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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Or even worse... a stock newsroom shot... ... from Getty Images...or ....Google royalty free.....
  2. In San Diego it's called The Now... Just ad a few red noses that honk...and some scary digital clown drawings that scare the mommies....just like The Now. How many The Now/ Cracked spin-off's can YOU create?
  3. If the media wants it's credibility back ...then ABC should lop-off a few heads. It's not like ABC hasn't been caught doing this in the past.... http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/1994-02-16/news/9402160348_1_cokie-roberts-in-washington-capitol
  4. Well Mendes has been shamed by FTVlive... http://www.ftvlive.com/sqsp-test/2016/11/9/more-props-please
  5. If it's about guns....I hope it's not a prop. (emoji banned)
  6. It's a story about the Sheriffs dept wanting new vest, pretty straight forward story that just had to be "jazzed up" by a shaky shot sans tripod. I call it... "Mexican EarthQuake Cam".....the shot just wanders...and wanders.... Oh, and Matt looked just adorable in his friends vest.
  7. I would honestly say something...but I don't need the FBI at my door later today. Previewing a stand-up...waste of electrons....and count Mendes as one of the crappy 10 latest hires.
  8. Who decided to pull out the police line tape in the first place? Let's start there...and work thru the field producer, reporter, AND the show producer /ep back in the booth in NYC. The show producer knows where the reporter is, and what kind of access there is. If I as the producer see's that the reporter is in front of police line tape, then my next question is "can you give me a shot of some (police) activity?" If the reporter says "no" the there is some explaining to do because my next question is gonna be... "How far are you from the scene...where exactly is this police line???" If that reporter does not have the answer to that question , or the producer never ask...then we got major problems. *Fire the Reporter (probably a freelancer anyway)...she stood if front of it, and SHOULD have known better. *Fire the Field Producer(another freelancer) because she is paid to be smarter and wiser then the stupid reporter...and should have KNOWN better x10..... (Freelancers don't really ever get "fired" they just MIGHT not get called back.) Don't fire the crew... Even though it's probably the Photographer that had the yellow tape stashed in his goodie bag.. he gets a pass because the Field Producer and Reporter probably went ga-ga when they saw he had it. He can claim he was over-powered by the Reporter and the Producer and had no choice in the matter( he will work again)... Fire the Sat Truck operator... The truck operator is like a super hero at the live location...he is supposed to see and hear all. When shit goes sideways, he instantly steps up to save the day.....so that "all my work another day." As we can see in the picture...the poor Sat-Truck-Schmuk is ASLEEP in the truck! Bastard disrespected all live/ sat truck operators, field producers, engineers and photogs. Take no prisoners....eat news.
  9. No, it's the Scripps "Stories That Matter" garbage. The ND and producers all follow the same mantra. Here is the text of a poster that is hanging in the KGTV conference room... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 10 News Stories that matter *Drought (needs updating) *Crime in my Neighborhood *Quality of my kids education *Making Ends Meet *Making the most of my (limited time) *Being the hero of my own life *Feeling positive about my world. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What a wonderful inspirational poster. (gag) Be a friggin Hero?
  10. First off ... Thank God they are in a hiring freeze because the last 10 on-air hires in San Diego have been complete DOGS! As in crappy reporters that chase dog bite and senseless garbage stories. It's the "Awe shucks" ...it's another stolen porch package with crappy suspect video..and a prop driven lamer stand-up. Stop the pain! Second.... They are rolling in the dough...and I expect a nice return on my media portfolio this quarter ,so they better kick-down for us "investors". I have NO shame.
  11. And the coup de grace... Regional hubbing of local sales... Oh they wish!
  12. For all you die hard Skilling heads, here is the link to those Little Skilling Halloween pics. Awwwwwwwww http://www.ftvlive.com/sqsp-test/2016/11/1/and-another-one
  13. Just love the live Don Pardo open announce.
  14. Meanwhile back at the frozen banana stand.....
  15. It's not an overreaction to hold so-called 'Journalist" to the "Ethics" they claim to subscribe to...or to have studied and fully understood . How about we give these Social Media Queens a basic test in Journalism and Ethics, instead of a piss / drug test as a condition of employment? These idiots were fired for all the right reasons. Live by Facebook... Die by Facebook...
  16. Working Title... 2 to Crow About
  17. It's not really an issue with the talent because it's already built into the contract or Personal Service Agreement(PSA) to stay late in most cases. The problem is that nobody wants to pay the tech crews(union mostly) overtime. NYC pays tech the most in the country, and so the bean counters with the pointy heads have to decide in advance where to budget O.T. Since all these shows now often run late...somebody has to decide where it's competitive to run a live late show, or run canned. Some idiot gets paid a lot of money...to keep those OT hours down to a minimum.
  18. Agreed that NBC didn't start it, or create the mess. But.... I can promise you that in an upper exec conference room at 30 rock these words were spoken on the Billy Bush matter... "Can we monetize this on our NBC platforms , or in any way capitalize on this matter?" When the answer was a clear "no", then the Bush execution papers were drawn.
  19. Michael Strahan could replace Lauer... Would all of you just have a cow if that happens?
  20. How the hell do you "burn out" an antenna? If your station is "burning out" antenna's...then you may want to get a new Chief Engineer. Frying an antenna is more like it....lightning, power surges...dead bodies hanging from the waveguide will do it. (picky, picky)
  21. Are you kidding me? I got money, and a case of sea lion steaks on this whole fiasco. The Vegas over/ under has Larry Perret being name as Co-ND by the end of the week. Sacto is a good market for Joel...cuz when this format goes shitside he can just blame the Uber-KCRA for his failure. Consider it Joel's Pre-Nup. ...e dup pe dup dup.
  22. New sets, new stations,new radars, new choppers, and storm buggys 4 all. Expect the money faucet to close up real soon....like Nov. the 9th. Yes, the Revolution starts on the 9th, but advertisers my be a bit slow on the up-take with new civil war ads. Shoes and electronics do well during civil wars.
  23. Lester pretty much does what ever show he is told to do. Since Lester is such a pro he works well across all platforms. "Where do you need me?"....that's how Lester operates(for now) unlike the rest of the funky bunch.
  24. Indians scalped the pioneers as shown in this Exclusive Nexstar Video
  25. Eat News

    In Memoriam

    He was a fine man, and had many friends. He will be missed.
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