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Posts posted by MediaZone4K

  1. I agree (with the exception of maybe CNBC for Wall St coverage). These networks have gone off the deep end.


    Asking to cut back on the 24/7 news cycle is basically asking to reverse time. Plus they bring in money so that wont happen. I suppose the most we can do at this point is improve what we already have.

    On 5/8/2019 at 6:59 PM, TVLurker said:

    Actually, I would like for all cable news networks to go away...


    They serve no logistical purpose other than to pollute the mainstream cycles with garbage and to blatantly grab for ratings. There is zero integrity with any of the news channels.


    MSNBC if they can convert to the NBC News Channel maybe, but yeah; I said what I said.


  2. On 10/7/2020 at 6:11 PM, MorningNews said:

    I’ve been watching more CNN over the last week with the crazy state of our nation at this time. Gotta say, the coverage is ridiculous no matter how deserved it might be. It’s become the trump news network and it’s beyond ridiculous how much time they dedicate to every single word he says.

    Politics aside, you'd have to admit the amount of cable news airtime Trump has had (especially on CNN & MSNBC) since 2015, is insane. 


    Unfortunately, some viewers will eat that right up. Hopefully cable news, late night comedians, and comedy news hosts will diversify their content post Trump. 

    • Like 3
  3. Agreed about Greg on Newsmax. As for Shirleen, she has been an awesome Lori Stokes replacement on WABC.


    None of Fox 5's news casts are all that these days. 'Street Soldiers' is the occasional draw in for me.

    • Like 1
  4. Get well Al! Not you too!


    Been wondering about Barbra. That's sad! All the legends I grew up with (Regis, Alex Trebek, etc..) and am now old enough to appreciate, are passing away.


    Hopefully Ann comes or is invited to the 70th. She was a critical part of that show. I read an article sometime ago in which the writer remarked that NBC's biggest mistake was bringing Ann to the anchor desk, to begin with.  Do you all agree? Ann put in her dues as news reader so she was due for elevation to the seat. I will say that she didn't have as much chemistry with Matt , as did Katie and Meredith. Once she left, plus the format changes, and the studio redesign, Today's quality decline was cemented for me. 



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  5. Lori does her best on GDNY.  IMO, she's better suited as a straight anchorman as she was on WABC, rather than a breakfast show personality like Greg and Rosanna. I wouldn't mind her at 6. If this is a thing, I hope she gets a co anchor, rather than going solo. 


    What's the general feel about Steve and Dari? It feels like they just speed through whatever's on the teleprompter with no "presence" or "persona" added (for lack of better terms). I'm surprised Dari (and Steve) have lasted this long. 

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  6. It's almost like Frank McGee. It's well reported that he was misogynistic and created a toxic work environment for Barbara Walters. It makes no sense however, to sanitize history and act like he didn't host the show, There's a difference between celebrating someone and acknowledging their existence or contribution to the show's history. 

  7. It's understandable that Matt wouldn't be invited to the 70th Anniversary celebration should it occur, but he was on the show for 23 years it makes no sense to act like he never existed. They shouldn't cut him out of flashbacks as he was involved in momentous coverage like 9/11, Bin Laden's death, and the 2000 election. The same goes for Ann Curry and Deborah Norville. Perhaps they could briefly acknowledge him to get it out of the way so his lack of a presence there doesn't overshadow everything.


    I like the election set up. I wish they'd include more of a tangible physical set, rather than a mostly barren studio with a video wall. I like video walls, they're flexible and cost effective. On the other hand, a good physical set goes a long way. Today had a lot of good sets pre 2013. I don't think there was a bad one anywhere from the late 70s Brokaw/Pauley era set, to the early 90s wooden set. Studio 1A looked especially good from it's mid 90s debut up until they redesigned it somewhere around 2003. The redesign from Meredith's arrival to 2013 was a good comeback. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 10/21/2020 at 8:14 PM, SnellKrell said:

    Thank you helping me find what I consider to be his ineptitude -


    Easy to say when you have Walter Reed and drugs not available to anyone else. 208,000 Americans didn’t. None of us do. POLITICS ASIDE - this is about health and safety. Of course you don’t hide in a closet - but this message is completely Irresponsible.
    This is my opinion and I rest my case!

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. When you're a journalist on a network that's supposed to be considered objective, you have to be very careful about expressing political opinions on a personal and especially a professional social media account. Personally I'm kind of weary of news organizations having people follow journalists on Twitter. For me I rather just see what the reporter has to report at allotted news cast times and that's it, unless it's a commentator like Rachel Maddow or Ben Shapiro who people follow explicitly for their opinions. I know it can be frustrating when the President shares information that's untrue but that's an easy way to get sucked into the back and forth partisan battle that's ongoing.

    • Like 1
  9. I see a 7pm newscast airing tonight on WNBC, in addition to a rerun of Nightly News at 7:30 again. When did this resume?


    I agree with @Roadrunner that 5:00 feels better with two anchors. 6:00 would feel right with a dual anchor format too, IMO. Hypothetically if Chuck ever got a co anchor again at 6:00, I like his two veteran rapport with Pat Battle anytime she's filled in. She's the best on Saturday mornings so understandably they wouldn't mess with that. If Dana Tyler —as someone mentioned—got a co anchor at 6:00 again, Dick Brennan might be a good fit.


    Stations really mix it up a lot now, compared to times past where noon & am often shared the same anchors as did 6 & 11pm.



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  10. I wonder if the ratings are a result of the audience genuinely liking the program, or picking the best out of an unfavorable situation (the situation being modern tv news).


    The average non news junkie viewer might not draw comparisons to the Jennings or Cronkite eras of news----so modern WNT may not seem tabloid to them----thus high ratings? IDK. 

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  11. "Breaking as we come on the air tonight" is equivalent to Good Morning America's breaking overnight for every living story which Today has co-opted. It does make the evening news feel like Inside Edition as Chopper4 mentioned earlier.

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  12. On 8/7/2020 at 8:36 PM, ABC 7 Denver said:


     Saying that people watch TV news for 'human connection' is what's wrong with the platform. I want information, not to connect with other people. I also don't want to be used as a tool to sell ads, because all that's doing is exacerbating the sensationalism and appealing to the broad base, not doing real journalism regardless of it's broad base appeal. Screw that.

    I agree with the point about human connection. Yes I might have a favorite anchor based on their delivery, reporting style, or personality. Likewise, I might have a favorite anchor pairing for their chemistry. Overall however, in watching the news, I like the anchors based on how they do their jobs. Personal narrative kept at a minimum. The human connection aspect should be more important for someone like a talk show host. 



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  13. I agree on World News Tonight. It follows the typical ABC format of overdramatizing the news, and adding breaking to every story. (In all fairness CBS, NBC CNN and MSNBC abuse breaking news as well). Just like Good Morning America, they've found a format that maintains a leading audience at the cost of the product. 


    Nightly News is decent but the on-screen graphics packaging  is too flashy and ornate. They switch between images and b-roll at an ADD like pace. I like CBS News' style (especially CTM's) of focusing on an still image for a few moments before transitioning while not overdoing it with the graphics.


    Nora is passable at best. She's better in the mornings. Lester and David are alright, the problem is just NBC and ABC News overall.  I honestly don't know where CBS can go from here. Who does the network have that can fill that role? They perhaps need to snatch a famous face from another network, and --- as I've suggested before--- follow an international hard news format to differentiate itself from NN and WNT.


    60 Minutes and Sunday Morning are the best things on CBS right now. I wish CBS This Morning would reach first or second place in the ratings so that the other networks might try to copycat with more intellectual story choices in the AM.

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