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Everything posted by MorningNews

  1. Good Morning America is celebrating 20 years in Times Square with a party this morning. https://twitter.com/GMA/status/1174631719527485440?s=20
  2. ABC News commentator and anchor Cokie Roberts has died. https://abcnews.go.com/US/legendary-journalist-political-commentator-cokie-roberts-dies-75/story?id=65633507
  3. I finished the annual rewatch of Today's 9/11/01 coverage yesterday. That Katie and Matt were kept on air from 7 am - 12 pm is a testament to how respected they were as a duo who could juggle the fun parts of the program, but were also absolute pros at breaking news. Tom Brokaw joined them after about 1.5 hours and instead of letting him take over, Katie and Matt remained front and center. Especially when you consider that ABC and CBS cut away from their morning show teams within the first hour and their flagship anchors took over (Peter Jennings, Dan Rather). I've read before that Today was watched by 40 million Americans at the height of the attack coverage, not that that's anything to necessarily brag about. I'm not entirely sure if it's because the duo anchored during the coming of the technology age, but Katie and Matt might be the best team in Today's history. Additionally, YouTube is full of some really great world and national history network news coverage. I encourage everyone to check some of it out. I was in second grade during 9/11/01 and while I remember the day itself, I was too young to remember the context of the news other than the images. Haunting yet fascinating stuff.
  4. Of all the people who have come and gone from the show, I can't believe Al Roker has managed to somehow survive it all. To put it into perspective, he was named weatherman when Bryant and Katie were anchoring the show and that was more than 20 years ago.
  5. Fox 5 is dedicated to the all-female line up apparently.
  6. Do NYC stations still dedicate as much time and special coverage to 9/11? It led the KTLA Morning News this morning which I was happy to see considering in years past it's been a brief mention of the anniversary. A horrible day I will never ever forget for the rest of my entire life, even as a 1st grader with little understanding of what was unfolding at the time. My aunt who lives in Queens was on a train and witnessed the very beginning of the attacks. Such a haunting experience.
  7. I considered that until looking at the evening broadcasts ratings and ABC WNN and NBC NN have remained steady or even gained viewers during a busy summer season. Additionally, Norah is down ~600,000 viewers compared to the same period last year despite a very busy news period. World News Tonight is flirting with 9 million viewers which is crazy for summer figures. Norah on the other hand is flirting with falling below 5 million. Her Nothing against Norah - I just don't think she's the right choice to lead the CBS EN. This broadcast is going on 30 years in 3rd place and while they haven't changed the outdated format/content of the show much, they have changed anchors 7 times over that same period.
  8. CBSEN with Norah continues to do terrible. While this was never an easy fix, certainly they expected her to at least stop the bleeding? Seems like she's clocked in a few 100,000 viewers down from Jeff Glor so far.
  9. A half-assed product will get, and deserves, a half-ass result. Enjoy the cellar, CBS 2.
  10. Completely agree. We as fans can identify the affiliates but when speaking with family and friends of all ages it's rare that someone knows what I mean when I say the "ABC channel" but know exactly what I'm referring to if I say "Channel 13." ABC 7 doesn't even sound right for WABC haha. WLS in Chicago is the only one that can pull it off. Does KABC use Eyewitness News, ABC 7 or Channel 7?
  11. That's right. In my head I lump the failed CBS Broadcast Center street studio with the Johnson/State, but you're right I completely forgot that period around the start of the decade where the 10 pm was doing really well. MAN how could I forget that awful morning show experiment "Monsters & Money in The Morning." Seems like not much has changed in nearly a decade. WLS on top, WMAQ and WGN following behind, and CBS and Fox are still trailing way behind. Although, I thought I read that Good Day Chicago was picking up steam and competing again? Either way, both stations are owned and operated in a major market so it's insane that they've been absolute doormats for so long.
  12. How is WBBM still doing so bad after all these years? The rock bottom days of Rob Johnson and Anne State seem so long ago that they’ve got to be somewhat better than 10 years ago right? How does WGN’s fairly new 10 pm offering fair among the competition?
  13. KTLA Morning News weather man Henry DiCarlo is off the air for a few weeks to undergo surgery after being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer last month. Sending him prayers and good vibes. He's a bright spot every morning.
  14. To me an extension of GMA that airs hours after the flagship show will never be successful.
  15. Hopefully it doesn’t become a trend. The expansion to 4:30 a decade ago is already ridiculous enough.
  16. Woah, does KABC start morning news at 4 am?
  17. Are there rumors of news at 7? I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere else but here a few posts up
  18. It's really a shame that WBBM doesn't utilize the streetside studio at all anymore. It's initial iteration was beautiful. Does NBC 5 still have a streetside studio?
  19. And Norah will be removed in another few years for reason X, Y, or Z. CBS’ daily news shows are unstable and have been for over a decade. That is not a recipe for success or resonance with viewers.
  20. Well isn't she being heralded by CBS' new leader to be the show's saving grace? It doesn't seem like it. Doesn't seem like the changes made at CTM are proving to be successful either. It's what the entire leadership of CBS deserves because for years they've made talent the scapegoat for lackluster viewership figures instead of addressing format, content and structure of their programs. The one time they took a risk with their programming (in recent memory for me) resulted in a string of the most successful years their morning show has ever had. Barring any odd changes at ABC or NBC, Norah's entire CBSEN tenure will see the show parked firmly in 3rd place.
  21. It's actually been about 30 years that the program has sat in 3rd place.
  22. No real ratings bump for CBSEN and that’s exactly what they deserve. I’m sure we won’t see much difference between Norah or the other 3 anchors before her but CBS will still make an anchor change in the next few years. https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/evening-news-ratings-week-of-july-15-2/409476/
  23. It is getting repetitive but the absence of a regular traffic report in the prime morning rush hour is also quite ridiculous, especially for the largest city and TV market in the country. I'm confused as to how that negligence is being lost on anyone. Beyond that, is it ever a good thing to be so inconsistent? Cancel traffic reports out entirely instead of only when the traffic anchor is away. CBS 2 is easily the 4th or 5th rated morning news program in the city and this is an obvious example of them phoning it in. If this is their approach then, hell what's the point of doing the news at all? I mean everything they discuss is a rehash of the 11 pm news the night before and if it's not then it's typically stories that are already accessible through some means well before 4:30 a.m. Just cancel the entire 2.5 hour show because it's 2019 and is outdated morning news really THAT big of a deal?
  24. Did you happen to actually read my comment or no? I'm not at all shocked by what she said, I'm shocked that she didn't realize that her mic was open and the broadcast was potentially going live. That's the equivalent of me sending political views or disparaging remarks via email at the office when I know the company monitors them. Her recklessness is what is shocking, not what she said.
  25. I’m fully expecting CBS to hold auditions for Norah’s replacement if they’re not somehow the #1 newscast starting today.
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