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Everything posted by susquvalleywgal

  1. WGAL also has a Hall of Fame as well!! -- Matt
  2. What a great video. The finished product sounds very good and polished even 28 years later. I would say keep the new long theme for the end of the newscasts. It's not that bad Philly. I know change is hard. But it's 2024. You have a new set coming soon. It's okay to change, just a little. -- Matt
  3. Haha. That's my all-time fav Seinfeld ep!! "Scandals and animals!!" ... LMAO -- Matt
  4. I'm sorry but I want to comment about NBC in general ... It's very underwhelming, compared to the previous Olympic sets. I hate to say this cuz I know NBC is America's Olympic Network but I am starting to hope that CBS or ABC should get a crack at it when the time comes. NBC just doesn't care about the elegance of the Games. The set should be over the top, the Olympic theme should play ... in it's entirety every night at the beginning of the evening broadcasts, preferably more times during the day ... uninterrupted ... and I'm sorry, I know that they want Gen X and Z to be interested, but having all these celebs as correspondents ... I just can't. Jim McKay would NEVER have put up with that. Is the graphics nice? Sure. But everything else? Very underwhelming. if NBC wants to do some soul searching how to do this ... see the CBC for inspiration. Sorry for the rant, just how I feel. - - Matt
  5. Fully agree. Now, I did see that they have a total of 6 new sets with this new building. I think this news studio has WAY TOO MUCH open space and just seems void of character. -- Matt
  6. The same company that made the great TODAY's TMJ 4 graphics .... Renderon. https://www.renderon.com/wtmj -- Matt
  7. Best implementation of the package: WPVI-TV - Philadelphia. Biggest disappointment of the package: KABC-TV moving to the WABC-TV music package. Overall, it's a very nice and clean package. -- Matt
  8. I mean, he is 92 years old. He still is quick as a whip with his wit and understanding and I think it was a good segment. They had to honor Dan Rather in some capacity. They say that time heals all wounds. Good on CBS News and Sunday Morning doing this. And he still wants to be a journalist. Dan Rather has quite a history and I applaud him still doing what he does. -- Matt
  9. What water damage could there be ... that's a relatively new skyscraper in Center City. -- Matt
  10. Can't help but to think of the Maury Show when seeing the WMLW logo. - Matt
  11. WHP-TV CBS 21 here in Harrisburg (not to any surprise) kept the old ticker, for now. -- Matt
  12. I would say they have most of the graphics ready for it ... except for the open. I really believe they are having trouble matching the style of the collage-style open to the Action News theme. to the graphic look. I still think they will keep the Action News open but will adopt the rest of the package. Some things, you cannot change. -- Matt
  13. Much needed upgrade from that other graphics package. A major upgrade. Well done! -- Matt
  14. It's something to work and bulid on. It's not bad. It's not great either. -- Matt
  15. I love the new look. While it is basic ... it's minimalistic and nice. Not bad at all. -- Matt
  16. A 100+ Market weather branding for a Top 5 TV market. Odd. -- Matt
  17. Just like how there is only one WGN-TV ... There's only one Tom Skilling. A well-deserved retirement. -- Matt
  18. I will never complain how dated CBS21 looks here ever again. And the NBC side of that duopoly is not having that rebrand at all. Those talent opens ... yeesh. -- Matt
  19. Yes, it does look nice. And yes, I've been waiting forever for it. Haha. The time-lapse video is something else. Two months of construction ... 1 month of tweaks and getting it just right ... and they kept it a secret to about 48 hours from go time. There is only a handful of stations where a secret can be kept like that and silent. -- Matt
  20. Today was the day and the new WGAL Studio A made it's premiere on the Noon newscast. It is a 50 foot by 50 foot set, bigger than previous Studio B and it's just beautiful. Hats off to Hearst for making a great investment in WGAL. Here is a link to the new set including time-lapse video the construction, that took about 3 months. https://www.wgal.com/article/take-a-look-at-wgals-new-state-of-the-art-news-set/45316686 -- Matt
  21. After over 11 and a half years, WGAL is about to say goodbye to Studio B. New set makes its premiere on Tuesday afternoon. I wonder if this is Studio A. Not sure. But … finally! https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kristin-kay-315b44111_so-much-hard-work-and-brain-power-over-the-activity-7111802338553552896-S1XR — Matt
  22. Perhaps. One thing about Northeast and Central PA ... is that things do not like to change or evolve. -- Matt
  23. Kate Merriman is leaving WGAL. https://www.facebook.com/KateMerrimanWGAL/posts/pfbid0YAcAHCkmWL3und3nbqY9pbw2WeFpobYV1icDJD1BeyU5U1kCgQz1AUJnEzjF1is7l Best wishes to her in her new adventures! Her replacement, Jake Reyes has already started. He is from Florida. https://www.facebook.com/JakeReyesWGAL -- Matt
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