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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. I hate to tell all of you this.... All these locally produced NYE shows now suck pretty much for all the same reason. Most of these productions no longer allow the consumption of alcoholic beverages during the show. So they have turned into super lame affairs. Sure they slip the talent some booze...but the "fun" of working (production crew) those shows is now gone since the HR goons ruined it for everyone. Now it's just a bunch of miserable union hacks trying to grab what little overtime is still available. Oh BTW... Those holiday "full credit rolls" had to be negotiated by various broadcasting unions (NABET,IBEW,AFTRA-SAG etc..) because they take up valuable airtime that can be used to generate revenue. Ho Ho Ho Headbangers!
  2. Why not just bring them up through the groups farm systems.... ...and then let us trade them between groups and cities. just like baseball. batter-up! (I will trade 3 old male reporters for 1 young wx bunny)
  3. By nature it's not really a local story,. And it's only a story about a dead star at that point...no hint of foul play, no traumatic death...no extended sickness (deathwatch) and certainly no pre-produced obit package ready to run. Very few details available even 24 hours after the fact. It's not a 'cut-in' item by any means. Not really much to "own" in this story as of yet. It's still only a 40sec vosot or a re-tracked reporter package with some pretty music clips and sobbing fans. Plus....+++++ It's a holiday weekend again...didn't we just go through this with another star like Muhammad Ali or someone else? There is a picked over catered ham answering the phones in NYC Newsrooms nowadays... Here is a little lesson... Don't die on holiday weekends when all the newsrooms are dark. It's best to die during the week before 2pm pacific time so you can make it on the entertainment shows.
  4. That's pretty darn good for an accidental antenna.
  5. It sounds like the cut cable created it's own antenna that just happens to be well suited for those off-air signals. And I would also guess you are close to Fairfield. The antenna may behave a bit differently once the rain stops....but ya never know.
  6. Merry Christmas RKO... My hospital stay was court ordered.
  7. Barbara Walters would be mortified if she saw your post. That's "Clutch My Pearls" worthy.
  8. Exactly, I guess the question we should be asking is what do they(ULIVE) consider a "hotspot" to be? If it's a dedicated or isolated user system then it's not really being forced to use the public cell networks then that's cheating.
  9. You sure ask a lot of questions for somebody from Maryland. The SS can jam frequencies ...but so can just about anybody else with off the shelf equipment. What do they wish to jam? There are at least 6 different regularly used commercial cellular bands or blocks of frequencies used in North America. More worldwide. Unless you know the target frequency of your subject/ device, you will have to jam the entire band or block of frequencies. So if I'm concerned with an IED using a GSM, TDMA, CDMA trigger...then you need to jam the entire suspected frequency range . You need to block that trigger from hearing a signal inside the target area. If the secret service deployed a jammer that covered every Verizion, Sprint, AT&T user inside a 3 square mile radius... the FCC would shit bricks the size of Maryland. They would still shit bricks if you knocked out every user within a 500ft radius. You need a lot of wattage to kill signals like that, and only the Military does that kind of stuff during wars. In the world of jamming that's "scorched earth" stuff. But... There are off the shelf Cell Jammers available that target much smaller areas under 100 feet, depending on conditions. So if you suspect that someone has hidden a device triggered by a signal in one of the traditional cellular bands...then it's no big deal to jam and knock out that band inside a 50 foot radius. Everyone inside that protected 50ft radius is presumably already screened and under your control...and the Secret Service has a pretty secure/ encrypted 400mhz spread spectrum radio system that is used inside the bubble(within 25ft) of protection. Target+Range= Power It's likely the jammers deployed are low power and very transiant in use inside the USA. Outside the USA is a different story.... Entire Cell systems and bands sometimes go dark during Presidential visits in 2nd and 3rd world countries. Regular members of the POTUS press pool report mysterious cell "blackouts" in places like Brazil, Vietnam, and most of the African countries. The blackouts are annoying but usually short in duration.. It's pretty much understood that it's the Secret Service radio techs testing the limits of the jammers outside the view of the FCC...and on unsuspecting 3rd world countries. (win win). So yes...jamming happens...but in the USA it's limited and highly directed in nature if deployed....to limit interference to our domestic cellular networks. Any other larger deployment in the USA would just piss-off tons of cell users including public safety etc.. You can get away with landing Air Force One on the 405 freeway in the middle of rush hour...but if you Jam the Facebookers, Tweeters and Fapchatters from posting the pics, then you will have bloody hell to pay.
  10. The article is messed up. The COO and writer don't have much of a clue about what the issues are. The COO thinks bonded cellular is the end all solution to the worlds ENG issues??? BC is fine if you have a shitload of 4G frequencies available...not a strained 3g/4g system like what is available in most cities. When you try to cram 1 million people and their devices into an area of a few square miles...you get problems. Bonded Celluar(BC) does not offer dedicated lines, and the COO want us to believe that a few "hotspots" will help? What is the bandwith availability of the hotspots? The public cell networks will be overloaded...no argument there. The COO is high. BC won't be used for the vital feeds or uplinks... BC is still "kinda questionable" (IMHO) under these conditions. WHCA sure as hell wont go for a BC Pool feed from the press "parade" pool truck (maybe as backup only). BC will probably be ok outside the 3 square mile radius from the capitol, but fiber SNG and ENG will still be the drug of choice for feeds. When you run out of available frequencies and channels...the back packs get knocked into 3G modes and the sound and pictures go to shit (pixaly). Sound always goes first. These things eat up channels faster then my brother (Mac) eats up harp seals . Maybe DC can handle the pressure this time. But if you see those pictures goto crap, then it's most likely a BC unit hitting only on 3G and begging for channels..
  11. Sorry...No take backs. You are stuck with Charo, Rosemarie and Paul Lynde.
  12. Oh dear God, The thought of an obese 55 year old Kim Kardashian sitting on an electric scooter...center square... Peter Marshal just rolled in his grave.
  13. She would be boning Redstone trying for the bigger prize.... ...60 Minutes.
  14. Well heck yes... The incoming prez has shown that he really doesn't need the media to get his message out to the public. Trump payed the media like a fiddle...and thus the cash poor media has become irreverent in the eyes of many. Are the TV ownership rules really a giant priority for the incoming admin in say the first 200 days?
  15. Buffy News Buffy Come back to me...
  16. Does her husband realize that every piece of nooky she doles out to him is because she has that show? Squid Pro Quo! ...a dowdy doe doe!
  17. Well that sucks! I'm very saddened to learn of the demise of Fishing With Gussy. CJBN was a fine station and had many loyal viewers. It will be missed.
  18. That disaster has Putin written all over it. It's those ruskies with their fake news and Larry King infomercials hacking into our newsroom computer systems, and cellular bonded backpacks. The suicide camera pedestal collisions have he fingerprints of a state sponsored actor. They should change the password on the automation from 12345 to something much more secure like Password123. Also the Russians have provided free vodka to struggling EP's and show producers, and that can cause the automation to mess up if they spill vodka in the switcher.
  19. 1. No...just brisket 2. A transsexual and can of Spaghetti-O's 3. Can't remember
  20. Oh now I have to delete the post where I took shots at her..... Get it??? Shots??? Badda bingf!
  21. Got another sweeps idea for WGCL.... Amanda's Community Service... From Freeway Trash to Chain Gang Treasures
  22. ...it's a train wreck...
  23. I hope she can learn the 12 steps... ...To the Bus stop!!!! Badda Boom!
  24. Well at least she wasn't drunk THIS time. Progress...not perfection. (thunk) I see a sweeps piece for the Feb. Book.... "Riding The Marta...this Anchorwoman's Story"
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