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Posts posted by MediaZone4K

  1. On 12/1/2022 at 5:52 PM, Vlad said:


    I think KABC's package is cleaner and I have always preferred their package better. I wish WABC adopted it but it seems all the west coast flagships adopted it. (KFSN and KGO adopted variations on these graphics as well).


    Is it the same company that designed WABC's current look or is it different?


    The Giant Octopus package they had (2012 to late 2016) will always be their best look in my opinion.




    Agreed that that west coast ABC's look far better. 


    Their late 00s package was the cleanest to me:


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  2. On 11/28/2022 at 5:52 PM, TexasTVNews said:

    I don't like the changes on KCBS & KCAL not one bit. The expansion, I'm alright with it (if the ratings are good). But KCAL CBS News Los Angeles... NO WAY! I wish the CBS (Television) News & Stations leaves the names as it is like CBS 2 News and KCAL 9 News. I would be alright for CBS 2 Morning News and KCAL 9 Morning News as well.

    It's too much of a mouthful. CBS News New York NOW on WLNY etc..


    CBS News comes off as clueless at this point. They don't seem to get that their news product is generic, and that streamlining everything into that same generic format just adds to the problem.  CBS O&O's local newscasts have no personality or originality. They reek of corporate blandness.


    Channel numbers are becoming less relevant, but I wouldn't say they should be dropped from branding all together. 


    On 11/30/2022 at 6:24 PM, qunewsguy said:

    Likely because all of the local talent they hired has zero name recognition in the market?

    This! New talent has to get a chance, but just reporting the news isn't enough. There has to be some personality and flair to it , which a lot of the newer talent lacks. People can get their news from anywhere. You as a station have to give them a reason to come to you (within the boundaries of good journalism of course).

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  3. 2 hours ago, Briella said:

    Some tea on the subject: Amy Robach cheated on her 1st husband with her current husband only to now cheat on him with TJ Holmes?! & to top it off they were caught by a PI hired by TJ’s wife who is an ATTORNEY

    Hopefully there's prenups involved for both their sakes. If that would do any good.

  4. On 11/30/2022 at 2:45 PM, Daybreak said:

    Daily Mail is reporting  Amy and TJ Holmes are romantically involved. 

    Entertainment Tonight is reporting the same thing

    On 11/30/2022 at 6:51 PM, tvtime07 said:

    What are all your thoughts on Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough? 

    Was thinking the same.  Honestly, both of them came out pretty well and the show is going on with an extra hour added at that. The ET report made the comparison as well.

    On 11/30/2022 at 7:26 PM, wabceyewitness said:

    Why is this even a thing? And why is anyone even questioning their “future” on GMA or how ABC will handle it?


    Two married adults fell for each other, separated from their respective spouses and have begun a new relationship together. It is sad that two marriages are ending but that is a normal part of life. 

    Maybe they’ll address it on air or issue a statement when they’re ready… but who cares? 


    Agreed. You often see coworkers more hours a day than family, so it's natural that as human beings feelings develop. Extra marital affairs are wrong, but it's not the public's business. Audiences should be focused on TJ and Amy's work as journalists, not seeking personal narratives. (TO BE FAIR one could argue that journalists hunt  personal narratives in other peoples lives, but want to privacy when it comes to their own).


    Morality clauses can be an overarch. Cheating on your spouse shouldn't affect your job unless you're in a position like a religious institution or something of that nature. Where does the line begin and end for how much work can dictate your personal life? It can be tricky.

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  5. 22 hours ago, MorningNews said:

    I strongly disagree. WABC’s on-air look is awful - very disjointed and clunky although the color scheme isn’t terrible. I remember being shocked when I learned here that the package wasn’t built in-house.

    Their graphics package and set are arguably the worst in the market to me. 

    Totally agree. WABC would be even stronger with a cleaner on air look. WCBS, WNJU and maybe WNYW aside, the remainder of the market's sets aren't that great. 

  6. 9 hours ago, newsteam13 said:

    When BREAKING NEWS was meaningful and meant something...where the world changes forever. It broke into regular programming. It made the world stand still. Made you drop what you were doing and pay attention. Shocked the sh--t out of you.


    JFK assassination in 1963 was one of those Breaking News stories where the world changed forever, along with several others: 1986 Challenger Explosion, Sept 11 attacks on World Trade Center in 2001, near assassination of President Reagan in March 1981.

    Agreed. CBS News Sunday morning actually used the JFK assassination in a report to display the overuse of breaking news versus actual breaking news.

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  7. As the World Turns & CBS News on that day in Dallas, 59 years ago today

    In eerily similar fashion, President Reagan's shooting would interrupt ATWT 18 years later. Cant find the video of this anymore.


    ABC News coverage isnt really talked about but here is their summation of events:


  8. Really loving the high celing penthouse window grid look of the monitors behind the main anchor desk. The set is nice and spacious.


    SB: even though we're in the video wall era, I do like when stations incorporate layered physical set details, and blend themwith the video walls to add the flexibility.

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  9. World News Now turns 30! Never really watched the program because I was always well..asleep. Cool to see some of the anchors that have passed though there. Loved how they filmed from the newsroom and how the desk setup placed the talent sitting across from each other. Very NBC News Overnight.


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  10. CBS not supisingly is airing Colbert undoubtebly because of his heavy focus on politics. ABC is airing Jimmy Kimmel with election results at the bottom of the screen, most likely for the same reason. NBC is sticking with news coverage lead by Lester and Savannah. No midterm coverage on broadcast Fox. Never too sure when the regular Fox feels the need to interrupt programming for major news events or not.

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  11. 2 hours ago, MorningNews said:

    It’s really a shame that George Stephanopoulos isn’t part of ABC’s political coverage anymore. He’s easily the network’s strongest, most experienced and connected political anchor.

    Exactly! Even if Stephanopoulos doesn't have the lead anchor position, he'd still be useful either as David's co-anchor (Like Savannah is to Lester on NBC), or at least as an analyst.


    NBC News's election studio set up has really gone flat.

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    On 9/26/2022 at 8:55 PM, Tyler said:

    I would argue that an evening news program is best suited in DC versus NYC.


    On 9/26/2022 at 10:27 PM, mrschimpf said:

    Not to derail, but I always though the true World News Tonight format of London/New York/Washington/Chicago was perfect, though it didn't really account well for the West Coast just because of satellites at the time, and then when everyone shifted to New York, East Coast Bias became too overwhelming. Then CNN bailed out of Atlanta (itself a developing city) once TW bought it, and lost its way to become another ECB outpost. DC is just way overcovered as it is.


    Like the "TOM" problem of Canadian news where everything along the 401/A20 is over-covered to death and establishing a Vancouver evening news presence just hasn't worked, I'd love to see a true Western Edition, from Los Angeles. Maybe we'll get that this decade; they already have begun to air the Eastern feed live, so that seems like the next natural step.

    Not to derail x2, but how did NYC come to be the center of national broadcast news?

  13. Hope this is true. Sibila was pretty good and would be a welcome re-addition to the evenings rather than the over reliance on David and Natalie. I'd like to see her with adam at 5 and maybe Chuck at 7:00pm. 

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  14. 7 hours ago, MD TV said:

    It's been cancelled:



    I don't think Shepard Smith was right for CNBC. He would've been better off in Brian William's role as host of the 11th hour, and chief breaking news correspondent over on MSNBC.


     If Shepard Smith is staying at NBC, I think he'd be solid as primary substitute for Lester on Nightly News and co-host of major news events and politicslike Savannah Gutherie does. I would like to see Shepherd become host of the CBS Evening News or even take over NNN if Lester were to leave in the near future.

    6 hours ago, mre29 said:


    Here's an idea for CNBC: Simulcast CNBC World.


    Yes! CNBC has nothing to do in the overnight, so why not just show their world business programming. I'm glad CNN similcasts CNN I overnight. 


    Hopefully something akin to Nightly Business Report can take over the slot.

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  15. On 11/2/2022 at 7:35 AM, MorningNews said:

    And really I bet that was more Lori’s request. Wasn’t she aiming for an evening spot at channel 7?

    Was there an opening for her though? Stokes left before Diana Williams retired, which would've been the only evening vacancy. 

  16. 18 hours ago, MorningNews said:

    Wasn’t American Morning’s slogan “the most news in the morning”? Seems akin to their promise to provide all the news needed in 10-15 minutes.

    Not limited to CNN but when Today and GMA rush through stories in the first half hour it leaves the rest of the broadcast with fluff or repetition. Not to mention the exagurated urgency and ADHD level pacing of trying to fit stories into a minute or so. 

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