughtful. It certainly is a different atmosphere than we got with Whoopi, Michelle, Joy, Raven, and Paula.


    I would love to see Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, Paula, and Jedediah. Sara is great but I think Jedediah is less afraid to jump in with passion. Sunny and Joy are so, so liberal that it would be nice to have Jedediah there (along with Paula, though I think Jedediah is better) to balance out the points of view at the table.

  3. On another note, what leverage did ABC have over Whoopi to be able to cut her salary in half?


    My guess would be that they had ratings and feedback data that suggested that Joy was well-liked by viewers, and that ratings didn't drop on Fridays when Whoopi was gone. In other words, maybe they told Whoopi to take a pay cut or be replaced by Joy.

  4. I'll add to the choir and agree that Candace seemed to fit in well. Unlike Paula, she was able to be outspoken in her conservative viewpoints, and she did so without being obnoxious. Moreover, Whoopi actually seemed to like her and respect her quite a bit.

    • Like 1
  5. That New at 11 box looks like it belongs on Fox 5. Plus, it's huge. Totally covered the collision in the video they played.


    If people are already tuned in, I wonder what the point is. Maybe they have data suggesting that some people are watching the open and then changing the channel or turning the TV off, so they are looking for a way to keep people lured in.

  6. Graphics have usually debuted on Mondays and usually during the noon or early evening newscasts. The studio debuted on a Sunday; maybe some new graphics launched then but most were in place already before the launch.


    Ah, okay. I must've been thinking about the studio.

  7. Maybe on Monday? They usually debut new things at the start of the first week of whichever month the change will happen.

    I vaguely recall seeing new graphics debut over the weekend in the past. Gives them a chance to test things out live on the weekend shows and iron out kinks before the more-watched weekday shows.

    • Like 1
  8. The only way this makes sense to me is if it is meant to lay the groundwork for Lara's departure. Michael takes on more of the lighthearted stuff as Lara's role continues to be reduced, until the next headline reads "Lara decides to move on for other opportunities." That's the possibility I'm envisioning right now. I have a hard time picturing the plausibility of having six anchors full-time for the long-haul.

  9. i would think she would become the lead then they hire someone?

    Could be. I raised the question because I wonder if a station in the #1 DMA would be willing to have a female chief sports anchor. If it's up to Camille, then maybe it would happen. But otherwise, I imagine there might be some apprehension about how viewers would respond to a female delivering sports on weeknights.

  10. We once speculated at great lengths the possibility that Rob would eventually transition to news while at WABC. However, the hiring of Shirleen virtually eliminated that possibility. It also essentially put an end to Rob filling in for the news anchors which he had previously been doing more and more of. So, if he indeed wants to transition to news, I guess this makes sense. Would be a loss for the team at a time when more instability isn't needed. Would also raise the question: what happens to Laura Benhke?

  11. Hate to correct you, but did you mean the Sarah Wallace situation??

    I think the reference was to the assertion allegedly made by Lisa's mom that Camille overworked Lisa. But, yes, add the Sarah Wallace situation to the mix, too.


    My problem with Shirleen is that, to me, she still feels young and inexperienced, especially when placed in comparison to heavy hitters like Ritter, Williams, and Stokes.

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  12. Jim Dolan just tweeted that he is returning to air after eight weeks off. Anybody know why he was off for two months? Couldn't have been vacation, and he hasn't given any indication that it was a medical leave.


    He's been critical in the past of WABC management decisions (I'm thinking in particular of the email he sent following the exit of Sarah Wallace). Can't help but wonder if this was a suspension. Pure speculation, of course.

    • Like 4
  13. No doubt. Too bad they chose Paula over Sara. Sara comes across as genuine and natural, and Paula tries too hard and IMO trying to be a Barbara Walters clone on the show. I have noticed that Whoopi isn't a big fan of Paula and their exchanges can get really cringe-worthy, which is why Paula isn't looking over at Whoopi too much.

    I also have been getting the sense that Whoopi doesn't like Paula. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed.


    Paula has definitely taken on the Walters role as the "fact-giver" during discussions, though that could be because she was told to do so by the producers. Who knows. Sara does feel more natural. She is certainly better suited for a show like this than a for a news program like GMA.

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