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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/22 in Posts

  1. Mentioned it in Discord, but Chris Licht at least has to give Shep a call, right? It's almost too good a fit with the vision he has for CNN.
    5 points
  2. CNN This Morning has been on the air for 4 days.
    4 points
  3. I hate to correct the best post I've read in a long time, but it has only been on the air for 3 days!
    3 points
  4. Here's an idea for CNBC: Simulcast CNBC World.
    3 points
  5. KGET’s gfx in the late 90’s through 2009 or so we’re done in house by Eye Street Productions. Their commercial production division. Eye Street also did the same package for KGPE, KCOY and I believe KION.
    1 point
  6. It appears to be the same desk just with a different base, specifically the base from the “What to Watch” table. Secondary table: Normal glass top with updated base:
    1 point
  7. Bummer, I always enjoyed watching Shep whenever I got the chance, he anchored very straight forward news, just like he promised he would. I’m surprised NBCU didn’t move him to streaming. Based off the reaction from social media, it appears people liked him and would watch him else where. I could see him anchoring a news hour on CNN *if* it was the right situation, pay and format. 60 Minuets or something streaming could be options. BBC News is set to launch new World News programs based out of D.C/NYC, that would be a great fit. As for CNBC, I agree, they should just join CNBC World, it’d be better than shark tank and a great alternative to cable “news” channels. Interestingly The News isn’t on tonight…..
    1 point
  8. I can't see him going to CNN in part because when he left FNC, it appeared that he wanted to get away from being on a 'opinion' heavy network like MSNBC or CNN. Being on CNBC was, in some way, a perfect fit for him. Now with both CNN/WBD and NBCUniversal looking to cut cost, not sure where Shep could land.
    1 point
  9. That graphics package was also localized as KNDO was using it for their Newscenter broadcasts.
    1 point
  10. NBC News graphics with its rotating globe seen from Earth (circa 1983 or 1984, for various NBC News titles including Today, NBC News Digest, Nightly News etc.)
    1 point
  11. Not surprised. I liked Shep's show but it was so out of place on a business channel and especially after Mad Money. As said earlier in this thread, no one watches CNBC after 4:00 anyway. I wonder if NBCU could move him over to MSNBC or NBC News Now and move the newscast over there. I know he'll never return to Fox News again.
    1 point
  12. WHSV 1978 clips WDIV 1988-90 News 4 promos WDIV NEWS 4 Early 80's promos KDFW 1991 Gulf War news 1991 World Series champions local coverage from Minneapolis-St. Paul
    1 point
  13. WZVN ABC 7 News 1997 News Intros
    1 point
  14. I dont mind the iconic 1a pulling double duty, but its current incarnation doesnt look good. It's barely even a set, just a barren vat of video walls.
    1 point
  15. Lester back to 3C in today's edition
    1 point
  16. More of Andrew Ball's take on the old-skool ABC O&O News Opens (KABC and WABC)
    1 point
  17. All the more galling as there are a certain few channels which refuse to credit anyone uploading 100+ videos a day (most of them swiped from ntropolis and RetroOntario and the like) and which attract only the annoying 'channel number/current owner' comment crowd. They've been polluting my algorithm as of late, and it drives me crazy.
    1 point
  18. Warner Brothers Discovery went on a purge of Looney Tunes content on the Archive last week. Could it have been content from them that led to your channel being removed?
    1 point
  19. I remember when CBS broadcast the Weekend News from Los Angeles during Adriana Diaz's maternity leave. If broadcasters in the west adopt live broadcasting from the east, it should be a matter of time before broadcasters create a television news broadcast from Los Angeles, for example, to the entire west coast.
    1 point
  20. First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ilham, and i love remaking broadcast design (especially News design) in a free time. And speaking of CBS Evening News design, i remaking the CBS Evening News Lower Third with a smaller box size as a form of visualization of your thoughts (and my thoughts too). (*Also i added a news ticker that heavily taken from CBS News Streaming Service news ticker because why not)
    1 point
  21. I don't know if there's even room at CNN. Maybe Wolf will retire eventually and Shep will take his place?
    1 point
  22. I wonder why he wasn’t given a role on MSNBC or even on the mothership.
    1 point
  23. Numbers on CNBC generally are pretty low and niche - it caters almost exclusively to businesspeople. I wouldn't read much into it.
    1 point
  24. I highly doubt that one. The Reidout is a ratings winner.
    1 point
  25. There was no room for Shep at both MSNBC and CNN, which is probably why he's on CNBC. The 7:00 hour was mostly reruns prior to Shep's arrival.
    1 point
  26. Kwtv is set for the first broadcast to be Sunday November 13th. And while the set is still technically not available for the public to see pictures of yet until the debut Karl Torp is working at the downtown studio today and posted this from the set’s Bob Mills weather center.
    0 points
  27. Apparently, reports had the new network chief hoping that Tapper was going to be the new face of primetime. That didn't look like it was going to happen.
    0 points
  28. It's sounding like Fox is expecting that NBC and ABC will indeed drop the 10pm hour. I've heard that the O&Os are looking into what effect, if any, it would have on their long-established 10pm newscasts. It sounds like there's actually not much overlap between viewers who watch the big 3 primetime offerings and those who watch primetime newscasts.
    0 points
  29. Indiewire says CNN will start cutting back on documentaries as a cost cutting measure. This, I'm actually disappointed about because their documentaries are pretty good. 'The Story of Late Night' was extremely well done. https://www.indiewire.com/2022/10/cnn-documentary-series-warner-bros-discovery-1234777123/?_gl=1*l7yl52*_ga*YW1wLXlfU1pBTUJiNDRkd004c1JubHlzOC1NbnI5ck9EbFdWcy14Z3d4cmpYbHBFdnZMNnBmM2ZMalVqeGNnZEVZbmk.
    0 points
  30. It would cost millions to re-brand the network, so a name change isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Plus, one would hope they learned a lesson when they renamed WGN America before getting rid of the non-news programming.
    0 points
  31. Are you talking about Steven Walsh? That guy gets on my nerves (and as someone who speaks with Ntropolis regularly, I can definitely confirm Steven grinds his gears as well). Yesterday on my classic video channel, 31 Rewind (shameless plug: please subscribe, as I have lots of unique content on the way), I uploaded a set of KSAT breaks from 1988. Not even 10 minutes later he had the legal ID up from that video on his channel. It was a late night post too so it makes me wonder if this guy even sleeps. His titles all follow the same formula: “(CALL) id (YEAR)” and have nothing in the description. Not even a credit/courtesy to the original upload. THAT part frustrates me the most - does not take much effort to credit the original uploader if you feel the need to do this, considering that it costs money to source the tapes, buy the right equipment to digitize them, actually digitizing them (a 6 hour tape will probably take, gasp!, 6 hours to digitize) and then time editing and uploading them. People like him and KLMO (I have no shame in calling him out - it’s VERY well known here in the community I despise the guy since the day he ripped off my main channel branding on one of his secondary channels) get on my nerves and frustrate me, but ultimately there’s little I can do. Those two are also THE reason I watermark my videos now. I hate doing it, because it takes away from the purity of the content. But I also don’t regret doing it, as it’s easy now to keep track of where my stuff gets used, and I’ve been surprised to see where some of it has ended up too!
    0 points
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