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Info Junkie

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Everything posted by Info Junkie

  1. I recall Raymie posting a KPLR article on the Discovered Composers Thread a while ago on a new KPLR look coming in April 1995. Could the package they used during “Impact” been that look?
  2. So you’re saying it could be a Tvbd package? Well they may not have KFOR on their client list, neither do they have WXIA, which we all know was one of their first clients. And I’m sure that look introduced after the call change was to purposely not just knock-off KOCO but also to ratings challenge them — Peters even was responsible for both of their brandings! KREM open at the end
  3. A WHEC newscast end with a WTOG-TV, Inc. copyright stamp.
  4. Gee, how many VO’s was Channel 2 using at the time? You got Roger Thompson dubbing over the open, Dude Walker providing the station’s commercial breaks, and Ed O’Brien on the news promos. They should’ve just kept Dude Walker!
  5. And I guess that open style followed him up to Buffalo & then Fresno?
  6. That set... Its so... ORANGE! Also glad to have you back Jim! Excited to see what rare goodies you have up your archive sleeves...
  7. The “officially” first time KOVR 1987 material has seen YouTube!
  8. Interesting.... Vintage Raleigh, NC clips
  9. He must’ve been short-lived, as by the summer of 1992 Danny Dark began doing the open VO’s. Also why is Jim Tilmon doing 10PM weather and not John Coleman? Maybe he replaced him for a short time before Brant Miller took over, but I’m no Chicago news geek. And what job did Brandon Brooks have at WNYT for how long? I’d assume he was a reporter.
  10. Yet they’re news open creativity has exploded...
  11. A KMTV weekend bump at 0:45 - includes a young Ann Trujillo pre-KMGH! Five years later, KMTV’s “KM3 Spirit” promo... And a KETV “Cinema 7” bump at the end...
  12. This must be where this open comes in... WAGA was one of many TV stations out there that would use new opens for each year - the period from 1977 to 1981 had several different ones!
  13. Wow, that WOWT promo at the beginning has “Where You Belong” in it!
  14. The NMSA needs another add - WDTV used “Tuesday12” in 1987. https://w3.cdn.anvato.net/player/prod/anvload.html?key=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%3D%3D#amp=1 And here’s a WNYT story on their new set in 1995, which they’re now taking down...
  15. More like any Chris-Craft station with news in general (excluding KMOL and KCOP.) Meh... KMSP using Charlie Van Dyke sounds like a downgrade from his predecessor: I hope that an open pops up soon... will need to give the Twin Cities a thrashing on the Wish List Thread, though the other white whale is any WTCN during their ownership transfer to Gannett in 1983.
  16. I’d bet that this was the first time ever that this KVBC logo ever saw a YouTube upload - of course, any Las Vegas footage (definitely KLAS) is beyond rare in the early ‘80s.
  17. I wish I could find that open that has Michael D. Hanks on the NMSA - that must’ve been what they were using at the time.
  18. From Milwaukee, it’s the TV-6 News at Ten (1985)
  19. You can hear him in this VHS open compilation, at 1:51 (plenty more can be found on YouTube), unless it’s someone else. Also yes, I now see the difference between this guy and Burton Richardson, the latter sounds a bit lower-pitched.
  20. Bumping this thread again to identify this guy: This guy (who was KLAS’s VO briefly in 2003) also has been heard on plenty of movie and VHS promos in the 1990s, and was the voice of the Arsenio Hall Show. The NMSA currently lists him as unidentified.
  21. You know what I just realized? That KTVX clip at the end of this NewsActive3 compilation IS their 1994 package with Total News.
  22. And Cox Enterprises... I’m sure he did material for KTVU at one point or another, too.
  23. !!!!! Cool, now the NMSA has two VOs to identify... Now if we could only guess who this guy is...
  24. Mark Curtis pre-KPNX... Also the NMSA hasn’t identified Don Harrison as the VO on that KSTP open - this isn’t the first time this has happened. Here’s a WOI update from after they became “News 5” and actually started to use more decent-looking graphics for the time frame... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nAIHdFLAII Edit: That unknown WPXI-WILX-KCPQ voiceover guy returns in this quick CBS Evening News slide right before WCCO’s news...
  25. WDBJ in 1991 (50th anniversary of Roanoker Restaurant)
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