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ABC 7 Denver

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Everything posted by ABC 7 Denver

  1. For those of us on Medicaid too. lmaooooo
  2. Oh, and now inexplicably the future CMS administrator.
  3. All that I can think of is... https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/d/de/FallonTonight-OutlineLogo.svg/revision/latest?cb=20220629182424 https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/CBS_Evening_News?file=CBS_Evening_News_2025_(Alt).svg
  4. I'd be surprised if they didn't choose a network version of the Ant Food theme, to tie it all together. Though I swear to god, if they are using Lonnie Quinn and Maurice DuBois to push more New York featured stories to a national audience, it's going to bomb. Hint: Most of America doesn't live in NYC, in case you didn't know.
  5. So this is obviously a Jack Morton Worldwide Set. It's a mirror of KCAL. Are they really using a local market set for a national newscast?! Wild. I guess that they are, according to Variety.
  6. Honestly, that's probably the direction things are heading.
  7. Did TEGNA drop the design hub too? Also, do you have an example of the ads? I think this will bite them in the ass, honestly.
  8. I thought they started on that and would push in. No. That's terrible. I'm guessing the anchor is the floor director or they don't even have one anymore.
  9. So KUSA has repurposed the old Daily Blast Live set for local newscasts... It's not great for this, if I'm honest.
  10. No. They don't. Rey Rodriguez is all they got. So it's his mediocrity or nothing. Nexstar won't spend the money on anything else. The fact that they don't have a group-wide package like Sinclair does (which feels incredibly dated and boring) is impressive, given where the business is at the moment. Assuming that you mean a network owned & operated station, there's only one that used a Linear Drift package and that's CBS. I liked their 2013 package better than their 2016. My contention is that 3D can look great, if it's subtly used to highlight certain information, context, etc. Completely flat looks terrible and completely 3D looks gaudy. There's is a design balance which I think works across multiple platforms and devices. This is why I want to see sets with multiple moving components so that they can be reconfigured for new and different standups, interview sets, news, weather, etc. Why have set designs that have statically designated areas these days?
  11. Not that Kari Lake has the experience to lead an organization of any kind. She was an anchor. She never made it to the corner office. But that's endemic of this new Trump Administration. Only recent replacements like Bondi have run any departments with scale (let's be real, Bondi isn't good at it).
  12. That dura with the WRC logo on it looks familiar:
  13. Any sense if Nexstar will still be required to sell PIX 11 after the Autocrat returns to the White House?
  14. Remember when Meredith did this and Gray UN-did it?
  15. The move from science fiction to reality and fantasy based programming has damaged it too.
  16. Well, if you bring on a myriad of consultants who do nothing but blame Democrats for embracing social issues, instead of faulting them for embracing our corrupted capitalist model and for Dems leaning too far to the right, then you're going to lose viewership. Social issues didn't lose the Democratic Party this election. Campaigning with Liz & Dick Cheney and refusing to acknowledge that the fundamental economic wealth distribution gap is more important than stock market growth when 93% of the market is controlled by the top 10% (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wealthiest-10-americans-own-93-033623827.html and the average home-buyer age is 56-years old (https://www.nar.realtor/newsroom/first-time-home-buyers-shrink-to-historic-low-of-24-as-buyer-age-hits-record-high). https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wealth-distribution-in-america/
  17. Going all in on a pointless brand strategy. Well, if Gray isn't laying off staff already, why not just light money on fire?
  18. Hardly leftist watch MSNBC. Neo Libs love it. Leftists don't have cable.
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