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Action Newsroom

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Everything posted by Action Newsroom

  1. Do we know for sure that Cuomo does not have the virus? No, we don't. Just because he's a famous, well-known cable news host, and that they have easier access to testing (they actually don't), doesn't mean they can't catch the virus as easily as regular people can. The virus doesn't care what you are. But yeah sure, let's keep it real - if you were in their position and started showing symptoms - or saw someone else showing symptoms - in the workplace, (to take care of yourself and your family) you'd wanna stay away and work from home too.
  2. Yep. It originally came from the Sourh Carolina Dem Debate, then went to D.C. for the Evening News and Super Tuesday I coverage. That desk sure is going places.
  3. Nope. Soap operas cost way more than talk shows. They're extremely expensive and need to be a hit out of the gate - with the actors, writers, directors, producers and BTS staff needing to be paid to do this stuff every day in advance of their airings. Meanwhile, a talker host could say corny jokes, interview B-listers and shill women's products for half with interns for staff (hyperbole). Exhibit A: The TOLN Revivals of All My Children and One Life to Live.
  4. The third hour still has good ratings (and still makes bank for the network). Replacing it with a syndicated talk show that has a bigger chance of cancellation and smaller chance of earning revenue more than possibly won't work. Why should Hoda and Jenna's show be named after a failed expansion in the late '90s that everyone's forgotten by now or a name that (IMO) would turn most away, when their names and chemistry will bring in viewers in droves?
  5. Would've made much more sense to just expand the broadcast to an hour, which I thought happened when I noticed it just now.
  6. It looks incredible. Can't wait to see it in use across the ABC programs taped there.
  7. I'm entitled to admit when I'm wrong.
  8. I guess Norah got tired of standing at the top for 30 seconds too. This desk looks real nice. Maybe they'll keep the Eye/glass desk for the roundtable segment on Meet the Press Face the Nation.
  9. Even if it was against his employer, Wright had every right to speak his mind on how news and synergy should be done these days. And his opinion is right on the money. ABC is always promoting their reality shows on GMA and the overnight shows to a near extreme and - to be honest in my opinion - annoying extent. Yes, GMA is a morning show but when people want the hard news straight for an hour - and not after a live tease of DWTS or The Bachelor/Bachelorette or five, I think they should tone it down a bit. I don't think Wright will be back on ABC soon after his suspension. If so, he deserves better elsewhere. If they take him back, that'll be a shock - but great all the same. I'm open to criticizing the other Big 3 networks for this too. They do this a lot too, but their cross-promoting is normal In comparison. ABC has lost its mind if they put their promotion practices over their journalists, and them giving Veritas a easy win is utterly embarrassing twofold. Project Veritas is a joke. Simply put. Everything they do ruins journalists at the wrong times with the hidden camera/gotcha crap, when they could've caught journalism at its worst and received genuine praise for their efforts if their political bias wasn't on their sleeves.
  10. Congrats to Rob and wife for the birth of their child. I wish them the best and smoothest of parenthood.
  11. Yuss. Brilliant idea. That set was brilliant. Replace fourth floor WNT with ABC News Live -- and the fifth floor be for WNN & ATM -- and you've got a plan.
  12. Late, but KYW has a new reporter: Alecia Reid, who joined last month. She previously worked at KRON and News12 Brooklyn. Here's her bio and LinkedIn.
  13. Agreed. Because... When even World News Now and America This Morning are out of the safe zone, it's utterly embarrassing at this point. Hopefully, this new set will change all that.
  14. Not as dead as I am every time I have to hear that slogan on TV a thousand times a week (hyperbole of course). Hearing that on the radio is just too much now. That also felt read to read. And know.
  15. The interview that wasn't even about Kobe Bryant took place after Kobe Bryant's death, and both Leslie and Bryant were close both in the world of basketball - as they both played in Los Angeles under their respective franchises - and out. That's the angle King went to start with. There's nothing tabloid about it. Even the most respected professional anchor/reporter would've asked or at least alluded to Bryant in an interview with anyone who personally knew him after the fact. Personally, I wouldn't do it so close after his passing but still. And I can't ask why myself because I didn't produce or conduct the interview. Maybe you're right; I should call it tabloid. But I won't, because I didn't see it that way. But what do I know? You know what? You got me there. If you watch a full interview with the correct context, and still realize the same conclusion, I fully understand that. Otherwise, I don't know what to tell you. Plus, whether or not all those scenarios you mentioned were applied, those rape allegations would've still haunted Kobe for the rest of his life (and I say this as a fan of his). Nobody would look down on the accuser more than Kobe (although they deserve to for her lying). But again, what do I know? I'm fully aware that Kobe's accuser later fabricated her story. And I'm also fully aware of many times where accusers of sex crimes later took it back I wanted to mention those but I held back. But your insinuation of my rant of famous men not committing sex crimes to not be accused of them later on as "all men being automatically guilty and all women automatically being truthful" makes me want to punch a wall stud. Yes, women shouldn't lie about being raped or assaulted. But you know what I meant by what I said; and then again, some men shouldn't lie about some (or in some fools' cases, all) women being sexual deviants or incapable of doing what men can do or doing much better. How you could turn this into a ragefest to is so infuriating yet so humourous. But what do I know? I'm naive. Seriously, pick a finger. I'm aware of this - I've watched her talk show. But Oprah also started in local news. Just like Gayle. Yeah, it seems they're better at talk shows than news, but how do you think they got there in the first place? (Also both local news and talk shows aren't that different from one other in some ways. One informs, the other entertains. Sometimes, they do both. Ever get that?) I want journalism to be as fair and balanced as the next person and yes, tabloid is at the bottom of the ladder, but at the end of the day, the interview happened, is done and gone and we all came up to with our interpretations. I said what I said and you said what you said. And that's cool. Here's what isn't. ...aka "I know you are, what am I?". You feeling what you felt about your original post, that's fine. But saying I'm wrong when I'm just stating my opinion and insulting my intelligence for the simple mistake you made is just damn sad. I actually expected more from you.
  16. I decided to watch the entire interview and I came to the conclusion that Gayle didn't do anything absolutely wrong. Yes, she did not have to ask Ms. Leslie about Kobe's rape allegations so soon after his passing. But she was well within her right to ask anyway, and the angle she went with the question was very fair. I think everyone whom knocked King (also well within their right to come to their own conclusions about the questions she asked, correct context or no) went supremely overboard after that clip of the interview hit social media. Some, according to Oprah, are now launching death threats against her. She does not deserve this, and those who lauched those threats instead of taking time to actually watch the interview after the fact can shove them up theirs. Except some did years earlier. Gayle just wasn't one of them. It is not easy to report a rape or throw an accusation when the law will somehow take the rapists side and not the victim's, and (if/when news gets out) the public will mostly accuse the victim of everything under the sun, especially wanting the man's money. And if you were victimized by a famous male luminary, don't expect the process to be any more easier-- even if the victims themself is also famous. That is just a few reasons many women - let alone the women accusing Cosby for many years - don't report right away. And another thing, I'm tired of people saying stuff like this about some famous black men being accused of sex crimes when some famous white men do the same. If famous black men (and pretty much all men in general) don't do and/or get accused of sex crimes in the first place, we wouldn't be having this discussion. And those more than probably wouldn't have asked those men anyway as you for certain wouldn't have gotten the chance anyway. Gayle has had DECADES of experience in the media before even starting CBS This Morning - she started at WJZ in the late 70s. You not knowing this very easy fact is really distressing.
  17. Congratulations to Ms. Llarisa. Hope she lasts a long while. At least the station will have a larger group of meteorologists now and for the foreseeable future.
  18. I really like it too, and it's incredibly basic and simple (read: dull).
  19. I genuinely and honestly like this package too. I understand it's not to everyone's liking - and that's okay, but I think it works well with what it has to show.
  20. She would be a perfect addition for CBS3. (see below) That's shocking. I never knew (or at least forgot) that WCAU recently dropped her. I haven't watched it during the evenings in a while, so AFAIK I thought she was still on the First Alert Weather lineup up till now. I originally disagreed, but after some thought, you're kind of right. Tammie is definitely a better fit for the chief title (she did wield it strongly at WCAU). Since Bilo is chief currently, a move to mornings would be a big demotion (unless she wants more family time). (again, see below.) In fact, if/when Tammie is hired sometime soon, here are the timeslots I'd give for them: Tammie: 5, 10 (on WPSG) and 11 Kate Bilo: 4 and 6 (her bubbly personality fits better here) Matt Peterson: weekday mornings Lauren Casey: weekend mornings Tiffany Savona: weekend evenings (Casey and Savona will switch as I feel their respective timeslots should be reflective of their personalities)
  21. He could fit right in. Even Newsmax is a better place for him now than Fox. ...and that's them being generous.
  22. I'm actually gonna miss Abby. I wasn't a fan of hers at first because her opinions didn't make sense or add much to the show. Not to mention her being on the panel because her father John is a politician. But as her tenure progressed, her points became more coherent and sensible - to the point where I do enjoy her presence and pay attention to her views (some of which I do agree with). I wish her all the best.
  23. I'm sure they'll be fine taking Amtrak. ???
  24. If I watched this live while half-asleep, I would've freaked the hell out like a pothead watching The Wall for the first time (the movie? the game show? you decide).
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