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Everything posted by 24994J

  1. Not quite. That Cristina Alexander was on on Saturday night, and Anthony was back, in for Ryan Field, on Sunday.
  2. Phil Schwarz's first/main farewell was tonight, though he'll be hanging around til Wednesday. Expect him to forecast at 7pm, on at least one of these 3 nights. https://abc7chicago.com/when-is-phil-schwarz-retiring-abc-7-chicago-retirement-abc7/12886259/
  3. I'm not doing a screenshot, but the Cubs' Marquee is continuing with last year's scoreboard, with the clock alternating with the pitch count on the tab with the pitcher's name. Nice and simple.
  4. Oh good, now a certain user here can stop posting thrice-weekly threads asking if a new set is coming soon. Those will be replaced with thrice-weekly requests for progress updates.
  5. If you want to get technical about it, Greg handed off his clicker to Jaisol ahead of the full 9am forecast so you could make the case that his last day on the show was her official first. He was a lame duck, a man without a show, for the final 15 minutes. He'll be doing GMA next weekend, so that's why they bid farewell today.
  6. I respect the hell out of your opinions and insight, but that's not fair, and you know it. The average observer sees new mic flags, new graphics, and hell, even new jackets, caps, etc. That looks "permanent" enough, no? It's not the duty of said observer to prove that the station will pivot again, so soon. To me, phasing out KCAL in 2023 would be silly, and lasting into 2025 would have made this a permanent change, in my view, as it will have lasted way longer than less significant/more "permanent" rebrands. Let's see what happens in 2024, at the earliest.
  7. This thread went insanely off the rails today, but honestly, THIS is likely the only real reason reason. Could it set them up for other coverage opportunities down the road (figuratively AND literally)? Sure. Is it a simpler, more straight-forward branding route than Dallas-Ft. Worth or DFW? Absolutely. Really, this doesn't feel much deeper than wanting to be a singular, instantly-identifiable source for news in TEXAS.
  8. IF that is a leak, it's...not as bad as I expected. Feels about the same size as the outgoing model, unless it is full-width, which means it would take up the bottom quarter of the screen...which I guess isn't an impossibility.
  9. Jesus. I swear, some people here just say things with no intention of learning from what other have to say/already said.
  10. Unlike the good old days, when they didn't care about money.
  11. Independent based on what??? Where/why are you getting the impression that WDIV is in a bad place with NBC? People are leaving stations all over the country, in droves. Yes, some operations are getting hit harder than others, but this is a problem for the whole industry.
  12. 24994J


    Please. Don't. Do. That.
  13. Honestly, I think it's totally reasonable to think that CBS might take affiliations in-house, if/when they dump the CW from any or all of the stations in this discussion. However, some here are relying way too much on certain factors to support or reject the idea, to the point where the same points just keep circling around. So, until we know for sure what CBS plans to do with their CW stations (beyond the initial FTVLive posting that I first brought to everyone's attention), how about we put this topic on the back burner? Agreed? Good. (Besides, there's a speculation thread already dedicated to this, so THIS thread wouldn't be clogged up with hypotheticals.)
  14. Deanno is on from 7am. That was his spot, as announced several weeks ago, pre-show launch. They're not going from a bunch of placeholders to another placeholder.
  15. 24994J

    In Memoriam

    Jack Taylor, the face of WGN News in the 1970's, died this weekend, age 94.
  16. Before John Drury helped usher in the modern news department, the face of WGN News was Jack Taylor. We perhaps know him best from old broadcasts of the classic Night Beat. He passed away this weekend at 94, only retiring from any and all media work in the last few years. Obituary, from earlier tonight: Night Beat, 9/10/79:
  18. Before DeMarco & Rhiannon, remember the first week of the suspension was hosted by Stephanie Ramos and Gio Benitez. I feel like either of them might be in the mix, as well.
  19. My apologies for not fully explaining myself. That said, I'm not sure what you could've got from my statement that's any more nefarious than another user suggesting that an 80YO might not provide stability...which is exactly what I meant. Let's face it, a person at such an age has a far greater likelihood of suddenly becoming "unavailable" to host the program than almost any other candidate being considered. If that makes any of us ageist for suggesting that, then so be it. As for calling it an uncited rumor, the poster that brought it up didn't include any article suggesting Behar's aspirations. It's not anyone else's job to go hunting for such a headline to back up someone else's post, which at first glance, sounds kind of crazy. The user should've linked to it. The notion of Joy, with zero legitimate news experience, whose political leanings have been on display for decades, moving to anchor a news program, is more than a little out there. If Gibson (almost 80) or Sawyer (77) announced they were returning to everyday GMA, I'd raise an eyebrow. If a politically-charged comedian (Oliver? Stewart? That type) announced their desire to get into straight news, I'd raise the other eyebrow. It's the combination of her age, paired with her lacking credentials, that makes this a bizarre idea that the network shouldn't even give a second thought to.
  20. No, @mountainave was saying that they've had a steady, single team filling in for weeks, and NOT the revolving door that you stated you don't want, that they're already NOT doing.
  21. There are many directions the network could go with the GMA3 slot, with merely an official host change naturally being the most likely. Let's keep the speculation to a minimum. An uncited rumor about an 80-year-old comedian moving to that hour is not necessary to post. Legitimate publications only, please.
  22. Maybe. Probably. We'll find out soon enough.
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