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Eat News

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Everything posted by Eat News

  1. Most the on air talent at KUSI has a few DUI's or other felonies. https://www.sandiegoreader.com/weblogs/daily-crasher/2008/may/12/bad-luck/ Most have done stints in Juvie or San Quentin....Leavenworth...Folsom. http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/sdut-tv-weatherman-joe-lizura-pleads-guilty-lewd-act-2011feb11-story.html Some of the anchors reportedly have tattoos.... One female anchor carries a switchblade and brass knuckles.
  2. Mark Mathis has been un-suspended from KUSI. He is once again free to wander the building. He also bought a nice new tie. https://www.kusi.com/marks-weather-10-19-18-2/
  3. I guess some old habits never die at NBC...
  4. At KBEX-TV we use IBM's Selectric desktops ... Sure we could upgrade to those new Apple II computers... But our Selectric's make that real "News Noise".
  5. Did you just "Font Shame" that poor woman? Bullied over fonts.. What are we teaching our children?
  6. I does not matter who replaces Lester because the problem is the product sucks. Fix the process, and the execution of the actual newscast and it's contents. Stop producing crap aimed at 6th graders.
  7. I don't eat in some places because I don't trust the food. When broadcasters produce a trustworthy product...the public will reward them with viewers. I spend twice as much time (as a viewer) trying to confirm news stories that should have already been fully confirmed or vetted properly. Lester was in San Diego on Thursday and Friday for a PR tour. Lester also managed to slip in a quick helo ride over the beach for some quick pops with the U.S. Customs and Border Air crew. They slapped some file video around it and called it a special report. I see MMJ's in 170+ markets do a better job with NO resources. Lester was phoning it in. But to be fair to Lester...all the anchors pretty much phone it in. The product is crap. Everybody knows it. Produce a decent newscast and people will watch it.
  8. Joe was a solid newsman. I didn't know he had become a Dr......good for him. I'm sure some of his old friends at KSBW would be sad to hear this. Off to the big breakers in the sky... Eat Some News for us Joe.
  9. So why didn't the story include a picture or description of the camera and tripod? I'm sure the station has other cameras and tripods of the same make and manufacture. Show the viewers what to look for...maybe you catch the mopes at the same time.
  10. Good for her. I bet she has a fat little AFTRA pension to enjoy also. Good luck and have fun C.T. You deserve it.
  11. Why this really sucks for Disney..... https://www.wsj.com/articles/sky-loss-is-a-disappointment-for-disney-ambitions-1537645511
  12. Comcast wins bid for Sky. https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/comcast-fox-to-settle-35b-takeover-for-sky-in-an-auction The battle for ownership of British broadcaster Sky ended on Saturday with Comcast outbidding 21st Century Fox with a $38.8 billion bid through a U.K. auction.
  13. Director: "Ready Camera Three..." TD: "We can't take Three yet...it's still buffering..." Yup that's cheap!
  14. How did we all miss this... Justin Draper is the new GM at KOVR. https://www.adweek.com/tvspy/cbs-taps-justing-draper-as-kvor-gm/208150 warning, warning, warning... Draper is a CBS bean counter. Not a sales weasel... Not a news pig... Not a production or engineering nerd... Draper is a Bean Counter. x2 Pay very close attention to what happens at KOVR with this guy because he will be setting the tone for all the other OnO's in the CBS chain. If he makes a big splash in the Sacto River then expect CBS to shoot him up the ranks real quick. Draper has one job. Get KOVR "on financial track" asap....and then the rest of the chain shall follow.
  15. Hopefully a shot of Narcan. "If we can save the life of just ONE viewer...our dream can be realized..." Eat News
  16. And those same asshats are too afraid to send that truck to a hurricane...or a wildfire. Why? "Because it might get broken." Parking asshat meets corporate asshat.
  17. Please forgive me ...I have committed many sins and many felonies.... Grrrrr....I'm a tiger burning up with your love...Grrrrrr!
  18. The assisted living place where my grandma is always makes her look real pretty when we come to visit. Oh....and BTW... Just a little faith in God (or something else) will add a few years to anybody's life. "Grrr Grrr....I'm a big tiger....and I own a TV station. Grrrr....Grrrr!"
  19. Is Neda going to replace Hoda? https://forums.tvnewstalk.net/index.php?threads/today-show.13391/page-55#post-218161
  20. Here is a shot of that fake bulkhead....everything above the anchors is on a wood frame, directly in front of a studio camera. Thanks to the Jack White collection circa 1979. Very clever Gil.
  21. Jimenez had a way of creating false bulkheads to hide studio lights. He used a "shoot thru" frame with a fake bulkhead attached way back in 1977 at KGTV. Wish I could get an aircheck of that set...but here is a 1975 KGTV screen grab from a show close. Pretty sure his set fetish began at KGTV. Can anyone tell the class who that Assignment Editor was???
  22. Why hasn't CNN retracted or corrected the 100000% fake story. Everybody else retracted the false story. Who is CNN pretending to protect? Not the "source" Mr. Davis. Are they protecting the reputation of Carl Bernstein (google him kids) or are they just dead-set on poisoning the CNN brand forever? Why do the owners allow this to continue. It's not like it's making any money. Is the DNC ready to jump in and support CNN through the next few years? This is painful to watch.
  23. I'm not sitting back and allowing anyone to call me out and tell lies. Better yet. I know exactly what I will do with him... (pop-click-whirrrrr) Problem solved.
  24. It's not like that demo is not counted. FACT :It's also a demo that is growing, and as you all know people tend to become more conservative as they grow older...and wish to keep the money they have earned. Ding the demo all you want. but that demo votes and spends a heck of a lot of money on all kinds of stuff. That's why FOX is Number one...across the board in all the demos. CNN and MSNBC can only wish...
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