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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Real simple... The next anchor / presenter of Tthe CBS Evening News will be... Somebody very, very, cheap....and very "promising". I really think the days of the BigTV network anchor are just about over. CBS want to save major duckets...so you DON't go big on the anchor. Correct me if i'm wrong...but isn't Pelly the lowest paid Net anchor anyway?
  2. Perhaps all the new NBC Mommy's and Granmommy's could convince NBC to build a child care area on The Today Show set. "Awwwww....cute baby bumper shots" sez Hoda "I'll drink to that" sez Kathy Lee (to be continued...)
  3. Your objection is noted for the record... It's a sacrifice. Like on Gilligans Island...who do you throw into the volcano to please the Gods? KXTV??? Or Ginger ? The pretty ones always live. KXTV is a dog, and it's on it's way to a Korean BBQ.
  4. I would also bet..or add that branding changes don't just happen overnight anymore unless you have a lot of money to play with. KXTV may be just doing a slow roll-out based on time, money and available artist or staff. I'm sure the "hub" is pretty busy on other pressing projects and are short staffed also. Trial balloons..to see how people react or repulse. In these time you don't want to be the guy or gal who puts his/ her entire ass on the line with a sudden branding change in a major market unless you know 1000% it's a winner. Take it slow..... They may even have a moleman watching this group reax, We do have some pretty smart people...and good opinions here on graphics and branding.
  5. So how would you feel about FS1 / ESPN becoming a combined network?
  6. As my mom used to say... "You can't eat all the stupid ones."
  7. And a good 4 years later... The traffic ticker is still repeating the same info...every day for the last 4+ years. Go figure.
  8. Many learned tolerance of alternate lifestyles and cultures because of Springer. Others have learned lessons in child rearing and procurement watching Maury. If these shows did not exist, then where would low cost car insurance and bankruptcy lawyers advertise?
  9. I like this subject... Here is the Eye Rolling Scripps "Active Stand-up" of the day... Don't try this at home kids, and get your parents permission before using a Bic lighter on TV. http://www.10news.com/news/san-diego-family-fights-flesh-eating-bacteria
  10. Yup... The bean counters like to wrap all the firings and layoffs in time to tidy up the end of the year book keeping.
  11. How about ditching the entire anchorman concept all together in favor of a "presenter" type of presentation. That will save about 10mil or more a year right off the top....and millions more in the following years. Rotating "News Readers" ...just like Europe.
  12. Whoo Hoo! Mimosa's for everyone!
  13. Why on earth would that clause be in his contract? Think about that for a sec.....
  14. Maybe not that sinister. Chances are it was a condition of the renewal on the affil agreement...AKA a "rider" on the contract. Nothing more, nothing less.
  15. You silly bird, that dish IS attached to the Jeep....all those guys could afford was C-Band.
  16. They could also charge for it.... Pay Per Poo.
  17. ...and in 6 months Toledo will be reduced to 1 or 2 MMJ's. Just wait and see.
  18. If MSNBC thought Olbermann could generate even 1/100th of a ratings point then he would be on the air again with his tired shtick. He is a giant liability, and nobody wants to have to defend him publicly anymore. The only way he can get MSNBC to re-hire him would be under 2 conditions. *He has to work for free. * He has to keep his mouth shut.
  19. It's a 4 day weekend and NBC did have someone ready....she was just on the west coast. You have talent, techs,producers and writers still on the clock in L.A. when the story broke....while NYC has maybe one person manning the phones at 2am on a Saturday morning. Money is tight now, so it means nothing special that a late breaking story is handled by L.A.
  20. How many 4g, 5g or 6g data and voice channels can be supported by that frequency allocation, in a very isolated cell market... that does not show much growth over the next 10-20 years? I don't know the answer to that, but I would think that has to be an equation being considered in all markets. Sure a big city will eat up all that spectrum, but what about smaller areas?
  21. Thank you, That is what I wanted to know. Sometime stations get stupid and "try" strange stuff out.
  22. Yes... Very aware of that. That's the reason I asked.
  23. Does anyone(gn heads) know weather WGN was ever allowed to play with the "Worlds Greatest Network" moniker or branding? Ya, ya I know it's not a real network...but was it ever attempted?
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