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Everything posted by MorningNews

  1. I’ve come to the conclusion that you’re completely in the wrong. Once an interviewer asks a question and a response is given, how is it journalism to say “well you wouldn’t know him in those situations, would you?” Give me a break. I respect journalists as much as any other person, but I’m also not so dense to understand a journalist pushing an agenda with their questioning. The interview that was not even about Kobe Bryant turned into an attempt to bait his friend into wavering on her view of his legacy. When Leslie gave her answer, what reason does Gayle have to challenge that and suggest that Leslie wouldn’t have known the real him? If you want to call that journalism, then at least deem it tabloid journalism. Is it fair or journalistic to present a question with the entire context of the situation? Including the changing stories, contradicting claims by the accuser, lack of physical evidence, etc. My opinion, there are instances where people are falsely accused. It’s egregious to assume that all men are guilty and all victims are truthful. I don’t think that it’s hard for women or others victims to share what happened to them in today’s society. Stop being so naive. Oprah Winfrey herself has a history as a journalist. For the better part of 3 decades, she has been a talk show host with little journalistic value. The absolute same goes for Gayle.
  2. My question is why not include the facts of case in their entirety? When you review the entire case, the accuser is without doubt incredibly dishonest and unethical. The media has deemed the accuser as being a habitual liar among many other things, but now in Kobe’s death a select few in the media believe its an appropriate time to focus on the allegations. Mind boggling and it’s exactly the reason that many Americans aren’t bothered by the POTUS attacks of the press. They are exactly what he describes them to be. Gayle didn’t need to bring the question up at all because as a journalist it’s her responsibility to vet stories and report the facts. By stating “how do you feel about the allegations?” she doesn’t provide any context and the statement is taken as fact. It upsets me that the news focuses on the salacious headlines and then hides behind it being “their job to ask tough questions.” It’s not a tough question, it’s a hot topic and providing slanted facts to portray a hot topic one way falls far below journalism. Completely irresponsible but that’s what happens when you put Oprah’s bff on television and ask her to portray a journalist.
  3. Ha. Not necessarily saying I agree with it but that it has been speculated as ABC’s long term plan to potentially expand GMA in a continuous block.
  4. Oh damn guess I was wrong. So then all the talk about ABC making LIVE part of the GMA family at some point is not completely outlandish.
  5. What is ABC’s position of ownership over LIVE? That Ben Sheerwood was making and in discussions on decisions for LIVE would make me believe that ABC has some ownership of the show but I know that’s not the case.
  6. As he should be. Trying not to let my emotions take control but Gutman should probably be terminated. As a national news reporter you need to be accountable for reporting information that isn’t vetted. There was no reason for him to report what he did without having it verified. A lot of media outlets completely embarrassed themselves in the initial hours and days after the tragic news. It doesn’t do much to help against the claims that the media in the U.S. is atrocious.
  7. I’m not entirely sure, but I don’t believe any of the Dallas-Fort Worth stations use choppers.
  8. https://mikemcguff.blogspot.com/2020/01/chauncy-glover-6.30pm-newscast.html?m=1 KTRK 3 PM anchor Chauncy Glover adds 6:30 PM duties to his plate replacing/displacing Eric Barajas. Eric could shift to the 6 PM newscast bringing his total to 4, 6 and 10. Which would move Art Rascon off of 6 and leave him with 11 AM and Live at Five.
  9. Saw this one coming honestly. They demoted her to weekend evenings either right before or after she began maternity leave.
  10. Saw this one coming honestly. They demoted her to weekend evenings either right before or after she began maternity leave.
  11. I’m curious about this as well. Does anyone have BTS details on this change?
  12. The Sunday Today show used to originate from Washington DC and featured a young Katherine Couric and Al Roker as substitutes (at least).
  13. True but I would think the changes under Charles Gibson were a little more than a refresh. At some point his studio was heavily wood paneled with no view of the newsroom until Diane Sawyer took over and a modern newsroom look debuted.
  14. That’s exciting. The current WNT set has been around since 2010 iirc with some refreshes here and there. Doesn’t seem that outrageous to me that they’d do a major overhaul especially when the move is 4 years away. That’s an eternity in television.
  15. You could always DVR and watch it later, back in my morning tv obsessed youth I would record GMA and Today and watch when I got home from school lol. I rarely make the effort to turn the shows on today because the content is so mind numbing.
  16. Any caps? I’d love to see how This Week utilizes the GMA set.
  17. IIRC the weekend shows were moved back to the 66th St studios because of the costs to rent out Times Square.
  18. You’re misunderstanding, which seems to be a theme for you. I asked a question about why it doesn’t make sense for Bill to hand off the 6 pm to David so that he isn’t anchoring a 1.5 hour show. And you’re response was to lecture the entire forum on the intricacies of channel 7’s off camera schedules and build sympathy for “long work days.” You’re tone and frustration is stemmed from a suggestion that Shirleen and Ken could anchor the mornings and noon newscasts to allow for greater parity in their evening news schedules? I’m in the craphole known as NYC more often than I’d ever like to be so nice assumption there on your part, again.
  19. Makes complete sense, I figured it had to be related to timing preferences. Funny how every second is so crucial.
  20. Moving off this topic to another question regarding WABC. Why are there talent opens used at Noon, 4 and 6 but not 5 and 11? Sorry if this has already been mentioned
  21. Again, you’re making some lofty assumptions and I’m not sure where you’re pulling them from. I think the anchors are paid very appropriately for the work that they do and results they bring, I don’t have any outrage over that. I’m simply pointing to the complaints by most people here that a news anchors commitments are so difficult when a majority of the country works the same long hours and is not paid nearly as much. It’s the standard in our country. Further, as I stated many people don’t stay put. Typical work standards require mandated lunch periods and periodic breaks throughout the work day. Your statements make it seem like anchor’s are tied to their desks like prisoners in your attempts to paint the “woe is the life of television news.” I can’t speak for NYC, but the anchors at the top Houston television station definitely head home for a bit during the breaks between the 6 and 10 pm news. Now step off your podium, professor.
  22. I’m so confused, other than a slew of insinuations who here actually said that the anchor’s day is only consisting of their airtime? Who said that at all? I’m so over this “it’s unfair to work that many hours” when 98% of America works a 9 hour workday with an hour lunch and make a lot less money than the anchors in the top media market. Give the pity parties a rest on this narrative please. Beyond that, at a majority of stations across the nation the morning anchors also anchor their station’s midday broadcasts. The question as to why Ken and Shirleen don’t both anchor like Lori Stokes did for the better half of two decades is a fair one. Do Ken and Shirleen do the cut-ins during GMA? I find it hard to believe that they’re staying put for 6 hours in the building between 7 am - 12 noon. Similarly to how the evening anchors go home after 6 and return before 11.
  23. Yeah this is more of what I had in mind. Seems odd to have Bill go from 5-6:30 while Sade and Liz trade off. 4:30-7 and again from 12-1 really that taxing? Lori, Steve and Ken did that for years.
  24. Not sure if there’s any rhyme or reason, but why does Bill Ritter anchor 5-6:30 instead of David Novarro anchoring 6 with Liz? Just seems like it would make sense to more evenly divide those newscasts. Was there a reason that Ken Rosato was moved off of the noon show but Shirleen remained?
  25. I was just coming here to comment on that. Wasn’t sure if they have made the move recently and I missed it but interesting to see them there years after moving away.
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