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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. The sad part is that the $11 per hour newspaper writer is getting ripped off by the $12 per hour Tv writer. Gotta love those glam jobs.
  2. It starts with just one balloon...and then it balloons into something bigger and more sinister. Larry Walters tied a bunch of weather balloons to a lawn chair and went for a flight... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=CFFVVo9usFY;t=30
  3. Eat News

    In Memoriam

    He was a fine man, and had many friends. He will be missed.
  4. ...or drive the Bomb Ranger...
  5. Ha ha, I bet NABET /CWA union reps are loving that.
  6. Oh yes from the famed Studio 4-H... Here are exclusive photos from 4-H.
  7. She could take those bodies over to FOX and trade them for cash. Just like aluminum cans.
  8. I can't believe I'm saying this.. At least they are producing in-house product that employs local people of all political persuasions. As we used to say to my runt brother... "ANY growth is good."
  9. Pretty sure she left a whole lot richer that day. Pretty darn sure.
  10. Brought to you by Dick Drilling and Ben Tucker of RETLAW Broadcasting the worst company ever to own television stations.
  11. XETV in San Diego has been doing the same thing with the morning show bumper shots from the sky.....all sunsets.
  12. Will she still be the "Gas Pump Anchor"? She is the lady I see in the little TV on the gas pump each morning. I would miss her badly. I think it would be cool to have a different anchor for each grade of gas available....except somebody would probably complain if they had to be "Diesel" all the time.
  13. It all depends on what was negotiated on his exit. It's a pretty safe bet he can do as he pleases, but they may have paid him gobs to stay on the beach. Don't bet on the gobs of money.
  14. Streaming video during a disaster is NOT a good thing in the eyes of many emergency management people. It requires gobs of data that is already straining the cell networks...text messages are a millions time more efficient. Yes you want people to be safe...but not clogging up the network. Unlocking the FM radio chip in US cellphones would go a long way in reducing the network traffic. Here is another "new" problem facing emergency personal and cell providers... Recently in Socal a rural wildfire wiped out the cell tower and made communications very difficult due to the rural area. An emergency cell site (trailer cell) was established to aid in the problem and lack of data/ voice channels. Problem solved????? Nope.... The local and national media rolled in and ate up all those channels with Dejaros and LiveU's...each unit takes up multiple channels 4-6 each and that wiped out the portable cell unit much to the firefighters surprise. They still don't know exactly how bad the media messed up that situation because there was no "realtime" monitoring of the site at the time. Rest assured the Dejaro situation will have to be addressed soon. Over The Air (OTA) is still the best and preferred medium when it comes to disaster info.
  15. Ohhhhhhhhh... That explains it. Edit: Those call letters still suck, they are old outdated and costing Scripps lots of money..... See where i'm going with this???
  16. Myron has a good point. Some call letters are meant to be changed... This may be one of those cases . WEWS just has nothing to work with as far as those calls go. I got no problem with TV5, but I also don't have to live there and watch TV. Are those calls tied to anything important (didn't google WEWS) and would it kill (besides the accountants) to change the call letters? How about letting Facebook friends and Twitter types decide the new branding.? Why not just kiss the viewers facebook asses from the start? Let social media run the entire show?
  17. Why the big rush to sell off those assets? Is this just plain quick fast greed selling off real estate like the WGN studios, KTLA lot etc?
  18. Or (God Forbid) "10 News Yahoo!"
  19. It's not up for debate...it's a statement of fact.
  20. "Virtual Eyewitness News" Social media heavy featuring virtual news reports from your favorite Pokeman friends. (rates and data apply)
  21. Yep....agree 1000% on that. They should be saying ... More!
  22. Ok lets take a look at this... What happens IF NBC starts to get ratings mileage out of Rokers "New" attitude?? Will NBC have the gonads to let him run with it...it's called "Attractive Conflict" in consultant talk and viewers can really latch on to it. It's a tricky thing I will admit can go sideways, if not properly staged and managed (or loosely scripted) correctly. I'm not real sure anyone at NBC is capable of micro-producing such an affair. People really noticed Roker "go off", some really loved it. There is room for the conflict if they play it correctly.
  23. Don't get me wrong... A lot of good news people didn't make it out alive. The most publicized downfall of the time was Jessica Savitch. It was a terrible crushing event that really hit home. But the pain didn't last long enough because nothing changed one bit. Amazing how anything ever got done seeing most newsrooms were always 'hung over"...until right after the 2pm story meeting when all was good again. TV news has no balls anymore because nobody is just drunk or high enough to tell some of these bozo-politico's to eat s%$t and die.
  24. I kept screaming to my TV saying... "Hit his ejector seat Al...do it, do it!" Then I woke up.
  25. I don't know exactly what year newsrooms became "pussyland", but I think it was right about the time they outlawed indoor smoking.. Fights and flying objects were common things in local newsrooms. Maybe it's because there was also ample booze dispersed from producer's and assignment desk. News Directors were also much skinnier and moved quicker because they didn't want to be targets. They also tended to last more then 2 years at a time.
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