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Everything posted by MorningNews

  1. I was surprised to see Mike at 11pm after seeing him with Shirleen this morning. Liz came off the 11pm news a decade or so ago and rarely, if ever, appears on the late news. Most times she’ll fill in at 5pm and I’ve seen her fill in at noon but never 11pm. I wonder when we’ll learn a decision on the morning anchor as Mike and Shirleen are really good together and he’s not been on weekends since Ken left.
  2. I’ve never seen WABC start the 11pm news early before tonight. The newscast started at 10:59.
  3. Hmm I can’t dispute that but I’ve never seen it which promoted me to ask here a few months ago and it was mentioned that she doesn’t like being solo. Bill will often anchor solo but most nights when Bill can’t be in place for 11pm despite being there for 5 and 6, they’ve brought in David or Mark. Just a curious observation.
  4. Seemingly rare occurrence tonight of Sade anchoring solo at 11pm. I know it’s been shared here that she doesn’t like anchoring solo and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her do it before tonight.
  5. CBS is a corporation after all. I’m not bothered by this in the slightest, it’s a weekend morning show. It would be interesting were one of the flagship network broadcast doing this but even still I’d not be overly concerned. Actually weren’t NBC and ABC leveraging sponsors to skip their usual ad breaks on the nightly broadcasts for a bit?
  6. I could see WABC doing a full launch at once. The weather graphics would be extremely out of place with what they have currently so I don’t see them doing a slow roll.
  7. I think it’s all of the ABC O&O streaming apps. KTRK is my childhood station, I don’t hate the updated typeface in that image. But I’m nervous about them having any level on liberty with this graphic package. Their current package was top notch when it launched and has been ruined, similarly to the studio and everything else about the station generally.
  8. Overall I’m excited for this package but the opener and music are very busy.
  9. I’d love for Jim Rosenfield to join NYC airwaves again.
  10. I understand exactly what you mean. Even though I prefer ABC News programming more, I’ve always found NBC to be the most positively disruptive and groundbreaking of the big 3. When they make decisions about their programming it tends to catch on across media.
  11. Former WGN anchor Tom Negovan filing reports for WABC this morning. Last I checked he was with NewsNation. Anyone heard an official update on him?
  12. There’s some clarity but then not really. Why Erica Simon and not one of the 4 anchors you already have in the afternoon block? Melanie, Elissa, Mayra and Briana are all right there and instead you’re bringing in a 5th anchor. I’m not understanding management at KTRK. The weekend evenings slots are the only ones that make sense, everything else from mornings to night are in chaos. Travis is advertised as part of the 10pm team but it’s anyone guess what they’re doing up there these days. Nearly every time I’ve been home to see 13 there’s an anchor / weather person out of place and on another newscast than the one they’re formally assigned.
  13. That isn’t a bad idea but channel 7 is such a traditional station in every sense that I can’t see them experimenting with their wildly popular morning program. Especially when they have a deep and talented bench ready to go.
  14. KTRK’s anchor line up is ridiculously chaotic and all over the place. Erica Simon is moving to 10pm M-F but Gina and Erik don’t seem to be moving off the 10pm show.
  15. This is getting ridiculous. I’ve not once seen this discourse around Shirleen in the decade she’s been at WABC yet suddenly everyone’s had a negative opinion of her just days after we learned she was called an offensive term. FWIW, Ken and Shirleen seemed to have a great on and off air relationship. I never got a sense that she was cold to him or vice versa.
  16. Mike Marza hopefully. Michelle has been around for a long time but she’s easily the station’s least strongest anchor (trying to be kind).
  17. I have to imagine that whatever he said warranted WABC’s decision. Were it not, they likely wouldn’t have moved this quick to remove a key part of their highly successful morning show.
  18. This is fair. I was thinking more in the sense that none of the morning departures of recent memory have been as amicable as Diana Williams, Bill Beutel’s and other departures. Granted those were retirements vs defections.
  19. The morning slot has seen the most overturn of any timeslots at channel 7, which actually speaks to the station’s strengths. Steve, Lori, Bill and now Ken have each left the morning show a bit unceremoniously.
  20. I’m 99% confident it’s Ken Rosato. Michelle and Mike have been on the morning show with Shirleen this week with no mention of filling in (which they’re typically pedantic about) and the talent opens have been scraped from 4:30, 5,5:30,6am blocks. Thought that was weird but didn’t think twice about it. Wonder what the story to this is.
  21. I like these moves a lot. Eva and Demarco have been great on GMA3 and Gio works really well with Whit and Janai. ABC got this right.
  22. CNN deserves to continue failing miserably. They've been on this re-identification thing for 10+ years now and not once have they considered going back to what made them a household name.
  23. Also, WABC does weird pairings from time to time based on anchor availability for any given reason. I’ve seen days where Shirleen wasn’t on the morning news but anchored noon because of an appointment or speaking engagement. I’ve also seen instances where Bill was off the early evenings for an event but anchored the 11pm.
  24. They’ve done it the last several years with Becky Quick serving as the moderator of the meeting.
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