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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Who ever compared Megyn Kelly to Oprah? Let's say Kelly flops at NBC ...and FNC takes a hit when they are forced to hire a bunch of fugly frumps... Kelly will just return to FNC cuz "everybody loves a comeback!"...and that creepy Raj is dead so "The Amazons" can run the FOX haus. Hell I bet the repubs can get Megyn all groomed and ready to run for prez by 2024.
  2. Ahhhh You got "bumped" for time... If you are in da-biz...den you no how da game is played bradda. We all get "edited" now and then in life my little weed-hopper...it's just the way it is. You should see the EXCLUSIVE KBEX "Suki Sex Tape" that I posted hundreds of times here...but that dang Weeters keeps pulling it down! I curse that Weeters...he vexes me so!
  3. As soon as a saw these... I rushed home...and hugged my children.
  4. It's "Old fashion solutions...to old fashion problems." Now how many stations have a few large print typewriters,ribbons , and 7-ply carbon ready for the next power outage? How many reporters know how to use landline??? Rob is correct that you have to provide your talent and crew with the basic requirements for a full show remote. Monitors with shades is kinda important..so is a proper IFB for situation. At KBEX we do remotes with Solo cups and alligator clips....but we also pay our employees with Scratchers. I sensed dual frustration with that email the anchors sent. I can understand what it's like to really NEED a few basic items only to be told there is no budget. "Field producer"? What the hell are them? I get real cynical sometimes, but I can feel the pain for these folks. My greatest respect to Rob or the other producers cranking out a nightly bunch of shows in this God forsaken biz...with no signs of management support. (have an exit strategy) Hang in there, and keep up the good work. I wish we had room for all of you here at KBEX.
  5. Give them a fighting chance to work out the bugs and do a little training...that's why you start on a weekend. After all, it's not like they have a great track record on this stuff.
  6. What's rough is wanting to keep all this private...but you have no choice but to tell everyone because the second you disappear from the air, people will speculate and start emailing and calling the station. Yeah... Some are actual attention whores...even with cancer.. But most really prefer to keep this quiet however social media makes it worse sometimes.
  7. Don't be so critical... Here at KBEX, we often make multi-million dollar decisions based on what we read on TVNT.
  8. But Rippa is getting old...the sisters are going south...some of that old lady attitude is starting to creep in. I bet something don't even smell like strawberry's anymore. Let's see what Megyn has to offer up? You never know she may show up in a cat suit and get the furry crowd all riled up. Or she could wear a nice school girl get-up...or maybe some daisy dukes with her lil butt-cheeks sticking all out? You just don't know....do ya?
  9. Yes Mr ns8401... There is no place for fast talking opinion from those weaselly news people. Now you say that Fedex is critical of this? Well we at KBEX have an EXCLUSIVE reply from our cousins at Fedex re: this matter.
  10. ...because of it's accuracy...
  11. Maybe she was eaten by goats. Goats eat a hell of a lot of people each year and you all don't realize it. Half of all the "Alien Abductions" are really just goats eating folks. Goats will eat anything. Oh well... Until people wise up and start actually monitoring the goats (like they do to me) then you will never really believe just how nasty mean and evil goats can be.
  12. A "gender reveal party"??? Wow, I may need to binge watch "Teen Mom OG's" to catch up on all this hip and modern rap that you cats use in today's hip- diddy- bomb crib.
  13. In case one calls in sick.
  14. Hell yes... And in the day it was uber-cool to have a custom slide...made just for you. Please feel free to post your favs.
  15. "Spending more time with family..." That joke writes itself. Her family was never important in the past? How is she sure they want to spend time with HER after all these years of total neglect? Will she just be "That lady that was on TeeVee'? to her family? What if she doesn't really have ANY family? OK... Pets count....just don't play production music all day for them.
  16. But that relevant internet is just like that CIA Crack....it's sucking your brains out quicker. TV sucked our (analog creatures) brains at much slower rates, because we had time to digest all the media we were exposed to. Now you young-uns got all that near field RF exposure at much higher rates....and those video games, free tranny porn and Candy Crush has made all your millennial asses bigger than a Kardashians. (Sluuuuurrrrrrppppp) You keep placing all those eggs of yours in that "Internet is Everything " basket... When the power goes out, and the Norks bomb San Francisco (and Austin) , I will watch you whine and bitch that you can't get your uber, back page hookers or deal dash meals because Kim Jun Un nuked your net nodes. Gurgle, gurgle Sluuuurrrrrpppppppp!!!!
  17. Yup... And the activated the OSS (the) Oh Shit Slide Cuz they used to be on 35mm slides ready to go in the tele-cine carousal. Usually the words "oh shit" were spoken just before this slide was taken to air. (That should keep the youngsters busy on google for a few minutes.)
  18. I heard they even tried to fire the Coke machine and water fountain...but they are union.
  19. The Natasha fans OWN Lieberman.
  20. Yummy....in all the right places.
  21. It doesn't mention Natasha...but it should. All hail Natasha...queen of whatever.
  22. Natasha has cult status....not sure what Dion Lim brings to the equation,
  23. Natasha has developed a pretty loyal and fierce set of fans...and KGO knows that.
  24. It may be when the allotted air hours are used up. Many stations have a pre-set number of air hours per year they budget. Most likely tied to that budget
  25. Yes traditionally it's the highest for the network (primetime) part of the programming on Sundays. However there has always been serious drop-off (sleepers) in the 10pm to 11pm hour, and not all stations in a market see any jump on Sundays. In the early 1990's many FOX news startups were encouraged to run Sun-Thur main anchor placements, but the participating affils really didn't see noticeable or consistent spikes despite FOX doing well on Sundays with Ally Mcbeal and X-Files. It really just depends on the market.
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