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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Can they move it to 2.2 later if they wish? Do the rules allow or prohibit that kind of simulcast on a sub channel?
  2. Very nice breakdown. Once the buyouts are over, what will be left to cut? Sales better her busy.
  3. She is done with the breakfast shows. Expect to see Lara push for more prime time entertainment / hosting type duties that focus more on her abilities in a singular role.
  4. One person that took a buyout from another group was hit with a 40% tax bill on 25 grand buyout. Ouch!
  5. An Incomplete news team...They broke so much news...they just broke.
  6. One by one the old anchors and reporters marched off to the green yard bins for composting...
  7. Then it's a real sweet......deal. People have been radio silent on this because the no compete is the obvious first question. Are buyouts being offered in the non no compete states? I'm sure somebody here keeps track of that. Nobody seems to be talking.
  8. I'm gonna build me a city called "Old News City" and fill it full of Tegna retirees and all the rest of the washed up and disrespected news men and women. Every night will be awards night...rubber chicken dinners and all. Major news story re-enactments, story time with Uncle George. We will have a weather club for all the old weather people. We will allow drinking, smoking and swearing. We will bury you with your Emmy. Die with what little respect you still have left.
  9. Well I don't think FOX needs spectrum auction cash like some others do, and I would fester a guess that the viewership via the cable channel is much greater then the sub-channel would be. My guess is they are just going to "dual image" KTVU and KICU. Not more news or really anything different. Just more consolidation in graphics and places where you can save money. Somebody elsewhere floated the thought that it may be a news intensive thing. Right now there is no indication of that in any way, shape or form. It will not be the new home of the KTVU Castaways.
  10. Now that's a funny idea... Take the Tegna buyout...and bolt across the street! Oh you hope Tegna thought of that scenario right??? They probably did...but what could can the really do unless they include a no compete clause in the buyout terms....and is that realistic? My old pal Homey the Clown used to say... "I don't think so" (whack)
  11. With the right approach and good writers, they could turn the cameras on themselves since the product is soooo bad ..that it's funny in some cases. On second thought... They would screw that up also.
  12. I guess you are really playing the odds that a lot of people will actually take the buyouts...thus leaving some "in the clear"...or maybe not. It's all one big crap shoot from what I'm seeing. After all these cuts are finished ..... What will be left to cut?
  13. Sorry for not paying attention here, but what if someone is on the buyout eligible list, but chooses not to take the buyout? The package must be pretty sweet since I have not seen any bad words from any of the players...or is there a non-disclosure ??? Just not seeing many details anywhere.
  14. They admitted they bought it to go with the cilantro.
  15. Mary Richards and Ted Baxter also taking buyouts at WJM after more than 40 years.
  16. As far as I know it's real...and starts Apr 25th.
  17. Like we said last week.... Lieberman will poo his pants.
  18. (Drops little shark mic...shakes head...swims away.)
  19. Maybe they licensed it...and paid for it.
  20. No, Not the Group W radio stations.
  21. Those CBS owned newsradio stations have always been superior in all the markets they are in. Can't seem to figure why the TV side in those markets always lagged. That's a lot of legacy radio calls to mess with, so I would hope any spin-off or sale would want to protect those call letters.
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