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Posts posted by MediaZone4K

  1. 23 hours ago, Georgie56 said:

    Here’s the intro:



    Very GMA with the opening shot and angle of the three anchors. Very CBS This Morning with the shape of the table and the tri anchor formatting which also has GMA undertones.


    Sometimes the constant mentioning of working life and kids can come off as forced efforts to make the anchors seem like friends or relatable to the audience.

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  2. 30 minutes ago, MorningNews said:

    He and Dari together were abysmal.

    How has Steve lasted this long? Again, Lacey's issue is that his delivery really has no cadence. He reads as if he were rushing through paragraphs and rarely emotes feeling or personality. Dari lasted really long!


    At least importing external talent is a start, but Fox 5 News isn't in the best state right now. 


  3. On 10/26/2022 at 9:24 AM, bpatrick said:

    I fail to see what is so confusing about my thinking. Any NBC affiliate manager in his/her right mind would want to run local news at 10/9 because of the potentially larger audiences and revenues.  The only problem I could see would be on Saturdays if SNL were to move to 11/10 and, in the fall,  a football game was still in progress. What time would SNL start? Sundays, I think NBC affiliates would gladly let NFL games run over so they could inherit their large audiences.  Personally, I would be good with a 10 PM local newscast (after all, if I ran a station in the Central or Mountain time zones I'd have one anyway).  And I don't give a rip what NBC does with Fallon.


    It won't surprise me if, within the next decade or so, NBC is streaming the majority of its programming on Peacock, and all this is going to be a moot point.  I am thoroughly convinced that, although I may not live to see it, daytime and prime time entertainment shows will go online just as the network radio shows of the '30s, '40s, and early '50s moved either to television or off the air altogether.

    On the subject of cutting/trimming and SNL, why is that show still 90 minutes long? An hour is fine. SNL has about two or three strong sketches with a lot of misses in between. Not to mention sketches have to drag on way past their punchline or weaker bits make it to tv to fill air time. All this on top of constant commercials.

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  4. Excellent work from the team at World News Tonight (9/18/01). Calm and lightly sensational reporting in the immediate aftermath of the worst terror attack in US history. Compare this to the overblown hype and constant blaring, breaking news graphics that would be applied to something as light as as committee hearing on today's evening news.  

    KFMB, CBS 8 San Diego (April 1967). You'd be hard-pressed to find a mid to late 60s newscast wether local or national that didn't mention Vietnam at least once. 


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  5. On 10/15/2022 at 2:32 AM, tyrannical bastard said:

    If NBC really wants to cut an hour, do we really need FOUR hours of Today?


    Yes, it's news and in the morning, but i'm sure the affiliates wouldn't mind getting an hour or two back in the AM.

    Maybe ditch the 9am hour and make Hoda & Jenna it's own show.  Megyn Kelly should have spelled the end of that timeslot.

    Hoda & Jenna's show can go as well. 

    On 8/26/2022 at 5:49 PM, NowBergen said:

    This worked so well last time.  Worse, many 10 pm shows are top rated shows.  Chicago Wednesdays and Law & Order Thursdays would become half days?  Bad idea.

    As others have been mentioning, my concern with the elimination of the 10/9c hour (which I support) is the dissolution of show blocks like Dick Wolf's dramas. A negative is that the successful One Chicago Wednesday and Law and Order Thursday blocks would be split up. A positive is that strong shows would be spread out over several nights rather than just two watchable nights on NBC.


    Plausible split compromise:


    Tue: Chicago Med and Law & Order

    Wed: Chicago Fire and Law & Order: SVU

    Thu: Chicago PD and Law & Order: Organized Crime


    CBS (if it cut 10 pm; placed in ways that don't compete with Wolf's NBC dramas).

    Sunday: FBI & (whatever else, East NY perhaps)

    Mon: FBI International & FBI Most Wanted

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    On 10/22/2022 at 11:04 AM, MidwestTV said:

    When was this used? Starting at 1:40.




    Not aware of this ever airing but they need to use this ASAP! NBC typically leads CBS, ABC, and Fox in terms of presentation and this is amazing. Shine, gloss, and no flatness!

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  7. Compared to other social media platforms I've found tik tok to be pretty cringe and mindless, with a few gems of substancial content here and there.


    There's no problem with news outlets putting their content on social media to engage younger viewers. The issue --having seen this from some news platforms-- is dumbing down the content to be "hip". Audiences can discern this. 


    The news anchors doing tik tok dances for example, comes off as contrived efforts to get young eyes more so than building personal connections with their audience. An oldschool pov perhaps, but I'd rather admire anchors for their work more so than getting into their personal lives, or seeing them do cringy social media trends. Not saying anchors can't be multi faceted. I can enjoy fun and news like the KTLA morning show or the Australian Today Show. Silly tik tok trends (in my view at least) is a little much.  


    So longs as the news product can keep its integrity while being on various platforms that attract younger audiences, there's no huge issue. 

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  8. In terms of copying CBS This Morning ( I can't get with the new title CBS mornings ) I wish GMA and Today would follow CTM's lead with better story choices instead of pop culture and tabloid level human interest pieces. Does this work for CNN? It remains to be seen. Do I have high hopes for this? No. BUT, whatever keeps them from talking about HIM for 18 hours is a step in the right direction.


    Possible antidote: hard news and non argumentative (preferably non-panel) analysis from a variety of subject matter.

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  9. On 10/18/2022 at 10:07 PM, FiveNews said:

    I agree. Watched a few episodes of Today in LA when Lynette took over. It seems like the Today in LA cast is trying to be more like KTLA- personality driven. It doesn't work with the cast currently constructed...comes across as a little fake. I hope they gel in the coming weeks and the growing pains can be worked out. 

    thought I was the only one that noticed that!

  10. On 10/10/2022 at 1:11 AM, IceManNYR said:

    The first episdoe of the new Showtime series "Let the Right One In" uses a simulated newscast from WCBS.

    reminds me of their earlier 2010s L3 which I like much better than the current ones. They were much cleaner and slicker. 

    On 10/18/2022 at 9:14 AM, nycnewsjunkie said:

    Long overdue IMO. Not that Dana wasn’t a good solo anchor, but Dick Brennan deserves the spot. This also helps on days when one of them is off; the other anchor can just do it solo instead of having the 5pm team fill in.

    Finally! Dick is a good anchor and he'll be solid with Dana. Agreed that she wasn't that strong of a solo anchor. Comparably, I'd say Chuck Scarborough on News 4 is a decent solo anchor but he's better with a co-anchor at 6 as well. 


    As someone mentioned earlier about a 4pm newscast, I hope WCBS doesn't do that and sticks with Judge Judy reruns. There's enough news as is on daytime tv and WCBS's product is already pretty generic (though I do like Lonnie, Maurice and Kristine as a team). 

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  11. On 9/14/2022 at 7:28 AM, NowBergen said:

    Really?  This looks like a tiny virtual set up for now.  I have no problem IMO with how 3K looks, however, at this point they will not be making changes (including the desk which is what most don't like) since they will be moving to half of 3B sometime next year.  I suspect some of what WMAQ just did will filter into both the WNBC and Telemundo 47 sets that are relocating to 3B.

    Why exactly did News 4 move from 3C to 3K?

  12. On 10/13/2022 at 8:54 PM, Manny NYC said:

    They aren't totally right wing, it is a NYC station after all, but every once in awhile they have their GM go on air to complain about ranked choice voting.


    On 10/13/2022 at 3:42 PM, Gavin M. said:

    Why would PIX carry it? Maybe Nexstar will start a Cut-in or news service for affiliates where they provide special reports for affiliates kinda like FOX does. Why would FOX 5 carry it either. FOX 5 kinda has a right-wing scant to it. Some of the stories and questions they have sound right-wing.

    Aside from a few opnionated undertones from Greg --when he was there -- and Rosanna, WNYW's Fox 5 local news itself isn't right wing. Their GM even gave an editorial stating that a moderate democrat should be the next mayor.


    Fox the tv network's show line up isn't that conservative either with the exception of "24" perhaps. The only conservative thing about broadcast Fox is anything produced by the Fox News cable channel.


    As I've said before there's a really weird branding situation at that network. Once the layman viewer sees Fox they automatically think conservative even though it built a name for itself off non-traditional shows like Married with Children, 90210, Family Guy and The Simpsons.

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  13. On 10/11/2022 at 12:34 AM, TVNewsLover said:

    I actually found The Talk and The Real both to be too “fake”. The View has never been afraid to have differing views. Just seems like the other two’s hosts were going out of their way to agree with each other and not talk about real hot topics. 

    I liked The View up until Star and Meredith's departures. The older View had a better balance of political and light topical subject matter. Now it's just arguing.


    Not to venture into poltics or too far away from The Talk, it seems like ABC knowingly hires an ultra controversial right wing panelist that will obviously lead to bickering to fuel ratings (Megan & Elizabeth). It became toxic after a while.


    Even though it did seem fake that the hosts on The Talk and sometimes The Real did go out of their way to agree with each other, they came off as much more positive shows contrasting the argumentative nature of The View.

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  14. On 10/8/2022 at 3:00 PM, Daybreak said:

    Could this also signal the end of CBS The Talk? It’s been a couple of speculations that the show is trash and heading towards cancellation …even Andy Cohen (whose late night talk show is also on its last leg) had cohost Jerry O’Connell saying that Jerry is pulling the most weight and carrying The Talk. 

    Yes! For a few years The Talk was more palatable than the ultra political The View, but in recent years -- especially since the original cast departures -- the show is a mess. It's a corporate feeling CBS promotional panel show with the same unoriginal PC opinions as everything else. They tried to make it different from The View with unisex hosts as of late, but it still doesn't work. As much as I like Jerry O'Connell he comes off as way too animated and over the top.

    On 10/9/2022 at 3:36 PM, MorningNews said:

    Has never seemed to hurt The View. I just think The Talk isn’t original or strong in any kind of captivating way. At least The Real was targeting a different demographic.

    I found The Real to be the better of the three because it really felt like a younger/fresher show based off of its hosts, and it's less political more interpersonal social drama related topics like dating. It sucks that The Real went off the air before The Talk.

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  15. Overall, I see why Mester's was a bad move from a career standpoint. A company like KTLA's first priority is to make money and keep talent in line, understood. BUT... on a human level, (not saying his was the best way to handle it) it's nice that Mester stood up for his friend Romero like that. 


    We can debate what is owed and what isn't, but after working at the station for that long they could've let her give a proper goodbye to the viewers. From a viewer stand point, to have a familiar face suddenly gone after 20 years then a different anchor reads a corperate message saying "she's no longer with us thanks and good bye" is just abrupt.


    Look at how NBC handled Katie Couric leaving for CBS: a nice send off and a thank you. Just that simple.


    Again I commend him for standing up for his co woker in this here-today-gone-tomorrow corperate (and general) working culture. At this point, Mester needs to tread carefully before he gets black balled in the industry.

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