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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/23 in Posts

  1. I was totally shocked by the news that Jerry has passed. No matter what you thought of his show, he was a legend for sure in Daytime TV. He hosted TPIR Live in Toledo a few years back. He was OK but you could tell he was there for the paycheck. Can't believe all the TV legends that have passed since the start of this decade, Regis, Alex Trebek, Larry King, and now Jerry. Protect Maury, Bob Barker, Pat Sajak, Judge Judy, Dan Rather, and Tom Brokaw at all costs.
    4 points
  2. Very interesting move! Inside Politics might be my favorite CNN broadcast because it features a diverse group of reporters sharing their reporting and analyzing the news. There are no interviews with partisan newsmakers (which definitely are important to do as well, but they can often be so predictable and the person being interviewed is only interested in promoting one side) or strategists. No raised voices or arguing. Just smart discussions with people who know what they're talking about. Of course Dana and John are divorced and have a son together. For a while after they split up, they were never on the screen at the same time, but are clearly doing much better and now even sometimes sit next to each other on the set. I will miss John's calm and sober anchoring but Dana is an excellent replacement and I am excited for her.
    3 points
  3. Exactly that; you're being transferred from the local station over to the network feed, where the curtain is being raised on both the network programming, and then a presentation produced by the network itself in that show. It's the same reason it originated even in the days of radio where you had 'The National Broadcasting Company presents...' lead into a show.
    2 points
  4. If his show has been running in repeats, I would imagine that would continue for the foreseeable future. A talk show like this that has evolved over the last 30-some years definitely has some repeat value to it.
    2 points
  5. It was revealed that Jerry died of cancer, it couldve been one of the factors that sent Judge Jerry into reruns back in September.
    2 points
  6. Jerry Springer died today at age 79. His impact on television was undeniable.
    2 points
  7. Definitely better than what they had before. I do appreciate when bits of local flavor are added to a set. And by that, I mean something local you recognize at quick glance. Not the "we put stone on this wall because our community has stones." To me, these local touches give a hint of personality that help prevent a set from being so sterile. In WCIV's case, I appreciate the Cooper River Bridge and Rainbow Row being included in the Low Country Live area. I wish they had done something similar on the duratrans behind the desk. But this is certainly a nice upgrade for the ABC4 team.
    2 points
  8. Add Eric Braden (Victor from The Young & The Restless) to that list as he's currently battling cancer.
    1 point
  9. Honestly, I'd be totally okay if they were to bounce the evening team to a 6pm start, giving the 4pm team an additional hour, unless they eventually envision a 3pm newscast for that crew, considering the bleak hellscape that is daytime syndication. That said, Skilling is gonna do what he damn well wants, as he damn well should. IF he were to cut back, I think he keeps the marquee late block. There's little reason to relegate him to their 2 weakest hours of the day (neck and neck with NBC5 for 2nd at 5pm, and an outright 3rd at 6pm). As for Micah, I'd imagine they're in no rush for her to return, at this point. Her doctors are obviously calling the shots, and not her bosses, but with 2 election nights already missed and summer coming up quick, nothing major should be rushing her potential timeline.
    1 point
  10. That explains it-- movie theaters used to do that as well (raise the curtains to get to the feature that one was seeing); not sure they do that anymore.
    1 point
  11. I know there's an 'In Memoriam' thread, but this might be appropriate here too. With all the changes happening in daytime television it's crazy that Jerry Springer passes away today. Normally I would decry a talkshow like what Jerry's became, but at least it knew what it was. A designated space where the lowest form of television could exist for one hour. The behavior of the people on the show was not to be praised or encouraged, but just observed, cautioned against and --let's face it-- to be amused by. His show was a guilty pleaseure. You knew this was bad but couldn't help but watch. RIP. https://amp.tmz.com/2023/04/27/jerry-springer-dead-dies/
    1 point
  12. WCIV has launched their new set...not 100% sure how I feel about it....Its a remarkable improvement over their existing early 2000 set https://abcnews4.com/news/local/check-it-out-news-4-unveils-new-state-of-the-art-news-and-lifestyle-set-wednesday-april-26-2023-mt-pleasant-broadcast-station
    1 point
  13. This thread is about Tucker's dismissal, any pending litigation, his next career move, the network's plan for the time slot, and other related matters. If it further devolves into largely unrelated political matters, we'll shut this down. There's literally anywhere else on the rest of the internet to discuss and/or rant about such matters.
    1 point
  14. I am pretty ambivalent about the whole thing. CNN is just a hot mess altogether, so this is just another “thing.”
    1 point
  15. I’m a big fan of that animation.
    1 point
  16. Overall a big improvement.. but the anchor desk is a bit... wonky??
    0 points
  17. I thought that there was going to be a settlement Fox can write off some of the settlement as well, it was really how much Fox was willing to fight they thought better to settle than fight it which was much cheaper to settle than fight it. I still believe that Fox didn't defame Dominion or Smartics either which looks like that doesn't go to the courts until 2025 which Fox settles as well in my opinion.
    0 points
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