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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Gosh I sure hope it includes a social media aspect for all of us fence sitters. (barf)
  2. He should sleep with all of them. That's how you get anchor babies.
  3. I get the Mexican Valium / Advil and Viagra( all blue) mixed up sometimes. On occasion I "roofie" myself... and then there is peace in the valley for a spell. Now how I end up with Cheeto Dust in strange places.......
  4. I can't explain it. They have always been that way going back to the Storer days. No balls, No Guts... I like the Megan in the morning idea...but you gotta blow out the rest of that morning line-up. If I'm stuck watching these cornheads while doing the arts and crafts here at the Senior center...I want a little visual stimulation.
  5. Yes...it's me. I like steak and sex.
  6. But he is being paired with Grandma and Uncle Whitney. At least there will always be some baby wipes close by. (I got a car seat and happy meal jab also but i'm trying to be nicer and more "understanding" like the court ordered doctor likes.)
  7. Oh please, Greg Bledsoe is barely old enough to buy booze, and pair him up with Kushi who will probably sit there and cut the crust off his PB&J while keeping him hydrated with a juice box. Are they looking for some kind of "reverse" Carlos and Lisa (KUSI) look? "Did you wear your Star Wars jammies last night Greg?"
  8. Recently overheard school yard cutdown in Irvine .... "Well your Dad does weather from his garage".... I gotta say he has a nice thing going, and you can expect a whole slew of ex-wx types and some wx-wannabees to try this. But where do you draw the line? If this guy is the face of DMA 215 during sharknado season is that OK? What if the station cannot afford any local mets/mitzies? Sure he is just one guy, but it's a interesting concept that stations are noticing.
  9. Holy crap! @ 4:10 they speak of a real bona fide shotgun wedding..... ...or is that a murder? Oh...and that open...ya get the idea those poor little school kids are being lead to slaughter.
  10. Funny at :46 there is a shot of the Central Federal Savings bldg...that tower became the NBC building from 2003 to 2015
  11. Are the contents of her sports bra fake also??
  12. Leave the flesh eating to me and my friends...the lawyers! Maybe a little visit around the holiday?
  13. If they drive it anywhere near PB or OB it will get egged by the locals. Maybe an open roof design do Dagmar can get some sun finally. Still waiting for El Nino.........
  14. Oh finally... Just in time for El Nino!
  15. Pretty sure it's a group wide mandate. We are seeing the same thing at KTVU in Oakland with anchor Frank Somerville. It's stepping off into the deep end of the cess pool. There is NO way they can ever go back now.
  16. What??? No drawings for us??? Nice catch on the KTLA thing.
  17. Well Roly it's a very concise and complete look at the changes at the HAG. Old people like me (over 30 years old) have little problem reading all those words you wrote. However these kids with those smart dodads might have some problem reading all those words on those tiny little phones, and their little heads might explode trying to digest all that info at once. Maybe just a small bit of editing, just to keep the children happy and safe. I'm glad we have you here so we may learn this stuff before other sites. Thanks. Otherwise I hope you sent a copy to WHAG promo/marketing dept. so they know you are out there actively monitoring and reporting on their product in positive ways. I'm sure they will be grateful for the coverage.
  18. This is how he justifies giving away his small piece of the pie that he will NEVER get back again. Why on earth would you even consider giving away just one viewer, when your viewers are eroding at a gigantic rate? I bet not one cent of the money he "saves" goes to improving the news product in any way shape or form. One thing I know for sure,.. This piece is written by one hell of an ass kisser trying to impress the suits at FOX. You are not going to attract new viewers by cutting sports coverage. You cannot keep viewers as it is anyway ...so why piss off more? But hey Mr. Ass kisser...you keep telling yourself you are the "first" to suggest this concept...because you are not. Many stations have tried this radical move only to rebound (catchy) a few months later with heavy late night and weekend sports commitments featuring local major and minor teams, along with heavy prep sports coverage that make them buko bank. He should try to cut off a few toes to save room in his loafers...and see if those toes ever grow back on demand.
  19. ...and when asked about the sudden addition of a 5pm show, the WFLD news Director told this reporter. "I thought we were using a condom...my apologies ." Like we say about the lady with 12 kids down the street... "It's just one more thing for us to mess up". Godspeed WFLD
  20. Must have been the lure of concrete and sweaty prison men-hunks that changed his mind. Chaka Kahn... Chaka kahn.
  21. On Oct 4th Fattah will change is name to "Cupcake" and announce his pending prison nuptials with his new cellie, named "Bubba". Registry is at the prison canteen.
  22. Because some bean counter figured they could use it for a midnight newscast also. "I saved you money boss".
  23. It's an overtime issue. Plain and simple.
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