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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/16 in all areas

  1. Here is some very rare WCBD from 1980. One teaser starting at 5:18, then at 7:07, a promo for former weatherman Specs Munzell, then another teaser featuring both of their news anchors at time.
    2 points
  2. I just noticed that the backdrop at WISN still has a duratrans with the logo with the Bank Gothic text below it, *long* after the station and the company stopped using it anywhere else. Is their disinterest in swapping out something so relatively inexpensive as the duratrans just them being cheap... or a sign that they might actually be planning a remodel sooner rather than later?
    2 points
  3. They started the season with eight ladies. Two are out the door and one might not be far behind, which leaves five. The 5 that would remain strike me as a more solid team than in recent seasons, one that could last for a decent stretch of time with little turnover...if they're given a chance to gel more.
    2 points
  4. Why should they? ABC is still making boatloads of money from the show, and the ratings have gone up- mostly during the election, but then again The View's ratings gains have always been cyclical. And, FYI, this is exactly what the suits at ABC wanted. 8 co-hosts was too much, but in order to have that continuity/familiarity, they kept everyone around with the hopes that some of them would get other projects and leave on their own. Again, this was the plan all along... Now that Raven, and Candace are leaving and Paula down to 3-4 appearances per month, they're at 5 permanent co-hosts--and they actually work pretty well together. I'd also venture that they could keep the show going long after Whoopi leaves. Maybe they could entice Meredith to come back... A few million a year might peak her interest.
    2 points
  5. Dhomonique Ricks is leaving WEWS according to her FB page. Not known where she is heading as of now.
    1 point
  6. By the fall of 1993, KREM had finally ditched the Palmer package: And this 1993 WBAL open is an unholy matchup of some KPRC-esque things, the CBS news graphics of the period etc... No presentation, but how did this WCBI logo survive into the 90s??? And KENS in 1998:
    1 point
  7. Yup. I mentioned those a few weeks back. So far they've been limited to KXTV but the color palletes matches the new "sliding box" background I've seen on other TEGNA stations.
    1 point
  8. Paula has already been cut down to once a week- if that. Also, you can tell who's going to be at the desk the next day during the previous days promos. So, it looks like Sunny and Paula will be on tomorrow. Edit: I should add that now that Paula has had her appearances reduced, when she is on, she's made it a point to be extra annoying/contrarian. I keep hoping for Whoopi to cut her to shreds, but surprisingly, she's holding herself back.
    1 point
  9. Yes, but they haven't shown the talent open for almost 2 years, nor made new ones for any of the new or timeshifted talent.
    1 point
  10. Good. Once Sunny and Jenadiah came on, there was no need for Raven and her. Now the next person they need to get rid of/leave is Paula.
    1 point
  11. I kinda feel like this was only a matter of time. We'll see if it was a smart move for CBS46. Regardless, I'm glad to see her trying to make a comeback. I hope it all works out for the best.
    1 point
  12. How about ditching the entire anchorman concept all together in favor of a "presenter" type of presentation. That will save about 10mil or more a year right off the top....and millions more in the following years. Rotating "News Readers" ...just like Europe.
    1 point
  13. Amanda Davis and Paul Ossman, together again? Exactly what CBS 46 needs to fight off the newbies on Good Day Atlanta!
    1 point
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