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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Alex Stone, ABC Radio News L.A. Bureau reporter voiced a TV package for the network feed over the weekend. No standup included, however it looks like some producer just had him track a straight package on the western fires directly off his radio script. I would guess if the union had an issue with this then we would hear from them...otherwise a good solid piece from Stone. Hope he gets more TV time in addition to his youtube and ABC radio stuff..
  2. Because we seem to have run out of creative ways to say... "Your Doorknobs Can Stalk and Kill you ..."
  3. He has 525M viewers nightly??? And CTV only has 1 million? What's the problem....that's like a 900 share. He has more viewers than the population of the USA, Canada, Botswana and Mexico combined. I bet he can have any woman he wants. He should show his boss those ratings and ask for a small raise before he retires.
  4. You are sooooo thoughtful!
  5. Pat was a fine family man and had many friends. His accomplishments at KTLA were numerous...he will be missed.
  6. Gabe was a fine man with a wonderful family, and many friends. He was a great reporter and will be missed. ...and that picture is awesome. (looks like an Ampex 300 1/4 inch audio tape recorder with a mult-iline phone patch inside an NBC audio room...and a real RCA union trained audio engineer.)
  7. No problem viewing in Southern California..
  8. Many old people can only see in 4:3 and some still in B/W. I can remember when JetBlue was called "PropBlue". The 4pm special at Sizzler is Liver and Onions...and the all you can eat salad bar.
  9. Ohh, Ohh! AND the Morons sent out a bonded cellular unit and NOT a real live truck. What kind of assignment desk idiot sends a bonded cellular unit to a location with 20,000+ other cellular user crammed into one area???? As expected the signal went to shit because everyone else was smartphoning away...and taking the bandwidth KGTV wanted. Bonded Cellular Rule #1: Avoid crowds at all cost!
  10. Well now we all can look forward to Jedidiah Springfield Day...and coming soon...Festivus! ( Conrad ehh?)
  11. The Dali Lama (sp) just spent 2 days giving commencement speeches at University of California at San Diego(UCSD). Every local station sent out the greenest reporters they had to ohhhh and ahhhh over the Dalli..... The old man comes with a little controversy...you see the Chinese government would like to execute him and his followers. They have killed plenty already. So you would think one of our astute local reporters would mention what the REAL story is.... Seeing that 14% of the students at UCSD are directly from mainland China and studying here. But the reporters were too busy going gaga over the dali. You would think a decent reporter would stick a mic in the face of a few Chinese students for some reax. KGTV even sent a friggin Chinese reporter named Jessica Chen ...who was clueless!!! Idiots!
  12. What will happen when the get to Ca.?
  13. OMG... That was so "G" rated...I fell off my little mermaid. C'mon Falwell... Bust out the good stuff...the stuff they used to show on Pee Wee's Playhouse...or Rudy and GoGo... We know all you liberals keep a stash blue cartoons and bathtub gin hidden from the hired "help".
  14. They will allow Steve and Kim to go gracefully...Kimba the latter. Both will get the "Bill Griffith treatment" and continue to shill for alarm companies and fat doctors in those superspots at the end of the 11am show. Kim may even land one of those sponsored Italian cruises where viewers come aboard and bother and stalk you for 2 weeks. ...... I'm gonna blow a gasket over the reporters at KGTV just like i sense you are. Those reporters are what she is stuck with...and it's a looooong story on how they get (or not get) to SD.
  15. My gripe is this. Shouldn't stations be doing this kind of stuff on a regular basis, instead of just doing it on the day of the company's founding? I feel they're doing this on a corporate mandate, instead of doing it just for the sake of helping their communities. The Corp bullshit answer is: "We (Hackstar) help the community EVERYDAY of the year Mr.Circleseven...so we take great offense to your accusations of our laziness"..... Once a year is "a regular basis"...according to Crapstar. This event of goodwill cost the corperation NOTHING to put on. I bet even the free t-shirts were donated. Employee time...donated...food...donated...air time...donated...water...tap...phone...tap...tap-tap-tap---sos. The employees are the ones who really deserve the thanks. They are the pawns in the whole thing, ,,,but they volunteer and feel good doing so. (win-win). The company does the absolute minimum to satisfy "Community Service" whatever the hell the FCC defines that as.
  16. Ohhhhhh Ok....I will go back into my cave now.
  17. The WHOLE Uncut uncensored non-pc cartoon library??? Or the crappy library that omits all of WW2?
  18. Oh that process has NOT so quietly already begun. Now is the time when cat lady will try out some new anchor teams...right under everyone's noses. Now is when most the longer and older employees are forced to take vacations, because it's a no-no to vacate during the big 3 books....and they have time built up unliike newer or the parttimers/day hires. The ND's use the guise of "vacation shuffle"to try out new anchor combos. it also pisses off the main anchors by messing with ego's and aegyo. Anchors get fired on vacation all the time so they are always apprehensive to even take vacation time. I don't know what the current policy on vacation buy-back is, but i'm sure it's not generous in any form. beside what kind of fool buys back/cash out vacation time anyway? So watch for the funny combos for the next 8 weeks.
  19. Ever since Tom got out of rehab ,,,both Tom and Jerry have been working hard on their relationship. Both understand there is no room for violence anymore. We all just hope they don't pull an "itchy and scratchy" and end up drunks on some stupid kids show.
  20. Usually when a position like that is filled it means the money,beni's , etc are all ready to be a real fulltime employee, filling that job"classification". Any and all work assignments, positions, duties or anchor pairings are all up to management UNLESS it's been worked out in a contract...arranged by his agent...who gets up to 15% (depending on the state) of the annual pay of said reporter. It's an old trick to delay hiring to keep the news budget numbers looking good. Even better to delay when the job involves a member of the "bargaining unit"...ie: The Union. It's not like there is a shortage of qualified people out there...it's just a nice way to kiss the GM's ass by keeping those budget numbers within the yearly budget projections.
  21. I remember when I heard the terrible news, I ran home and hugged my children...which was strange because my kids were supposed to be in school. I think the biggest shocker for me in 2013 was the death of Annette Funicello. The old folks tell stories about searching the internet in 1957 for "annettes breast" because back then you couldn't use "tits" or "boobs" as search terms . She was the most searched term in 50's back when the internet used typewriters and Tv's.
  22. Dr Matt should get off the wx set by sundown... Kristen has guns and 2 (big) sisters.... ...and they call the media liberal...
  23. Well there was sultry singing siren Nancy Pender...Former WFLD,KMST,OCN
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