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Action Newsroom

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Everything posted by Action Newsroom

  1. Old news. Already announced two weeks ago.
  2. Sharrie Williams reunites with Brian Taff at 10 tonight.
  3. They'll keep it running with (mostly) reruns, acquired scripted originals and unscripted originals - that's my guess.
  4. This should've been the lineup. Not to knock on Jeanette, because she is a great anchor and fantastic reporter. But Sarah deserves her promotion and this would've been it.
  5. If you thought her quick reappearance at Noon was a fluke, Erin O'Hearn really is back at WPVI with a story during the 4pm. She's one of the station's many great reporters of the past decade and to see her back was a genuine surprise. I hope she'll be back permanently, but it's great to have her return to our TV screens.
  6. Wow! Great pickups. I loved watching Marysol anchor the 4am portion with Dan Mannarino back in 2013, so I'm excited to see them (former returning as reporter, latter now main co-anchor) together again. Also, Ben was a great talk show host so he's a huge get. Cheers to the news department.
  7. Erin O'Hearn returned during the Noon newscast the tease the 4pm. I repeat: Erin O'Hearn returned
  8. That's my guess too. Congrats to her on the big get. I know PVI has a great talent on their hands.
  9. Even if it is fully based in D.C. and "all about Norah", what difference would it make? Nothing of the move would change much the show's bottom line anyway. Plus she lives there with her family anyway, so...
  10. With the new set comes a refresh on the current EN graphics package. I'm mixed on them - I like that there is more color, gradients and variety (lines, time countdown and squares?) to it, but it looks very similar to World News Tonight's current look (brighter shade of blue use of the U.S. map in the open), which is not a great thing.
  11. The new DC set has debuted tonight (December 2). Here's a sneak peek. I really like it. Despite the strong CNN vibe going on, it fits the program very well. I hope for a variety of looks to come, but the Insta-story on Norah's page last month showed that can happen.
  12. I very much like Gray's new gfx package(s) all around, but this new one from WAVE is the very best. Incredible overall.
  13. I'll take blue and flat any day. That is a fantastic package. Drop the text crawl-like thing over the L3s, and it's perfect. I don't care if it looks Tegna-like or whatever, I'm just happy the last package will finally bite the dust.
  14. Well, I guess that's official. Time now to settle in. And the successors/replacements are very good at what they do, so I won't fret for very long.
  15. Same. I think the image could make a good Fox logo, but the logo is so iconic and recognizable that it's best to just leave it as is.
  16. Sad to see searchlights officially go after all these years (even though Fox hasn't used them for the past years) ; but since licensing fees are a pain, Fox had to visually evolve anyway. And I find this a great evolution based incredibly on and around its logo, which definitely isn't going anywhere. The abstract look and feel really works to the network's advantage, especially now that it isn't tied to partial namesake Hollywood studio anymore. I've seen promos lately on WTXF featuring the look and the abstract logo, but I seriously doubt the latter will be used in the stations' identities. Since the kite logos have used for over a decade, it really is time to retire them, since it's use has been downgraded in the last several years.
  17. I'm afraid I agree. The only change-up that (could've) worked was upgrading Sarah to 5pm anchor - and nothing else. They have everything else right with everyone else in the same place (and have been for years). And a new co-anchor for Walter would've been their only other conundrum they would've sorted out immediately. If official (which we still haven't had a word from the station yet), it's gonna take a while to settle with this line-up.
  18. Maybe but we don't know for sure yet. We'll see. All I can say is congrats to Rick for the upgrade from noon to 10, and congrats to Brian for becoming the afternoon anchor (I'll miss him at 10pm). I just wish the station announced these pairings beforehard to end the madness. I hope too. Also, agree on Jeanette or Maggie getting a slot someday. They are fantastic behind the desk. Christie too, but them more.
  19. Just finished watching the 6pm with a tease for the 10pm on WPHL. Rick is featured with Sharrie, Adam and Ducis.
  20. I would too. Shep would be perfect for any high-power gig, but a CBS gig like Evening News would be his best career move, period.
  21. hmmm... I wonder why. Because she genuinely cares about the victims of the scandal... or because she has a vendetta with NBC News despite her show - and her time with it - were absolute failures (and the Brinks truck-load of cash she walked away with after the fact).  Either way... Stay classy, Meg.
  22. Wow, 10 years. Because he already was anchor of This Week, I didn't think he would have the stamina to do a two-hour daily morning show - and then both years later. Boy was I (happily) wrong. He joined at the right time, adapted very well, was - and still is - an incredible anchor of both, and definitely was/is a part of GMA's most successful era.
  23. I did. It's pretty much the main show's second hour now extended to a sixth day, minus the studio audience and twice the fluff.
  24. It really isn't; it's very impressive. Looks slick, fresh and nicely made. I hope the package is utilized very well.
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