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Fire At WABC-TV Destroys The Eyewitness News Studio


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WABC just reported that Regis and Kelly will be live at 9am in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire studio for the time being. The show will have a new look(set) but, the show will go on as planed.

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It does have really great skyline views though.


This is the first time i've ever seen the skyline picture in the interview area, it looks nice, why didn't use this one for the backdrop for the studio instead of the faded one that was damaged?


I think that was the intention to have the glass or plexiglass diffuse the look of the skyline behind them:


I bet if you removed the glass it would be very clear.


Hmm, I believe that night was the very very late broadcast that was first aired in High Definition. Great Shot of the set before it was heavilly damaged, lol.

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WNBC used one of the CNBC sets in the old CNBC (now Telemundo) building in Ft. Lee when the fire occurred in 30 Rock. It took several days to move back. TINY and Live at 5 were done from the Plaza the day of the fire. Doesn't ABC/ESPN have a studio in the ESPNZone in Times Square? If the Times Square GMA studio is too busy (plus its rented by ABC, not owned thus the cost impact) why not use the ESPN studio. Today's technology should allow it and it would be better than that squeezed look they currently are using.

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I just called WABC myself to see what was going on, I got an answer saying "They Are Working On It".




lesson number one NEVER call a station if something is visibly not right, i dont care how much you want to know what is going on, dont call, they will tell you about it later, but if the screen is black when they are supposed to be on the air, they have better things to do than talk to people asking, "whats going on". and i guarentee you there were TONS of people calling when they really didnt have the time to answer the phones. coming from someone who works in a newsroom, unless you have a legitimate newstip, dont call.

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After seeing Sandra reporting in the studio at 6 it looks like they got a lot of work done. They took the whole set down except for the interview set and some other parts. The news dek looked normal. They did say that they will try to be back together very soon and it looks like they might be back downstairs earlier than we all anticipated.


Because of this fire I think we will see the new set much earlier.

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I just called WABC myself to see what was going on, I got an answer saying "They Are Working On It".




lesson number one NEVER call a station if something is visibly not right, i dont care how much you want to know what is going on, dont call, they will tell you about it later, but if the screen is black when they are supposed to be on the air, they have better things to do than talk to people asking, "whats going on". and i guarentee you there were TONS of people calling when they really didnt have the time to answer the phones. coming from someone who works in a newsroom, unless you have a legitimate newstip, dont call.


Lesson learned, lol. Again I guess since its the first time most of us have probably experienced a station being off the air, it was the reason why I called. When I called though, I wasn't really sure what had happened so I called to ask them if they were having technical difficulties. And the person I spoke to was a WABC-TV Operator whom was probably in another building that was not required to evacuate, so I don't think it was the actual newsroom that I called, since the newsroom was evacuated anyway. But again since it is really the first time I've seen this, my first instinct was to call them.

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I just called WABC myself to see what was going on, I got an answer saying "They Are Working On It".




lesson number one NEVER call a station if something is visibly not right, i dont care how much you want to know what is going on, dont call, they will tell you about it later, but if the screen is black when they are supposed to be on the air, they have better things to do than talk to people asking, "whats going on". and i guarentee you there were TONS of people calling when they really didnt have the time to answer the phones. coming from someone who works in a newsroom, unless you have a legitimate newstip, dont call.


Agreed. Shouldn't the person have called their cable provider first?

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Well now that WABC has suffered extensive damage to their set they might want to try to do something with the current fire extinguishing system that they have and perhaps replace it with something like this. That could definitely protect their future studio and set. Even if its not the whole building they could probably install it just in that first level.



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Something I was waiting for as well was- What are they going to do when they give a 6PM News Preview during the news at 5. I thought they might just talk about what was coming up but instead, Bill Ritter gave that preview from the Sports Department and Bill, Sade, and Diana were joking about how many Tv's Scott Clark has down there with every game on every screen.


I didnt watch 6PM so I don't know how they did sports but I'm sure they did it from the Sports Department if they already had a camera down there.


7 On Your Side & 7 On Call was taped.

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I didnt watch 6PM so I don't know how they did sports but I'm sure they did it from the Sports Department if they already had a camera down there.



They did. They did sports from the Sports Department and a live shot (I don't remember where, I had it on but no audio, I wasn't paying much attention). And I hav to say, the shot from the Sports Department wasn't half bad. Maybe not a tranditional shot for our market but in general, it wasn't a horrible shot. I wonder if anything new will come out of this. For example, sports teasers or something from the sports department.

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I didnt watch 6PM so I don't know how they did sports but I'm sure they did it from the Sports Department if they already had a camera down there.



They did. They did sports from the Sports Department and a live shot (I don't remember where, I had it on but no audio, I wasn't paying much attention). And I hav to say, the shot from the Sports Department wasn't half bad. Maybe not a tranditional shot for our market but in general, it wasn't a horrible shot. I wonder if anything new will come out of this. For example, sports teasers or something from the sports department.


Marvell Scott was in Scranton/Wilkes-Barre covering Roger Clemens' AAA start.

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KGTV abc 10 here in San Diego, had the story. Is the light still the cause of the fire, because I thought it was an electrical box. Anyways KGTV reported it was a light that caused the EWN set to catch on fire.

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KGTV abc 10 here in San Diego, had the story. Is the light still the cause of the fire, because I thought it was an electrical box. Anyways KGTV reported it was a light that caused the EWN set to catch on fire.


It looks like they are now leaning towards the electrical box, because all the light bulbs are said to be intact.

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The Studio is now officially declared destroyed. And after viewing Sandra's report just recently it is definitely indeed destroyed. The studio is waterlogged, flooded, I mean the wires are all damaged. Many components in that studio will have to be replaced. The only thing that pretty much remains is the Green Screen, The HD Cameras which miraculously survived the water from the sprinklers, and the news desk. All the decor lightning looks to be destroyed. The backdrop is gone and in the dumpster, lol. The wall which separates the two studios is gone. So yeah might as well just say that brand new little set that WABC had for a little more than 2 years it seems (January 2005 - May 2007) is pretty much destroyed. Now three questions come to my mind on what happens next.


1. Will they rebuild that same set again?


2. Will they completely gut Studio 7 and fully rebuild the massive 3 set studio in which we were all speculating about? And move Regis and Kelly to another studio?


3. Will they establish a temporary set somewhere else while the new massive set is being built? All of this is still questionable.


The newscast is pretty much back to normal at this point. The bumpers work fine, the music no longer cuts off like it did this morning, Accu-Weather Forecasts are shown nicely. And the newsroom actually doesn't look too bad. Although it is very cramped, it would be pretty cool if they could somehow build a small set in there. There of course cannot be any OTS (Over The Shoulders) as that is no longer possible. So again we'll have to wait in the coming weeks to see what will happen. They've handled the situation pretty well.


And its really amazing how this story made National News. I can't really stress this enough but, It really shows how everyone in this news business works together although they are competitors, they are all in the same business and are in it together regardless of how good one is than the other, all the resources are pooled in together from other news agencies. There is really no enemies or rivalries here although it seems like it, its really overall a friendly environment. They are all colleagues no matter what.


I wish WABC-TV well with their recovery, they will need it, they really did a great job overall of quickly restoring the newscast, shows how they have the strength of a true New Yorker. I don't know about the other cities in this country, but one thing I know for sure is that New Yorkers are a strong bunch of people, lol. And we really definitely recover fast no matter what hits.


WABC will once again soon be glorious just like their co-stations WCBS and WNBC, WCBS I should add has really improved significantly over the days. I really like the way they are now and they have really improved. WNBC is keeping it the way it should be with their amazing presentation so their ratings are down a bit but they'll get back up again I'm sure of it so good job to WCBS and WNBC.


If you are just reading this very long thread and haven't really seen the pictures or videos of the coverage, click on the links below:



Eyewitness News Reports from Lisa Colagrossi and Ken Rosato on Eyewitness News at 5AM



Pictures of the Destroyed Studio



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On today's Regis & Kelly, they showed why they are in the "Millionaire" studio and gave little studio tour of the damage at their regular studios....the camera moved from the Regis set, behind the city backdrop and past the divider to the Eyewitness News part of the studio that was heavily damaged. It was very cool to get a behind the scenes glimpse of the studio like that.

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The studio was NOT destroyed or anything like that. The damage is really not as bad as it is being made out to be.


Today on Regis and Kelly, they said they (Regis and Kelly) would be back in their studio within a week.


Other than the wall on that one corner of the studio, the damage was mainly water and smoke. Almost every inch of the sets have to get cleaned to get rid of the smoke dust and smell. The studio and sets have to get completely dried out too to prevent mold growth. The carpets on both sets just need some Stanley Steamer.


Don't count on Eyewitness News having a new set. Their set was not destroyed. As for the set itself, some lights and electrical wiring behind the wall of the set have to be replaced and a new backdrop will have to be made. There may be some burn/scortch marks on the back of the backdrop wall but the TV viewers won't be able to see them so that's ok.


I think it's only a matter of a few weeks, not months, before Eyewitness News is back in their set. Some new construction to the wall of the studio itself will take no time at all. I've seen studios/sets damaged much worse and back up and running (on the same set too) in no time at all.

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It looks like they put Regis and Kelly in front of a projection of their old studio. They tried to recreate the same look with the desk and everything. Not bad.


Does anyone have some screen shots. I'm curious to know what Live looked like today. When you say projection - - like a green screen?

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Does anyone have some screen shots. I'm curious to know what Live looked like today. When you say projection - - like a green screen?


Looked more like just a picture behind them on plastic maybe? They covered a bit of the floor, but you could still see many portions of the infamous Millionare set (complete with the nice lit floor and round shape). Nice to see at least Regis getting to host some shows from the same set that he got his big primetime break on!

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