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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. KFMB Chopper 8 would like to advise all subscribers that we will be in the A-star for "about a week due to major maintenance on the Jetranger.. ...Please enjoy the improved picture and faster, safer ride." Metro Long Beach
  2. You get a "like" from me for the use of "delinquent low rated show".
  3. There are plenty of current and former TV folks working as drivers and call screaners for escort services. They seem to be very detailed oriented and cut straight through the bs associated with booking the calls.
  4. So I guess "Detroit 442" is out of the question.
  5. Plenty of "buyers" out there....just not a lot of banks or investors stupid enough to get into another cumuless- clearchannel fiasco. \ I'm not a fan of TV's selling off the am/fm's of legacy calls. It's as bad as selling off one of your children. Good radio still does make money in many markets. Radio survived TV, newspapers, newsreels ,Talkies, free porn and a slew of other attackers so far.
  6. It's pretty funny. She seems like her perfect lifeplan was in danger. I wonder how she reacts if Diet Coke is sold out of the vending machines.
  7. What about the audio? Are there a couple giant concert blasters on the roof somewhere?
  8. I thought for sure they would go with this ....
  9. Actually she is on standby to retweet unconfirmed info while Lester is on his way to monitor Facebook and take on-air phone calls from Howard Stern jokers, and NBC correspondents all in the wrong position to know anything real.......all the while waiting for the Associated Press to confirm rumors that some major event has occurred.......Hours ago. Sorry for the correction...It was rude of me.
  10. Follow the link RKO provided for the free trial subscription....but they only give those to qualified bloggers, and it takes 3-5 years to process the request .
  11. Now that's true comedy.
  12. It's like a high school click and he is the new kid. They will do all kinds of stuff to haze him and see if he is "worthy" of the Today Show. You should never see this manifested on the air, and if the average viewer picks-up on the drama, then the chance of total failure is greater. Total Childish behavior, but it happens in just about every show/newsroom in America. Name the people "they" have hazed.... Ann Curry... Deb Norville... Feel free to add names if you wish.
  13. Did somebody say Nancy Pender??? Torture can be administered in so many ways....
  14. I guess you missed this gem in the article... News director Chris Kline, who has orchestrated the newsroom overhaul, said each one of the station’s newscasts was up in the July ratings book, a significant feat for a station whose news programming typically ranked third in the market a year or so ago. The July book??? LOL! That's like "graduating" from the 6th grade.... At least somebody cares about the July book. Great spin Chris Kline... Hilar. You still have a TV station ya moron...how many DOLLARS are each of those Facebook friends worth??? Come on Chris...give me a solid dollar figure for our power point demo. How much is each "like" worth?
  15. His name is "Lucky"... ...Lucky the games are not in Korea.
  16. That usually happens when the chyron operator has a few shots during dinner break. They enter the wrong event number (too drunk) and bring up the old stuff, that they forgot to delete (drunk again) last week when the new graphics arrived. Too drunk to "preview"...Chyron people are that way.
  17. And it should be noted that every TV News talent agent knew of that opening before the actual job was posted. Keeping that couch warm and ready.
  18. Well we have allowed the entire process (elex) to be perverted up to this point. Why not take the whole thing over the cliff. As much as I want to say "bad idea" all I can do is watch. I would hope some sane person in CBS news has said "no"...but who am I fooling? maybe CNN can get Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper to do their act on the big night. "Ohhhhh Hanging Chads....ohhhhhh".
  19. I'm busy on the 12th, can we move it to the 9th or 23rd? call me/ text me Others say I have "sway".
  20. They are being pretty rough on him in that comments section. I expected a nicer send-off from the likes of Houston.
  21. But it's Fierce! Beyonce Fierce! The logo with the good hair.
  22. Yes, Tabloids are like the animal shelter. They take the poor sad unwanted stories and make them pretty and adoptable. Sometime they get really good stories like a pretty Collie, but mostly it's mutts. We like mutts.
  23. If you force them out of the TV business....then the FCC cannot continue to fine, and collect these giant fines. They are worth more to the FCC "In" business then out of business.
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