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Posts posted by MediaZone4K

  1. Tody Show (1994), Matt--in for Braynt--and Katie in the wooden set. Cool seeing Katie and Matt together on the old set. 

    **Ignore the thumbnail**,  but I never knew Monica Lewinsky did an interview on Today  in 1998


  2. As the article suggests, cord cutting isn't the sole issue. Cable networks seem to be clueless that they've abandoned their niches in favor of saturated content: reality shows and sitcom reruns. MTV & VH 1 don't play music videos anymore, TLC lacks educational content in favor of Honey Boo-Boo, and umpteen channels show Friends. Not to mention the original content channels produce seems watered down compared to their old offerings: examples BET, Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, and Cartoon network. Audiences aren't that dumb. Add to that, the heavy handed political messaging in shows. Viewers can tell when something is poorly written or cookie cutter and will turn away.


    Broadcast tv is stale, it's current lineup of shows lack imagination compared to scripted streaming offerings.


    Finally, we all know the problem with cable news. Sensationalism, hyper partisanship and toxic journalism that seeks to get eyeballs and reactions from viewers, rather than educating and informing them. With these poor choices, it's no wonder audiences are turning away from television. 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, iron_lion said:

    OG View cast reacts

    The original cast reacts to Barbara's passing. I would love for the OG cast to return with Whoopi as moderator. Have the show not just be about politics all the time, but older women's perspective on life.

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  4. Connie Chung remembers Barbara. Connie pointed out the similarities between them especially the part about them both anchoring the evening news with "men who despised them". Barbara with Harry Reasoner and Connie with Dan Rather, both troubled pairings only lasting 2 years.


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  5. 2 hours ago, TexasTVNews said:

    Reynolds... Robinson... Jennings... Brinkley... Smith... Reasoner... K. Smith... Downs... and now Walters. The Mt. Rushmore of ABC News. RIP Barbara and Godspeed. You memory and your legacy will live on in spirit.


    Mt. Rushmore indeed!


    As the saying goes, cherish our legends while we still have them. That's why Im greatful we still get Ted Koppel's work on CBS Sunday Morning as well as occasional specials from Diane Sawyer on ABC.

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  6. 20 minutes ago, WeatherandTraffic said:

    She's been really private since 2016 as her last ABC news and possibly public appearance was her contributing to Nancy Reagan's funeral. I've seen speculation that she's been dealing with Dementia or Alzheimer's for several years now. Tuesday's show will be dedicated to her I bet.

    Despite the rhumors, I didnt think she'd literally pass just days later😢


  7. Not sure where exactly to post this, but it definitely is relevant to GMA. Disney CEO Bob Iger was in conversation with John Stewart about the issues with modern news.


    Iger claims ABC News never sacrificed quality for ratings. To the contrary, GMA and ABC News are one of the worst offenders (if not the worst among the big three) of frequently using hyperbole and breaking news.


    An element I like that Stewart pointed out, is that modern news media all rushes to cover one event with extreme focus, then moves onto the next topic while other issues get pushed to the sidelines.


    Case and point, the Mueller Report. A key thing Stewart kept pressing Iger about is how would news organizations execute the change for better quality news they claim to want---to which the latter said would be impractical to do in today's climate.


    Interesting watch, and to Iger's credit he was the only major news executive willing to talk to Stewart.

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  8. Graphics aside, CBS This Morning was fine especially when it was more hard news oriented. Nora, Gayle, and Charlie were a solid team. All they needed was a solid replacement for Charlie and the anchor line up would've been fine.

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  9. 4 hours ago, nycnewsjunkie said:

    Because of a logo change? That’s a bit of an overstatement IMHO. ABC and NBC’s new logos are more mobile-friendly, and the new CBS bug is less intrusive. Besides, we’re the only people that are consciously noticing this stuff; all of these changes are so minuscule that I’m not sure it’s even worth calling them different logos.

    I keep hearing it said that flatness is more mobile friendly. In what way? 

    It's  a fair statement to not nitpick too much given that the average viewer just cares about channel content more so than presentation elements. A tweaked logo isn't the end of the world. On the contrary, a large portion of what we critique here like lighting, studio setup, and graphics, only industry junkies would care about. My point remains though, a lot of these graphical "updates" networks are doing to their logos seem to take a step backwards.


    The NBC news logo IMO is the perfect all around peacock design to settle on. White borders with depth, gloss, and gradient to the colors.

    Newsroom Coffee And Sugar Habits At NBC News

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  10. This was unnecesary and not an improvement by any measure. First ABC ruined their logo, then CBS gets a miniscule screen bug, now this. Its like the networks are dertermined to spend money for a worse product. 

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  11. NBC News Projections (1960). A panel of reporters discuss diplomatic, problems, and solutions facing counties they studied. Very indepth and intelectual doscussions. Feels like a model UN class. The 60s and 70s truly were the stongest periods for tv news from a journalistic standpoint. Frank McGee is lead anchor.


  12. On 12/9/2022 at 2:39 PM, TVNewsLover said:

    With KNBC, WMAQ, and WCAU all losing their top male anchors, at least some if not all to retirement buyouts, I’m surprised Chuck has not taken the opportunity to call it quits. He’s approaching 80, you’d think he’d want to enjoy retirement.

    Crazy, was thinking about this today. I was having a discussion with a family member — who retired early — and is very big on people of a certain age calling it quits to enjoy retirement. The way I see it, when you love and are passionate about a career, you aren't rushing to leave. All things considered, when one retires, what is there to do at home? Chuck aside, in the average citizen's case, retirement often means sitting at home, watching daytime television, and waiting for the eventual. Especially if their family doesn't live close and their friends aren't in good health or have passed, going to work is what gives many of the elderly the drive to keep going.


    In Chuck's case, I'm sure he has decent wealth to travel and live well. We aren't privy to his personal life, so I'll guess that he really just loves his job. It pays well, isn't physically taxing, and simply requires him to sit and read a pre written script for about 22 minutes excluding commercials. Plus, Chuck's usually on about 3 out of 5 nights a week.  As long as he remains in good health and isn't demanding any dramatic salary increases, lets see how long he can go for. 

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  13. Any numbers on how WANF is doing in the ratings? Not that where a few months in do you guys feel things are flowing well or is this not working, is more time needed?

  14. Fantastic set overall. I Wish we saw more of the windows aspect than the giant video wall which makes the anchor shot look like every other station.


    To me, video walls look washed out against harsh bright lighting combined with HD.

    On 12/9/2022 at 11:19 AM, MorningNews said:

    It’s an improvement for sure, they’ve added more depth but it style seems underwhelming.


    ETA: What they’re using behind Glen and Lu at 11am is a 10/10. 



  15. 9 hours ago, Geoffrey said:

    I haven't liked CNN's newsroom sets in New York, both in the old Time Warner Center location and at the current Hudson Yards space. They look like boring offices with some monitors. I miss the old newsroom at CNN Center, which really felt like it was designed to be used on TV. I think part of the difference is that the New York newsrooms use robotic cameras, which really gives a different feel to the broadcast.

    Yes! The old newsroom set was much more grand and felt like you were in the middle of a non stop news operation. 

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  16. This is unwanted attention, an unncesary distraction, and disheartening for the spouces involved. Lets be fair though. People in every day jobs mess around with their coworkers. This is only a big deal because the parties involved work on TV and have the media exacerbating their liaison.


    The other outlets might want to tread carefully and be self reflective regaurding workplace gossip. As the mutiple scandals in pervious years have showed us, alot of news agencies have skeletons in their closets.

    On 12/5/2022 at 1:36 PM, CLETVFan said:

    Could all of the drama coming out with TJ lead to sexual harassment accusations?

    This may follow the usual pattern. This one scandal will suddenly open the door for a multitude of allegations about numerous things from people who were quiet for years. 

    On 12/6/2022 at 7:20 PM, nycnewsjunkie said:

    I’m sort of surprised that having an affair with two married coworkers while being married yourself doesn’t violate a morality clause of some sort, especially since this is Disney we’re talking about. 

    We're talking alot about morality clauses and Disney. Let's not forget Disney owned ABC is the same network that aired Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder and other raunchy shows, not to mention General Hospital on right after in most markets, lol.  I'm sure a decent swath of the public doesn't even know that ABC is owned by Disney to make that brand connection.


    It reminds me of when Paul Pierce was fired from ESPN for that considerably mild video where strippers were walking in the background as it "wasn't a good look" for a Disney company employee. This despite the majority of ESPN's audience being men, many of whom are watching in barbershops and bars, (who probably wouldn't mind) given the conversations that occur in those spaces. 


    Overall, a company has a right to tell its employees to be careful of what they do on their personal time, as not to negatively affect the company's image. But, like this case, everything doesn't require disciplinary action.

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  17. ABC O&Os are the perfect example of streamlined with a touch of individuality. There are umpteen ABC 7s with roughly the same logo, branding themselves as Eyewitness News. The vast majority of them are the number one station in their markets, and despite there duplicated formats, the stations have seeds of uniqness that make them authentic to the cities they broadcast to. Pardon the ancient example but, Van Amborg was uniquely San Francisco as Grimsby & Beutel felt very New York. 

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  18. Speaking in generalities...

    IMO: A consensual relationship with your co-worker (given that both of you are single) is messy but not morally wrong. The problem becomes an awkward work environment if the relationship ends. 


    This might be unpopular but dare I say it: 

    A boss and their subordinate having a consensual relationship is also messy --and should be avoided -- but isn't morally wrong either, given that the subordinate is not being granted unearned work privileges and that the boss doesn't try to retaliate if the relationship ends badly.  It's best to avoid s$&/$ing  where you eat as the saying goes, but life happens.


    As someone pointed out earlier, this will be buried in the news cycle in the next 2 to 3 weeks, and ABC should probably weather through the storm rather than overreact. Let's hope nothing nefarious on either Holmes or Robach's parts comes out in the next few weeks. 


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